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  • On the village of withdrawing all my work

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Sep 7, 2010.

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    1. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      One of the whole reasons I left this community and keep stuff private now. When I first started with this bot I knew nothing about it, but I took the time to learn how it works, how the CCs Profiles and the rest of it worked, Even started off doing my own stuff, Why? Well it seems like the only reason to create your stuff on here is not for gratitude or to help people out, but just so they can sit there and bitch and moan cos there too damn lazy to do something themself, 99% of the problems with any nubs bot is the fact they were too damn lazy to read the fucking instructions that came with anything they downloaded.

      I know where your at FPS, my opinion is just remember you don't have to answer to NO ONE on this forum.
    2. bbj

      bbj New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      I've been here a very short time and i think i see the problem. When a new person joins up with GB/HB, they buy it. Then they download a public plugin or CC and to them, this is stuff they paid for. I think a lot of folks out there confuse the work private induviduals are dong in their private capacity, with that of a commerial product. I also think some of them are extremely rude and should really get laid, at least once, even if they gotta pay for it. There are also some of the old-hands that seem to have a stick up their arse.

      Ive been RTFM'ing and ive been collecting code samples ( its the way i learn ) and im almost at a point where i can start coding c# extensions........ Hope to have fun doing it...

    3. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      I think cc owners should be able to moderate their own threads. That makes sense.
    4. Pios

      Pios New Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      IMO its not about moderating your own thread.
    5. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If I was able to moderate my own thread this would reduce a lot of my frustration.

      EDIT: While this would not immediately resolve the user issue, I think people would quickly understand why their useless posts was deleted, and maybe the next time they post they may put a little more thought into it before posting.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
    6. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      FPS: I would recommend what I've done, and apply it to these forums. Anytime I go into the chat room (which is less and less frequent because of the issues you mention) I just straight up ignore someone who I can tell is an idiot. I would also recommend to the admins/mods here that they give power to individuals such as yourself, so that you can moderate your threads, to nuke any such behavior. I'd say it should go 1. Warn (via initial thread) 2. Delete offending threads 3. Temp Ban 4. Perma ban. That should stop a lot of the idiots from clogging up the forums. This issue is even moreso distressing because of people such as yourself are contemplating quitting over it, which is a direct blow to someone such as myself, so I take it even more seriously than I have previously. I don't see why there can't be more mods/admins on these forums, especially since it's such a prevalent problem. I'd say let's get the mods/admin involved, grant guys such as yourself a bit more power (even if it is over threads you start yourself), and let you guys police your own threads.
    7. blacklisted

      blacklisted New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Im a sad panda :(
    8. gbriche

      gbriche New Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      I vote delete teh nub threads, or pay users for their hard work and contributions to CC's, profiles, and plugins.

      i know plugins are going to switch to paid when hb moves out of beta. Why not leet profiles or CC's too? I am sure these all take reciprocal time to create and fine-tune with the myriad of HB releases.

      I use your CC for a couple classes FPS and I appreciate your work. I know that several people who contribute to the forums feel exactly the same way. You put your time and effort into something for free to benefit the community and some asshat jumps on the thread blasting you for your work. I was thinking this exact thought when reading one of Panayamas reputation threads. I mean seriously I have wanted a wintersaber mount since vanilla wow and boom Pana writes a good profile and boom -2 days I have a mount. I could see him/her getting pissed off by the end of the thread because failbots kept riding him/her about something that needed blackspotted.

      Something has to change otherwise we will lose the valuable contributions that make this bot worthwhile.
    9. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ^^ This.

      Tony, et al. need to take notice and give these guys the support and the tools that they need to banish the lazy/dumb/etc. people and let's get this community back to where it needs to be: Positive, and appreciative of hard work.
    10. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      For me its not about being paid for my work, my CCs are FREE - donations are more than welcome. Its more about the people who come in here asking the same old qustions time after time without taking any time to read the information in the first couple of posts.

      As far as I'm aware the only paid plugins will only be provided by the official developemnt team.

      But yes, something needs to change, and very soon.
    11. Synik

      Synik Active Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      Whilst my contributions are in the form of profiles I can relate 100% to what you said in your first post Fpsware.

      There is an absolute massive influx of stupidity and laziness joining this community and something needs to be done to stamp it out before the community loses some very valued members.
      To further clarify this I ask people to take 30seconds to visit the Honorbuddy -> Alliance -> 58-70 profile section and look for mine, you will see post after post of people ignoring everything I spent time informing them about in the main post, as most will see this also came from Bossland himself which was a bit of a shock if I must say.

