this plugin was just a test to see if i could work with C# , i am a Delphi coder so I gave it a try. These are the basic stuff needed to make an auction house bot. Buying , fetchmail en re-sell it. Code: namespace Styx.Bot.CustomClasses { using Logic.Inventory.Frames.MailBox; using Logic; using System; using Helpers; using Logic.Pathing; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using Logic.Common.Combat; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration; using CustomCombat.CombatInterface; using Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using Styx.Plugins.PluginClass; using Styx; public class AH : HBPlugin { public int STATE = 2; public int TO_AUCTIONEER = 2; string Totauctions = ""; public override void Pulse() { switch(STATE){ // temporary statemachine , need better when finishing tests. case 2: //TO_AUCTIONEER MoveToAuctioneer(); if (CheckMail()) { STATE = 3; } break; case 3://move to mail and fetch. MoveToMail(); break; case 4: //sell stuff here break; case 5: //buying stuff here. break; default: Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } } // // // // public bool TargetUnit(uint Nom) { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.Entry == Nom) { Logging.Write(wu.Name + " is now my target!"); wu.Target(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Entry == Nom) { return true; } return false; } // // // // public bool TargetObj(uint Nom) { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWGameObject wa in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>()) { if (wa.Entry == Nom) { wa.Interact(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Entry == Nom) { return true; } return false; } public bool MoveToAuctioneer() { //this need better loggic.maybe using Frames var wp = new WoWPoint(1692.761, -4453.158, 19.04647); if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.GeneratePathFromMe(new WoWPoint(1692.761, -4453.158, 19.04647)); Logging.Write("Moving to Auctioneer"); while (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(new WoWPoint(1692.761, -4453.158, 19.04647)); Navigator.Pulse(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); TargetUnit(9856); ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Interact(); Thread.Sleep(2000); Lua.DoString("QueryAuctionItems(\"Eternal Fire\",\"\",\"\",nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil)");// Eternal fire hardcoded. Styx has some AH stuff inside already. Thread.Sleep(1000); Logging.Write("Displayed Auction lines: " + TotalAuctionLines()); } return (true); } public bool MoveToMail() { var wp = new WoWPoint(1616, -4392, 10); var ml = new MailFrame() ; Navigator.GeneratePathFromMe(new WoWPoint(1616, -4392, 10)); Logging.Write("Moving to Mail"); while (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(new WoWPoint(1616, -4392, 10)); Navigator.Pulse(); } if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) < 5) { TargetObj(173221); Thread.Sleep(3000); while (Convert.ToInt32(ml.MailCount.ToString()) > 0) { Logging.Write("Standing at Mailbox for collecting mails: " + ml.MailCount.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(1000); ml.GetMailAttachments(1); } STATE = TO_AUCTIONEER; } STATE = TO_AUCTIONEER; return true; } public string TotalAuctionLines() { Lua.DoString("Totauctions = GetNumAuctionItems(\"list\")"); Totauctions = Lua.GetLocalizedText("Totauctions"); return Totauctions; } public bool CheckMail() { int IHave = 0; Lua.DoString("IHave = HasNewMail()"); IHave = Convert.ToInt32(Lua.GetLocalizedText("IHave")); if (IHave > 0) { STATE = 3; return true; } else { return false; } } public override string Name { get { return "Auctioneer"; } } public override string Author { get { return "Morgalis "; } } public override Version Version { get { return new Version(1, 1); } } public override bool WantButton { get { return false; } } } } I heard that the staff will release an version so i quit on it. TO DO: Buy sell xml handle rules Done: already goes to auctioneer , open his window , searc for eternals. detect new mail , goes to mailbox and fetch all. HORDE ONLY ORGRIMMAR !!! Maybe ill contineu it , i saw inside the styx all auctionhouse stuff that i need.
