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  • Looking to start up a gold business

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by inbusiness, May 1, 2013.

    1. Dkelly96

      Dkelly96 New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      If you wanted to make some money selling gold you should of started a few years ago... Blizzard is "taking a hard stand against botters in mists" that being said they're handing out bans like free candy! Don't waste your time bud... If you are that poor get a part-time job?
    2. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Yeah that site looks legit and actually seems popular [/end sarcasm] dude no one sells gold for more than $1 per 1k getting $1.8 per 1k is stupid, maybe it happened a couple times at some point in time before when some dude with too much cash and not enough brains wanted to play wow and get some fast gold but these days even with private buyers you can maybe command a good price per 1k but not for huge quantities when so many people are botting and expect discounts on the bigger gold trades.

      I'll make a website so I can show "sources" from actual prices that you can sell large quantities of gold for, then I can use that as "proof".

      Basically lotrodude you don't know anything and are talking rubbish, your sources are rubbish and I'm calling you out for a liar or a hilariously inept poster or both.
    3. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I never said anything about selling more than 10k at a time. Go back and check my post before your "sarcasm" goes any further. Some of you guys evidently failed reading comprehension when you went to school. The OP said he wanted to start a "gold business" and the website I quoted deals with businesses that sell gold at retail prices. The numbers are accurate for retail gold. The problems I mentioned are the type you would face if you had a "gold business."

      So, I'm calling "BULLSHIT" on Teveel. He has no idea what he is talking about. He seems to perhaps be talking "wholesale" prices while a "gold business" normally deals with "retail" prices.

      It is increasingly obvious why some of the people here have to depend on a bot to play for them. They could never possibly follow even the most simple of quest instructions. Their reading comprehension is below third grade level.

      Thank goodness Kickazz was kind enough to read the quest texts and write profiles. Otherwise some of these guys would never make 90 in WoW.
      Last edited: May 5, 2013
    4. thatwouldbestealing

      thatwouldbestealing Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      I have always believe, using GB2, we need to be more careful of 'user reports' rather than Blizzard performing forensic analysis / sniffing GB2 leading to bans; this, I see it, is where people go wrong -they download a profile and see it running for 0-2 hours and think they're set, and leave it for 12 hours overnight not realising their character was stuck in a tree or flying in circles above the Lazy Turnip for an hour in the early morning whilst trying to reach a mailbox... and the ban ensues, maybe not immediately but later so as Blizzard don't give away their timings and to keep the GB2 user guessing as to how and why they got banned.

      I'm not calling BS on people reporting bans, nor am I denying there is an endemic or late nor that the people [doing so] are inexperienced -but that we all [approaching GB2 and in particular selling gold] *need* to proceed with vigilance and due process: if you're gonna leave it AFK for 'x' hours then you *need* to have monitored it for at least 'x' hours: anything less and you are failing your own safety.

      Good luck to all !
    5. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      I think you are quite mad, also if I'm sure by "gold business" he actually means "setting up about 6 bots to generate gold" not buy and sell gold or run 40+ accounts and sell gold which is a different kettle of fish.
      All this talk of reading comprehension is funny as hell maybe you really need to try reading the OP.

      You can talk "retail gold prices" all you want but its crap because no one gets $1835 for a million gold, not even "potentially".
    6. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Oh, so now you (Teveel) finally admit that I was talking about "retail" prices after being told several times. I'm not angry or "mad." I'm just messing with you the same way you try to mess with everyone else. The reason why you have 1900+ posts on this forum is because you consistently misrepresent the posts of others and try to start crap with others. Most of us have run into you before, and most of us here know that your postings are just bullshit. :)
    7. freebox

