I'm having errors it doesn't start, I've already changed the Minimum Lvls My Character Doesn't move at all ---------------------------------------- Solved, ran over the text again and there were 2 spots wich needed an lvl range change.
never forget to open the profile it has text/comments in them in order to make things A LOT easier for everyone, use them!
Exactly, My paladin wasted a total of 8 hours in a 24 hour period, running after those damned horse's. All in all good profile, though.
open the file, with a notepad and see whats in there. faction 2000 = horses. remove it. problem solved. check firstpost btw @ feedback.
snap ik, wat oude profielen maar geupdate tough... alleen beetje lastig dat velen soms fouten hebben die aan hun liggen..
Thanks a bunch panyama! Awesome profile, max 1 death per 1000 kills on a 72er mage. Am now 75 thanks to this profile. About 1 level/8hrs. Nice for artic Fur too, too bad the borean leather is getting cheap as hell on my server, around 10g/stack. Seems alot of ppl are botting Nordend ;D
glad to see it worked for you hehe quite a good profile indeed it brings me gold for my epic flyer all the time.
indeed, after I get the spel I used it everytime as pull you shouldnt have problems as pala with this at all. so check settings before wasting time^^
Because 2 people encounter the problem doesn't mean its profile related. There is no way the profile can end up in dragonblight because there are simply no hotspots there.... Also some area's are blackspotted if I'm correct. So check what you have as settings, and maybe turn of experimental pathing to avoid any other errors and mistakes!
Maybe it's mining / herbing turned on? I've seen that take my dude pretty far off course... If you're not babysitting your bot, you should turn off all the bells and whistles