Omg, i started building one today lol! PS: oh, you released it minutes after i started deving mine. PS2: if you want to help me out building this, heres the code i started to put together: WARNING I DIDNT TEST IT YET, JUST STARTED PROGRAMMING IT WITH STUFF THAT MAKES SENCE, PROBABLY WONT COMPILE Code: using Styx; using Styx.Bot.CustomClasses; using Styx.Logic.Pathing; using Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration; using Styx.Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects; namespace Plugin_qMasta { using Logic; using System; using Helpers; using Logic.Pathing; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using Logic.Common.Combat; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration; using CustomCombat.CombatInterface; using Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using Styx.Plugins.PluginClass; using System.Reflection; using Styx.Logic.Inventory.Frames.Gossip; using Styx.Logic.Pathing.NavMesh; // uses alot of adapted code from eTrain, left original names =) public class BigMaintenance : HBPlugin { bool PermanentAbort = false; Styx.Logic.Pathing.NavMesh.NavMesh PlayerMesh; // name of your mesh private string myMesh = "ThunderbluffMaintenance.mesh"; private WoWUnit AHnpc; private WoWUnit mailbox; private NavMesh mMesh; private static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); public override void Pulse() { //AHnpc.Name = ""; // Skip this during combat if (ObjectManager.Me.Combat) return; if (safeToStart && !PermanentAbort && !StuckDetector.IsStuck) { PlayerMesh = Navigator.CurrentMesh; mMesh = NavMesh.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "Plugins\\"+myMesh)); NavNode node = PlayerMesh.OverlappingPoint(mMesh); if (node == null) { PermanentAbort = true; // Logging.Write("Could not find suitable place to switch to maintenance mesh! Stopping maintenance!"); return; } Navigator.Clear(); while (eTrainNavigator.GoToLocation(node.Location)) {//go to tansfer point (eTrain mesh) } } if (!sw.IsRunning) { sw.Start(); } if (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 30) { // do something AHnpc = null; // clear targets each 30sec mailbox = null; } } public void sellStuff() { interactWithAH(); // todo: while i am selling stuff wait. //TrainerHelper.ChooseGossipTrain(); //switch to auto sell tab Thread.Sleep(1000); Logging.Write("Training!"); //TrainerHelper.TrainAllSkills(); //click bulk sell Thread.Sleep(5000); return; } public void searchAH() { interactWithAH(); // todo: while i am searching ah, wait. //TrainerHelper.ChooseGossipTrain(); //switch to auto sell tab Thread.Sleep(1000); Logging.Write("Training!"); //TrainerHelper.TrainAllSkills(); //click bulk sell Thread.Sleep(5000); } public void interactWithAH() { if (AHnpc == null) AHnpc = findNearestAH(); if (eTrainNavigator.IsAtLocation(AHnpc.Location)) { //eTrainNavigator.GoToMob(AHnpc); while(eTrainNavigator.GoToLocation(AHnpc.Location)) { //wait } } //if(ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Name == AHnpc.Name) // return; AHnpc.Target(); Thread.Sleep(2000); ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Interact(); Logging.Write("Talking to NPC " + AHnpc.Name + "!"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } public void interactWithMailbox() { if(mailbox == null) mailbox = findNearestMailbox(); Navigator.Clear(); while (eTrainNavigator.GoToLocation(mailbox.Location)) { } mailbox.Interact(); } public WoWUnit findNearestMailbox() { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.Name == "Mailbox") { return wu; } } return null; } public WoWUnit findNearestAH() { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.IsAuctioneer && mMesh.IsPointPathingAvailable(wu.Location)) { return wu; } } return null; } public bool safeToStart { get { if (Global.Honorbuddy != null) { if (!sw.IsRunning) { sw.Start(); } if (ObjectManager.Me.Combat || !ObjectManager.Me.IsAlive || !Global.Honorbuddy.IsRunning || Global.Honorbuddy.CurrentState.GetType().Name != "StateMoveToHotSpot") { sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); return false; } if (sw.Elapsed.Seconds < 2) { return false; } return true; } return false; } } public override string Name { get { return "BigMaintenance"; } } public override string Author { get { return "MrBig"; } } public override Version Version { get { return new Version(0, 1); } } public override bool WantButton { get { return false; } } } public abstract class Mob { public WoWPoint Location; public string Name; public bool Alliance, Kalimdor; public List<string> City; public int Entry; public Mob(WoWPoint location, string name, bool alliance, bool kalimdor, List<string> city, int