Okey, so listen to me now folks. I confirmed that it is not "cpu / procceses detection" issue. So we can cut that one out, I don't know why bliz is full of BS but from what I know it's a false alarm on PC scan. What I am speculating is that they got a system that analyses the zones you visit / herbs&ores that you pickup and generaly the things you do and for how long INTERVALS you do it. I am maybe wrong and it's only a guess atm but I am thinking about trying with a test account somewhere at the end of this week or the one after just to be on the safe side of instant ban after acc creation.
How is it possible that you can confirm this? Hearsay? A Dev told you? Anything you know that the avg botter doesn't know?
Wait, did you just reply to the other thread saying that patterns of behavior are too complicated to monitor, and then make a brand new post suggesting that you think they're monitoring patterns of behavior?
You were refering to "patters" as making accounts / similar or same uptimes and stuff like that. Or atleast that's what I thought you said. This is just whats on my mind atm. Edit: You were aiming at "patters" for number of accounts and such, I am aiming at player behavior patterns.
You could say a dev told me, but I am not able to reveal any more information. I will update this thread with my recent findings once I get more and do some tests.
Ok, no I guess what I more meant is that I would expect those people running lots of accounts to be fairly set in their routines. Level using X, then once they hit 90 only ever do Y, with little variation. So those folks would be more likely to be picked up by the sorts of checks you're talking about, than someone who bots casually, not only intermixing real playing, but also doing a wider variety of botting behaviours (farming mounts, pets, transmog gear, etc for personal use).
Yeah, well judging from the types of banned accs, I mean what they were doing at the time of ban, they mostly either used GB2, questing or DB. All long-term bots (Over 1-2 hours uptime) so I think that it's connected somehow with their analasys. I guess it's time for some new random crappy fly-around-in-all-directions profiles.
me and my brother had to try something to see how they ban ppl! i start farming non stop at Jade Forest following the exaclty path that bot was going to follow (i had mark it on the map)! after 5hours and 38mins my acc got banned with out any warnings or /w! when i tried to logon it was saying acc closure! i open a ticket and when the GM spoke to me he unbanned me and told me that it was looked botish! my brother done the same think but in questing! the same think happent to him after 8 hours non stop power lvling! same results after speaking to a GM! not suspencion or anything else! they gave our acc's back! next day we done the same thing but with bot! same results again! my acc got banned after 7 hours of farming (this time i even stoped for 5-10 mins after the first 5hours) with out any warnings or /w! brother got banned this time after 5 hours of non stop questing! tickets up acc's back! dont know what Blizz is doing but they cant track HB exclusivly! my milling PB bot is running nonstop everyday for the last 2 days now and nothing have hapent to him (non stop = 18-20hours)!
i'm 100% sure they have set a limit on the gathering matterials/play hours!!! this limit is getting lower i think over the last weeks... when i was trying to take one of my acc's back (16/04/13 ban wave) a GM told me "so for the last 2 days you was farmed THOUSAND of herbs in non stop farm?"! aparently they have invest (maybe always had?) to biger infos/log storage and can monitor all this data with simple search programs? then when they run the program it will ban all the acc's that will find to exceed that limit (this is the reason for instant perma bans)? when you appial a GM looking your acc and see what is going on they see what you have farm and from what the ban came and IF you play it good you can get back your acc (if its your first ban or not etc etc) or not! i cant find any other way to track us if they cant track HB! also from i have hear HB users are not the only one that got hit this 2 weeks!
They have new system and that is all. We are triggering script and get auto ban. Or they starting script to triggr us. They have this things before, but not that agressive like this. Since MOP I've always been concerned about plenty of nodes. They are follow patterns and that is it. What I know that is this is the end of endless farming if Blizzard countinue with this. Prices on AH gona be higher, we gona botting less for higher amount of gold and price of gold gona be higher.