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  • TuanHA Hunter - The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Mar 1, 2013.

    1. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank you, a better, faster trap function is testing and I hope it will be ready in a few hours.
      That the technical difficulty of HB, for a 0.5 sec after new unit join, there no other way to tell if the unit is friend or enemy.

      But that not a big deal because the preparation time is 1 min and all fixed 1 second after that unit joining.
    2. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      New rev, now freezing trap cast VERY FAST after scatter shot/web wrap/web land on target... enemy have less time to react.

      Just tested 1 game and enemy trinket my scatter shot but freezing trap is too fast and he still trapped :D

      Just test for 1 game, need more testing for though.
    3. Rynno

      Rynno Member

      Aug 6, 2011
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      thanks for quick reply but the cr is not only trying attack/flare friends at the start of bgs but also during, near the end in this case problems starts around 11:30:21 in the log ive attached. This is a full av battleground.

      Attached Files:

    4. megabbyte

      megabbyte Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Doing some raids.. and just use Auto-Shot.. i dont understand why..

      Have Win8 64 Bits

      So strange but it happens when boss have less 10% life.. :| and kill shot is available
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
    5. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Regarding Hunter mele mostly at early levels

      I cant really find an answer in the forums for why the bot RUNS INTO the mob and essentially stays in mele range and does figure 8's firing its rotation until the target dies. And then travels a short distance away from it before returing to loot it. Sometimes this behaviour has my bot aggro other mobs in the area and causes an unneeded death.
      It should just attack from a distance no? I currently have the upgraded CR from your website Tuahana and maybe its a settings thing? I also use ultimate pvp if that makes any difference and kicks mega profile.

      srry no log as im currently at work and away from my botting computer..

      on a side note your combat routine is unreal! I have another hunter leveled to 85 currently and it DOMINATES in the BG's often mopping the floor with more than one attacker, I am soo impressed with the work and time you invested in this, very glad to donate $50 and support this ..thanks sir
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
    6. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Last week I level a level 1 hunter and it go flawlessly.

      Not sure I broken something on last few day, need to create a new char and test then xD
    7. subtlearts

      subtlearts New Member

      Dec 23, 2012
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      Hi Tuan, please consider these problems and suggestions:


      The routine has problems with auto movement (used in AFK profiles) when the option "Attack Out of Combat" is enabled. It HAS to be enabled otherwise the bot doesn't move and it says "Hold on Eat/Drink/Dead/Not in Game/Sesurrection Sickness".

      This causes the bot to randomly attack mobs out of combat while in parties or dungeons (Dungeonbuddy), but can't be disabled because it is practically required for auto movement because of the aforementioned problem.

      The bot tries to face in the direction of a dead enemy or (living) NPC trying to attack causing the auto movement from the profile to malfunction. Basically, its causing the bot to run in circles trying to attack things that can't be attacked. This causes serious issues in many situations.


      The feign death mechanic you implement in the routine needs attention. This causes issues with AFK profiles or in situations with any other players. It sits far too long, it should just try to move the character after a certain time frame. Sometimes if you're in a bad spot you'll die any way so it doesn't matter if you lay in feign death for 5 seconds or 5 minutes, might as well be 5 seconds. If its possible to implement an enemy scanning feature it would be better. I guess having a lay in feign death timer option in settings would be the best.


      This isn't that important but target acquisition after combat and post interaction (with NPCs) and after gathering herbing/mining movement takes too long. For example, defeating an enemy in a party using Dungeonbuddy and starting to attack the next target takes several seconds. The group downs a mob and switches targets while the character is standing sideways away from the mob doing nothing. This is very bot like. While solo using certain other AFK profiles, it takes several seconds after defeating an enemy for the bot to move to its next destination. Singular does not do this. Singular's movement after combat, interaction or mining/herbing is always nearly instant that I've noticed. Your other profiles do this as well, I actually haven't been using your routines to gather anymore unfortunately. In summary, most of the time your routines stall for several seconds when it has to do something different. Gathering>no bot action>movement or combat>no bot action>attack new target. This only applies when using AFK profiles and AFK routine settings. Movement and selecting new targets while you yourself are playing obviously isn't up to the routine at that point.


      These problems usually require manual input from the user so the profile can continue normally within a reasonable amount of time. These issues defeat the purpose of using AFK settings and profiles with this routine. I would say these problems are only relevant when using AFK profiles and would most likely lead to reports and account BANS because it makes the character more bot-like.


      What I would like to see implemented:


      If the last used setting for EACH individual routine preset (PvP, AFK, Raid, Quest etc.) was automatically remembered for the next time you open Honorbuddy and select a preset. This could also be an optional off-on select-able feature in the settings, maybe with a possible revert to default button for EACH or ALL presets.


      If there were multiple nameable Load setting buttons next to the "Load setting" button that directly linked to a saved setting on the hard drive. This would eliminate the need for a pop up browser window and would help with quickly changing settings, like in PvP or Raids.