entry) { Location = location; Name = name; Alliance = alliance; Kalimdor = kalimdor; City = city; Entry = entry; } public double Distance { get { return ObjectManager.Me.Location.Distance(Location); } } public bool Accessible { get { if (Location.GetPointsAtDistanceOf(10, Navigator.CurrentMesh.FastGetNavNet()).Count > 0) { return true; } return false; } } public bool Target() { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(5000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.Entry == Entry) { wu.Target(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Entry == Entry) { return true; } return false; } } public class Actioneer : Mob { public WoWClass Class; public bool StartTrainer; public Actioneer(WoWPoint location, string name, bool alliance, bool kalimdor, WoWClass wowclass, List<string> city, bool startTrainer, int entry) : base(location, name, alliance, kalimdor, city, entry) { Class = wowclass; StartTrainer = startTrainer; } public Actioneer(WoWPoint location, string name, bool alliance, bool kalimdor, WoWClass wowclass, string city, bool startTrainer, int entry) : this(location, name, alliance, kalimdor, wowclass, new List<string> { city }, startTrainer, entry) { } public Actioneer(double x, double y, double z, string name, bool alliance, bool kalimdor, WoWClass wowclass, string city, bool startTrainer, int entry) : this(new WoWPoint(x, y, z), name, alliance, kalimdor, wowclass, city, startTrainer, entry) { } public Actioneer(double x, double y, double z, string name, bool alliance, bool kalimdor, WoWClass wowclass, List<string> city, bool startTrainer, int entry) : this(new WoWPoint(x, y, z), name, alliance, kalimdor, wowclass, city, startTrainer, entry) { } } public static class eTrainNavigator { static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); static float x, y, z; public static bool GoToMob(Mob mob) { if (x != ObjectManager.Me.Location.X || y != ObjectManager.Me.Location.Y || z != ObjectManager.Me.Location.Z) { sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); } x = ObjectManager.Me.Location.X; y = ObjectManager.Me.Location.Y; z = ObjectManager.Me.Location.Z; if (sw.Elapsed.Seconds > 5) { Navigator.Clear(); Logging.Write("Why did I stop moving? Thats not fun!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); } if (ObjectManager.Me.Combat || !Global.Honorbuddy.IsRunning || Global.Honorbuddy.CurrentState.GetType().Name != "StateMoveToHotSpot") { Navigator.Clear(); return false; } if (mob.Distance > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(mob.Location); Thread.Sleep(500); return true; } return false; } public static bool GoToLocation(WoWPoint wp) { if (x != ObjectManager.Me.Location.X || y != ObjectManager.Me.Location.Y || z != ObjectManager.Me.Location.Z) { sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); } x = ObjectManager.Me.Location.X; y = ObjectManager.Me.Location.Y; z = ObjectManager.Me.Location.Z; if (sw.Elapsed.Seconds > 5) { Navigator.Clear(); Logging.Write("Why did I stop moving? Thats not fun!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); } if (ObjectManager.Me.Combat || !Global.Honorbuddy.IsRunning || Global.Honorbuddy.CurrentState.GetType().Name != "StateMoveToHotSpot") { Navigator.Clear(); return false; } if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(wp); return true; } return false; } public static bool IsAtLocation(Mob mob) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Location.Distance(mob.Location) < 5) { return true; } return false; } public static bool IsAtLocation(WoWPoint wp) { if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) < 8) { return true; } return false; } public static WoWUnit findMob(Mob mob) { ObjectManager.Update(); List<WoWUnit> closeMobs = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(); foreach (WoWUnit closeMob in closeMobs) { if (mob.Entry == closeMob.Entry) { return closeMob; } } return null; } } }
Also, i was wondering, how do you make it start? lol! Cant make it start for some reason (your version) Problem : [9:28:10 PM:452] Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. - From: mscorlib I hade a new profile with 2 hotspots, 1 near ah and one near mail... just for filler, and i am trying to make it run the plugin and ignore the rest, also made a mesh from mail to ah ... no idea, just load up WSG profile or something
i have an mesh that is mapped from bank mail to left auctioneer in AH, check his name , it is hardcoded like also the query AH is hardcoded to Eternal Water. I looked into your version and i saw something where i had problems too. Mailbox is not a wowunit but a WoWGameObject. I dont get this error.