      freebox New Member

      Apr 28, 2012
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      IF and I really mean if you want to really give this a try you're going to need to run more then 3-6 accounts. You need to find servers that have real players not guys that bot for their mats and hope they really aren't over ran with bots as is. High pop most cases mean more sales at lower prices but they will happen. Low pop you might get a few sales but have to repost alot, mid is okay but still all depends on the market.
      PVP servers seem to have the best prices since there is always guys that will camp nodes and gank bots.
      High pop more people that report, bots and real farmers. You will need to find someone to sell to you I have a guy that I trade 2 or 3 times a week so he keeps it steady, and no I am not sharing that info even if your not on my servers.
      You have to have 90's on accounts for backup cause you will get banned. It is only a question of when. I got 5 banned at once and it killed my gold intake for about 3 months due to paying bills and not really having the funds to cover new accounts. Make your own profiles, bot trains=bans.
      Try not to get greedy, find what you need to make, make it and give them time to "recover" get under radar, have cheap accounts like the old classic box that you can get for 5 bucks to be your bank. Never use your farmers accounts or your out 1 bot for a gold sales ban.
      People say to kill the toon ever few days or a week and make a new one. I find you can trade on the ah with alts of a farming toon but keep it under 100 to 200 trades a day.
      I like to run my accounts one day farm 6 to 12 hours since all the bans (reported) I only run 6 to 7 hours a day, then lvl an alt on that server or start with a new server. Plate tanks, druids or monks are nice farmers, aways a tank spec for me. At lest 450. I like to shuffle only when the market takes a hit and sales are low.
      Use a guild bank to filter. If you don't have a 25 lvl guild, like when starting a new server I run the alts to lvl 12 or 15 in the guild so 1-15 questing on kicks for the guild exp then I kill them. Then start it all over again, so you can lvl a guild when your taking a farming break.
      the 25 guild has all kinds of nice perks as we all know.
      Hope that helps.

      Oh had to add keep your day job there is arclogger,hbreloger, make sure you can feed yourself before you jump both feet in, test the waters
      Last edited: May 7, 2013
    8. franco2790

      franco2790 New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      It's not worth it mate. Botting is dead. 2 Banwaves in the space of 3 months. Don't waste your time. + The gold rate is so low because so many chinese and eastern european are doing it that you at most will get like 250 euro a month. Is that even worth it? Unless you live in a 3rd world country I doubt it.
    9. liliazckj

      liliazckj New Member

      May 6, 2013
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      you should find somebody to farm the gold for you[​IMG]
    10. Severov

      Severov New Member

      Feb 7, 2012
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      Last edited: May 6, 2013
    11. Yinquat

      Yinquat New Member

      Mar 21, 2013
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      If you really want to start up a gold business. Then I would suggest trying the buy&sell method, you could hunt for the cheapest gold in other forums. then when you are able buy bulks of gold you could sell it through a game trading platform.
    12. Kjin

      Kjin New Member

      Feb 13, 2013
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      To resell gold you really need to put effort in it though.

      Do you have enough knowledge to not get scammed?
      If you get scammed you will lose a lot of money just like that.

      In my opinion this whole botting game is simply not worth it if you don't have money to invest and are willing to maybe go out with a loss.
    13. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      I was saying all along your "retail" prices are pointless and barely has anything to do with what the OP was asking about. You aren't messing with me and I barely mess with anyone unless they are posting stupidity all over the place.
      The reason I have so many posts is because I help people understand where they are going wrong and occasionally have fun burning people like Jacan with his terrible uninformed posts.
      I'm guessing you are just another Jacan because I don't detect much in the way of intelligence in your posts and if you had read even half my posts you'd know I'm an actual contributor to the forums not some half witted poster like that dude you see in the mirror.
      I'll unblock your posts when I think that either 1) I can be bothered to tolerate stupidity and/or 2) Your total post count is as high as the posts where I've helped people out.
      Have a good day.
    14. djdnffjd