      My current plans are to take my main profiles down and move them to another site and sell them off as premium, after all I may as well get paid for my efforts if I am going to have to treat it like a job and inform the lazy people of their inability to follow simply instructions.

      Anyway, Fpsware... You have my full support with what ever steps you decide to take in the future.
    12. mctrix

      mctrix Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      best way to sort people who are annoying and ungrateful is ban them.

      Give the cc devs a power to either ban them or delete their posts and mute them in the cc channels.

      If the actual staff who are making money off peoples subscriptions think this is the wrong way to go then have a think about with out some of these good devs and cc's would they really have a good product

      better yet introduce paid products then the devs will actually make money out of this.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A while ago, this forum used to be a plesent place to be, it used to have good people with good, "can help" attitudes, now it has people with "can you help ME" attitudes. People hold out their hands and ask you to wipe their ass. They don't see the sign saying "here is the toilet paper, wipe your own ass".
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
    14. rooster71

      rooster71 Member

      May 6, 2010
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      Mate I hear you completely, I have run/moderated many forums etc over the years and you do get near to screaming/breaking point. (I did today and I appologise for hijacking another thread in what could have become a major firefight).

      I really appreciate what you and all the other coders/devs/cc & profile makers, with out any of us the masses would be fooked and actually have to read 5/6 pages of text to actually learn how to run the bot.

      Now I try to do my bit on the forums/chat to help people when I have 5 mins, but only once today was there thanks for it. Like you I will help out for as long as I can stand it, I do think we all get to a breaking point though.

      Perhaps forums can be set to can only post into this section once you have a post count of 25+ or something as that would stop a huge ammount of the 2 post count HELP NE NOW attitudes from filling threads full of BS. (I did this on another forum and instantly fixed the problem).

      Anyhoo please stay and please continue to offer your amazing CC's to this a very appreciative community member.
    15. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      Ive read the entire thread, and couldn't agree more with you FPS. Do what you think is necessary, i wouldn't ask the forum to help as there have been a few people already saying that your wrong, when its utter bull shit.

      They GB/HB forum needs more mods to help clean up these forums, and keep the retards out. It has been pointed out time and time again that they need another Moderator/Admin, but its always swept aside.
    16. Rexx99

      Rexx99 New Member

      Jun 21, 2010
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      Lol, so what is this thread about?

      ^ See what I did there?
    17. snoweey

      snoweey Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I can't speak for anyone but my self. I have been using hb since right out of beta and love the product. As I learns to use it and leveled my first toon to 80 I continually used your work to do so. I personally don't have the time to code my own cc's nor the knowledge so I rely on guys like you, and frankly I don't post enough to simply say thanks this works. And that's my fault.

      So from me and all the fellow botters like me who don't post but love your work
    18. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      FPS I would hate to see you go, however your frustration is also felt by many others including myself. What has prevented me from posting my personal use profiles is just what you are talking/writing about here. I learned from some of you in chat, pm's and the forums. I think part of the "community" problems is the forums. It's to hard to police them yet people need a place to post their problems and you end up with people posting about every little thing. Quite honestly everyone of the developers in this community should create their own website and just sell their profiles or cc's. I for one would buy if I really needed something. However, with a new job that you are training for that may not be helpful either and simply walking away would be the answer.

    19. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for your comments and appreciation. I don't have an issue with people not saying "thanks" - though it is always nice to see it - I can see how much people download my CCs (over 800 times in 1 week) and that in itself is thanks.

    20. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Well, I don't often post on here, but I will take the time to respond to this. FPSWare, I've used your CC's extensively and they are some of the best around. I can appreciate your situation. I run a business myself with some major projects under way and I have a 15-month old baby at home. I expect that you and the other dev's that graciously contribute to this site have lives outside of HB and you do what you can to support the products you've created. I agree a lot of crud is posted on these boards and you have to sift through a lot of it to find something useful. I know how to use the search feature and find what I need. If a problem has been reported, I'm not going to throw my 2 cents in and make an even bigger mess unless I have something valuable to contribute to the discussion. If more users would take the time to do the same instead of just spewing digital diarrhea through their keyboards and onto the forums and realize that a lot of us botters are botters because we have lives outside of WoW this would be a much more functional and cohesive community than where we are headed. Do what you must, I respect your decision, but know that as far as I am concerned you have made a major contribution to this site and I hope you continue to do so.
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