Its something todo with the profile i was using, for some reason it gave that, but ignore it, since it got nothing todo with the CCs. Also, i took a look at your code, and changed some stuff to be more clean, and, i was trying to add the dynamic searches but i cant seem to get it started just yet. Also, i tryed your code, with changed coordinates and NPC guid, but crashes HB xD
Ok, i fixed some stuff, added other stuff, used your version as starting point and scraped mine. Also, added my name to the developers if you dont mind us working together on it. Doesnt need specific mailbox position or ah guy, just needs a path. Code: namespace Styx.Bot.CustomClasses { using Logic.Inventory.Frames.MailBox; using Logic; using System; using Helpers; using Logic.Pathing; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using Logic.Common.Combat; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration; using CustomCombat.CombatInterface; using Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua; using Object_Dumping_Enumeration.WoWObjects; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using Styx.Plugins.PluginClass; using Styx; public class AH : HBPlugin { public Status currentAction = Status.MoveToAuctionner; string Totauctions = ""; //private WoWUnit AHnpc; //private WoWGameObject mailbox; public enum Status { Idle = 0, MoveToAuctionner = 1, MoveToMail = 2, SellingStuff = 3, BuyStuff = 4, Disenchanting = 5, SearchingAH = 6, BottomScan = 7, Waiting = 8 } private static Stopwatch avoidCrashTimer = new Stopwatch(); private static Stopwatch waitTimer = new Stopwatch(); public override void Pulse() { if (!avoidCrashTimer.IsRunning) { avoidCrashTimer.Start(); } if (avoidCrashTimer.Elapsed.Seconds < 1) { return; } avoidCrashTimer.Reset(); switch (currentAction) { // temporary statemachine , need better when finishing tests. case Status.MoveToAuctionner: //TO_AUCTIONEER MoveToAuctioneer(); scanAhWithAuctioneerAddon(); break; case Status.MoveToMail://move to mail and fetch. MoveToMail(); break; case Status.SellingStuff: //sell stuff here break; case Status.BuyStuff: //buying stuff here. break; case Status.SearchingAH: //should wait until completion //todo: add completion checks break; case Status.Waiting: if (waitTimer.Elapsed.Minutes > 2) currentAction = Status.Idle; break; case Status.Idle: // do something //shouldnt really just move to auctionner, but make maintenance checks if (CheckMail() /*todo: and bags are not full*/) { currentAction = Status.MoveToMail; return; } currentAction = Status.MoveToAuctionner; break; default: Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } } // // // // public bool TargetUnit(uint Nom) { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.Entry == Nom) { Logging.Write(wu.Name + " is now my target!"); wu.Target(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Entry == Nom) { return true; } return false; } // // // // public bool TargetObj(uint Nom) { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWGameObject wa in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>()) { if (wa.Entry == Nom) { wa.Interact(); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Entry == Nom) { return true; } return false; } public bool MoveToAuctioneer() { WoWUnit ahnpc = findNearestAH(); //this need better loggic.maybe using Frames var wp = ahnpc.Location; if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.GeneratePathFromMe(wp); Logging.Write("Moving to Auctioneer"); while (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(wp); Navigator.Pulse(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); //findNearestAH()); //TargetUnit(findNearestAH().Guid); findNearestAH().Target(); Thread.Sleep(1000); ObjectManager.Me.CurrentTarget.Interact(); Thread.Sleep(2000); Lua.DoString("QueryAuctionItems(\"Eternal Fire\",\"\",\"\",nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil)");// Eternal fire hardcoded. Styx has some AH stuff inside already. Thread.Sleep(1000); Logging.Write("Displayed Auction lines: " + TotalAuctionLines()); } return true; } public bool MoveToMail() { WoWGameObject mail = findNearestMailbox(); var wp = mail.Location; var ml = new MailFrame(); Navigator.GeneratePathFromMe(mail.Location); Logging.Write("Moving to Mail"); while (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) > 5) { Navigator.MoveTo(mail.Location); Navigator.Pulse(); } if (wp.Distance(ObjectManager.Me.Location) < 5) { //TargetObj(173221); mail.Interact(); Thread.Sleep(3000); while (Convert.ToInt32(ml.MailCount.ToString()) > 0) { Logging.Write("Standing at Mailbox for collecting mails: " + ml.MailCount.