      djdnffjd New Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      1$ per 1k? in my country , that is joke or fantasy. actually 100k sells only at 9$ or lower. about 6-7 years ago, ther was time 1k is worth 1$
    15. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I stated to the OP that he could "potentially" make $18 per 10k on wow gold. I used the word "potentially" because the RETAIL price is normally the HIGHEST POTENTIAL price that one might get for a product. I quoted mmobux.com after checking to see if their prices were inline with the majority of wow gold websites found on Google. Since mmobux.com has a database of over 8000 prices I expected it to be accurate. It matched my research on Google. So, using the terms "potential" and "retail" I explained to the OP that he would have a difficult time making a profit even if he got the highest potential price for his product. TEVEEL DID NOT UNDERSTAND! Teveel jumped into the thread (which is fine) and called me a "liar" (which is not so fine). So, I called "BULLSHIT" on his post.

      When someone simply makes comments based on their own ignorant assumptions we normally call it "BULLSHIT"!
      This is in stark contrast to statements that are footnoted and supported by multiple sources.
      When sources are verifiable they are usually considered to be factual.

      My comments were based on sources that I provided and that can be verified.
      Teveel's comments were based on his own ignorant, personal assumptions.
      His assumptions were "ignorant" because he ignored at least two terms that I used in my post.
      He missed the words "potential" and "retail."
      So, Teveel's comments were "bullshit" (based on his own personal assumptions).
      Therefore, TEVEEL IS A BULLSHITTER and people cannot trust the accuracy of his comments on this forum.

      If anyone wants to know the current retail price of wow gold check the following websites:
      WoW Gold Safely Trade with Players Buy Cheap Currency | PlayerAuctions
      Last edited: May 8, 2013
    16. Yinquat

      Yinquat New Member

      Mar 21, 2013
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      Well EFFORT is always needed when you want something. You just have to search for great gaming forum with a blackmarket.

      There are Secured trading platform like what I usually use is PlayerAuction. TBH I sell my gold there and until now I haven't get scam.
      Most of the time I buy cheap gold in some forum that I usually visit and sell it at PA.
    17. danni1987

      danni1987 New Member

      Jun 7, 2013
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      in my opinion, virtual business is no longer prosperous as before. the players of lots of games are shrinked. People send less money for online game currency now. IGXE is also a gold seller who sell EQ plat, DAOC plat, coming ffxiv gil ,wow gold etc. It is not as good as before now.
    18. KoreanBaker

      KoreanBaker Member

      May 13, 2013
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      Lol, what in the damn hell, every time I look up buying gold it's $13-18 per 10k. I bought about 20k upon returning the other month, would buy a lot more if I could buy some damn 100k for $9 hah. Just checked wowauctions that yinquat recommended and their prices are the same as what I mentioned >_<
    19. Vanhorne86

      Vanhorne86 New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      The gold price for EU is usually 2.5 to 4 euros per 10k end of story when not selling to private buyers. If you farm gold on mass and dont want to deal with scammers those are the figures to work with.
    20. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      The price of gold is a bit higher at the moment due to the EU bans, but I remember a major dealer offering to buy @ .60/k to buy which is $6 per 10k. You cannot go buy the sell price on MMO sites because they're prices are shit. Anyone with half a mind and Honorbuddy understands the value a bit better. For example a random guy is offering ~0,85$/k EU $8.5/10k, when I go to a major gold selling site they want $9.99 per 7.3k, not a huge difference, but big enough. Neither of these are the cheapest. Socializing with that guy from across the pond goes a long way. If I were to buy gold I would never buy at either of these prices. Another guy is offering to buy @ $0.4-0.8/k which is $4/10k. The point being is you will never sell for the "potential" price you see on MMO reseller sites nor will you ever buy for the price that small traders on forums will offer running a couple bots. I'd just go by private buyer numbers.

      If you're not writing your own gathering profiles and shuffling them into some sort of goods then you might as well quit. You have to utilize all the paranoia plugins as well. Just check anything Giwin has made.
      If you can interpret some of my posts then godspeed, son.
      Last edited: Jun 8, 2013

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