Hello, about 30 minutes ago I recieved my first suspension from WoW. I got suspended for botting obviously so i have a few questions 1. Usually Blizzard sends out an email to the registered email to the account that get's banned but I did not recieve an email like this so my first question is, How long is your first suspension? 2. If i remember correctly you get suspended once and if you get caught again for botting your account get's permanently shut down. This is nothing I know for sure though so it would be nice if someone took the time to answer this one aswell. Thanks on beforehand! Greetings from Bitzer
Blizzard have fallen in love with those License Termination notices lately, which require user action, or they will never just expire, unlike other bans. They look scary, but most people here who know English well enough to post on these forums can appeal them no problem, so go there and submit an appeal. The usual play it dumb strategy seems to work for now, as long as you don't go full retard on them.
Thanks for your answer but i found some interesting information here from "Ondastra Customer Service Representative" Account Name: xxxxxx Account Action: 48 Hour suspension Offense: Unapproved Third Party Software Details: Found to be using unapproved third party software that gave the player an unfair advantage over other World of Warcraft players. The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. Based on a review of the information presented, this World of Warcraft account has been given a 48 hour account suspension, in addition to any previous warnings issued. Be aware that any additional infractions of this nature may result in the permanent closure of this account. Until the suspension has been lifted, the account will not be accessible. Please note that Blizzard Entertainment will be unable to provide further information regarding the specific time an account will become accessible again. Thank you for respecting our position on this matter. Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at http://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/account-administration-overview Please visit the World of Warcraft Policies and Terms of Use Agreement: (http://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/exploitation-policy) and (http://eu.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/wow_tou.html for further information. "
Lol, +1 As for me still not sure how to approach another appeal, already been turned down like 4 times.
Don't use Gatherbuddy 2 for a while. Many players are complaining from bans and it appears somehow Blizzard are detecting its behavior server-side. Just wait a bit, until they fix it.