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(1000); ml.GetMailAttachments(1); } currentAction = Status.MoveToAuctionner; } currentAction = Status.MoveToAuctionner; //found greens? GetGreens(); return true; } public string TotalAuctionLines() { Lua.DoString("Totauctions = GetNumAuctionItems(\"list\")"); Totauctions = Lua.GetLocalizedText("Totauctions"); return Totauctions; } public bool CheckMail() { int IHave = 0; Lua.DoString("IHave = HasNewMail()"); IHave = Convert.ToInt32(Lua.GetLocalizedText("IHave")); if (IHave > 0) { currentAction = Status.MoveToMail; return true; } return false; } public WoWGameObject findNearestMailbox() { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWGameObject wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>()) { if (wu.Name == "Mailbox") { Logging.Write("Found " + wu.Name + " at: [" + wu.Location.X + "," + wu.Location.Y + "," + wu.Location.Z+"]"); return wu; } } return null; } public WoWUnit findNearestAH() { ObjectManager.Update(); Thread.Sleep(1000); foreach (WoWUnit wu in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()) { if (wu.IsAuctioneer) //&& Navigator.CurrentMesh.IsPointPathingAvailable(wu.Location)) { Logging.Write("Found " + wu.Name + " at: [" + wu.Location.X + "," + wu.Location.Y + "," + wu.Location.Z+"]"); return wu; } } return null; } public void scanAhWithAuctioneerAddon() { Logging.Write("Searching AH"); Lua.DoString("if (AucAdvScanButton:IsVisible()) then AucAdvScanButton:Click() end"); currentAction = Status.SearchingAH; waitTimer.Reset(); waitTimer.Start(); } #region Disenchanting //todo: add more private void GetGreens() { var items = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWItem>(false); var notSoulbound = items.Where(obj => !obj.IsSoulbound && obj.Quality == WoWItemQuality.Uncommon).ToList(); foreach (WoWItem item in notSoulbound) { Logging.Write("{0} is not soulbound", item.Name); } } #endregion public override string Name { get { return "Auctioneer Fixed"; } } public override string Author { get { return "Morgalis and MrBig"; } } public override Version Version { get { return new Version(1, 2); } } public override bool WantButton { get { return false; } } } }
We need more control over the core , he is loading CC and so on. I wanna have full control of HB , no need to grind...
I use QuickAuction 3 for all of my Auction house Pricing/Scanning/Posting. It works really well, just press "Post" or use the macro /run QuickAuctions.ManageostScan(); and it will post all the stuff you've pre-configured. It might be easier to use Quickauction 3 in conjunction with a plugin vs coding an AH scanner/poster by hand. Ofcourse the running to and from mailbox/guild bank/AH is still needed for a plugin here is a REALLY simple AH bot (not really a bot) using macros and a G15 keyboard for automation.
Nothing wrong with loading the CC, since we can bypass it, takes forever to load ya, but we can fix that with a bogus CC. Make a new folder just for this.
I have a G15 keyboard xD, use it for controlling my pet as hunter, lock or druid. As for quickauction 3, is it as powerfull as auctioneer? Because the CC i posted uses auctioneer for scanning, and will use for posting too, preconfigured stuff i put in the addon PS: if you know macros or little LUA scripts that make using AH easier, let us know, we can develop it faster using that.
Does anyone remember the macro to make it display the name of the current frame/button/pane your mouse is hovering?
i hope to finish ours before next week , wouldnt be an problem... it is just for fun. i have one working too but as stand-alone. need just to port it.