So how would i go about removing Framelock from raidbot, since this is the code wich part would i edit for that and is it possible , i already know about Tyrael and LR Etc , im not interested in suggestions on other bot basses or stupid opinions on why i am doing this, Just looking for a helpfull soul to guide min in this, thanks using System.Windows.Forms; using Styx; using Styx.Common; using Styx.CommonBot; using Styx.CommonBot.Profiles; using Styx.CommonBot.Routines; using Styx.WoWInternals; using Styx.TreeSharp; namespace RaidBot { public class RaidBot : BotBase { private byte _oldTps; private Composite _root; public override string Name { get { return "Raid Bot"; } } public override Composite Root { get { return _root ?? (_root = new PrioritySelector(CreateRootBehavior())); } } public override PulseFlags PulseFlags { get { return PulseFlags.Objects | PulseFlags.Lua | PulseFlags.InfoPanel; } } public bool IsPaused { get; set; } public override void Start() { _oldTps = TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond; TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = 30; //if (ProfileManager.CurrentProfile == null) ProfileManager.LoadEmpty(); HotkeysManager.Register("RaidBot Pause", Keys.X, ModifierKeys.Alt, hk => { IsPaused = !IsPaused; if (IsPaused) { Lua.DoString("print('RaidBot Paused!')"); // Make the bot use less resources while paused. TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = 5; } else { Lua.DoString("print('RaidBot Resumed!')"); // Kick it back into overdrive! TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = 30; } }); } private Composite CreateRootBehavior() { return new PrioritySelector( new Decorator(ret => IsPaused, new Action(ret => RunStatus.Success)), new Decorator(ret => !StyxWoW.Me.Combat, new PrioritySelector( RoutineManager.Current.PreCombatBuffBehavior)), new Decorator(ret => StyxWoW.Me.Combat, new LockSelector( RoutineManager.Current.HealBehavior, new Decorator(ret => StyxWoW.Me.GotTarget && !StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsFriendly && !StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsDead, new PrioritySelector( RoutineManager.Current.CombatBuffBehavior, RoutineManager.Current.CombatBehavior))))); } public override void Stop() { TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = _oldTps; HotkeysManager.Unregister("RaidBot Pause"); } #region Nested type: LockSelector private class LockSelector : PrioritySelector { public LockSelector(params Composite[] children) : base(children) { } public override RunStatus Tick(object context) { using (StyxWoW.Memory.AcquireFrame()) { return base.Tick(context); } } } #endregion } }
So do you understand what your asking? You want to modify this bot base. I apologize if i sound rude, that is not my intent. But Raidbor runs at 30 "ticks" per second. So With that understanding it should be pretty easy to understand, find the number 30, and change that as you need. I personally upped mine to 40 when i used raid bot. But as for removing it, i do believe that is the whole point of raid bot. Maybe you should change the ticks to something that works for you. I am not a programmer so i do not know if just removing those would harm the bot base. But good luck either way.
that's all raid bot it, its just a framelock for combat, nothing else. i suggest you take a look at combat bot side by side with raidbot
^^This. they are the same bot, the only difference is that raidbot has the framelocks and Combat Bot does not. just save yourself the time and use Combat bot.
They are not the "same bot" i do not belive combat bot runs at the same ticks , am i corrrect ? as ive already looked trough combat bot and found no ticks indicator , i specificly asked for no opinions on other bot basses or opinions at all , so yes i do find it very rude with those comments, please refer from commenting if you got no knowledge on this topic. Tyrael has the option to remove Framelock , so it should be posible to do the same with this bot ? the reason i want to do it is that i feel a big difrence in running raidbot and running LR,Tyrael,Combatbot, for some reason raidbot runs better and gives me a higher output also i am trying to make healing ccs run in it already figured out what to change for healing ccs to run in it , but i need to remove framelock , for it to run propper .
add // to using (StyxWoW.Memory.AcquireFrame()) them will become green ,bot will not read it ,hope it help may lose a bit of performance on dps but it gets less laggy with out it but ...^^ .
So just to understand. The ticks per second is what makes raidbot so much better, but that is what you want to remove? Might want to think about tha tlogic for a moment.
I think you need to read what Wakkawakka and CodenameG wrote again. No Combatbot doesn't use Framelock, that's exactly what CodenameG wrote. Raidbot works exactly like Combat Bot BUT it uses the framelock. So if you want to remove the framelock you can instead use Combat Bot, that's what he said and that's what you asked for. And the reason you feel that Raidbot is doing so well for you IS because it uses the fraimlock, it has been optimized so it's as fast as possible for raiding enviroment. And accusing CodenameG for not nowing what he talks about makes me laugh. Maybe you should look up what he actually do.