      It would be even better if you could apply different presets from the hard drive using a mappable hotkey or macro keyboard; but I don't know if this is even possible, or worth the time to do it. You could also implement this feature to all your routines, it would be perfect for instant preset changes. If this is implemented I would like to see the preset name in the game's chat window, then at least you could see if you have the correct setting, if you hit a wrong button for example. I remember multiple times healing with your paladin routine and wanted to switch between low and high output healing, and had to bring up Honorbuddy to do it. If you had this in your routines it would be by far the best for Honorbuddy. Your routines are already the best but if it had hotkey presets it would be that much better.


      It would be nice if the hotkeys you select (for pause or burst mode) could be custom mappable instead of only being able to select hotkeys from a droppable menu.


      I would like to see the Pause on/off text in the game's chat window so you can make sure the bot is on or off without bringing up Honorbuddy. You had the pause on/off text in your other routines. A pop up on the game's screen would be better, like DBM uses, maybe an option to use one or the other, or both, as well as having an option to use the chat window or the pop up text for the mappable hotkey presets I mentioned. I've noticed that when using certain AFK profiles the routine immediately unpauses itself after hitting pause. A user inputted pause should be impossible for a profile to override.


      It would be nice if "Aspect of the Cheetah" automatically turned on when exiting combat, being permanently enabled. When entering combat, it would then automatically change back to "Aspect of the Hawk" or "Aspect of the Iron Hawk" (depending on talent choices). This could be an on or off option in settings.


      If these problems were fixed and my suggestions were implemented or considered this would be a great routine.

      If you have any questions you can reply here or send me a private message, I'd like to see these things fixed so I'll help however I can.

      Thanks for your work, I enjoy your routines.

      Last edit: I've spent around 5 hours writing and revising this post comprising of 988 words for a total of 5809 characters. I hope it helps in some way.
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2013
    8. Iaulus

      Iaulus New Member

      Jun 20, 2010
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      I happened to stumble across something weird as i was doing heroic ji kun attempts, after a couple pulls the routine just stopped. At first i thought it was paused but as i hit my pause it paused it and un pausing it had no affect just auto shot, not a big deal just had to do it by hand. After that attempt i closed it and restarted and it worked just fine so i have no idea why it did it. I'm just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
    9. Haggy223

      Haggy223 New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      I reported a similar problem a while ago. And I have the same issue with the DK and Paladin CC. So there must be a general issue with that part of the routines.

      Would be really great if you could take a look at this.

      Thanks in advance for your help!

    10. fightincowboy

      fightincowboy New Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Can't upload a log right now but does it miss freezing traps by like 20 yards sometimes in PvP for anyone else? I'll CC and it will throw traps in the most random places sometimes.
    11. DewdInTheNewd

      DewdInTheNewd New Member

      Oct 19, 2011
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      The CR for Beastmastery should hold readiness for 1-2 seconds to squeeze out another Kill Command or Beastial Wrath (if they are close to coming off of cooldown). Beastial wrath should be halted for a brief moment if KC is very very close to coming off CD as well. I noticed these issues after being forced to go BM recently.
    12. ubergoober

      ubergoober New Member

      Nov 19, 2010
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      I'm playing with the settings on your CC, but I can't seem to get it to ever mend pet no matter what % I'm doing, I want it to always have it up when fighting, so 99% or less HP make sure mend pet buff is on, anyone able to help me with this pretty please?
      Also, why does this CC keep turning off growl? Any way to make it stay on while grinding / questing?
    13. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I feel Kill Command 6 sec cooldown is too short to care about, the more spell that Readiness watch, the slower it get so I only watch really needed cooldown.
      By default, CR will set Growl off if you in instance. If you are outside instance, try stop and start HB to rebuild rotation.
    14. chrurax

      chrurax New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Have the same issue in arena after updating to latest profile...tossing traps all over the place...dunno what happened after update. Used to work really good. Im using a earlier version until this is fixed.
    15. ubergoober

      ubergoober New Member

      Nov 19, 2010
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      I just keep manually clicking the growl on its a minor issue, but the mend pet thing is confusing the crap out of me, anyway to make it (inside your settings) to make it basically non stop active while fighting?
    16. aeus

      aeus Member

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Look under settings in HB and see if Pull Distance has dropped to 1?
      Most of the time when bot looks crazy when I'm leveling it's because of that.
    17. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Mend pet cost GCD and sometime you should NOT to mend pet if vs a spriest team that smart to spam vampiric touch on him. you mend him (if glyph) = fear
    18. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Dont have a log right now, but doing the same for me in bgs.
    19. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      I just fixed few hour ago and doing a lot arena now. Some game I got 100% trap hit.
    20. ubergoober

      ubergoober New Member

      Nov 19, 2010
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      Sorry I'm not doing PvP I'm doing grinding and questing as stated earlier :) I just want mend pet always up

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