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  • Breakneck 2.0 1-40 (Human) *Updated

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mordd, Sep 9, 2010.

    1. Mordd

      Mordd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This is the fourth in a series of test updates for Breakneck. I am converting my breakneck 45 and the unreleased breakneck 60 to quest order. Thus far its going quite well. So here is your chance to beta test this soon to be 1-60 human profile. Before downloading and getting right to it lets go over a few things.

      This profile will quest and grind you to 40. It will do so in the safest possible manor. A paladin could easily complete all these quests much sooner than most classes but a mage or a rogue would have trouble. I ordered the quests in such a way that you should have no deaths no matter the class you use. There is a downside to this. If you are the 1-60 in less than 5 minutes type of person, well, you should look elsewhere. This profile is designed to be used afk and get you to max level when it gets you there. Thats not to say its slow, but I prefer the safe route.


      A Level 1 toon or a toon leveled with the previous installments of Breakneck 2.0.

      Make sure you have auto equip checked.

      Use either the built in class trainer or e-train.

      Bags. At level 6 if you dont have at least 1 additional bag then you will have trouble.

      Untill HB supports selective protective lists, you will need to clean out your bags from time to time.


      At level 6 you can head to SW and get your skinnning or mining, or whatever else training you want to make you some cash.

      Bigger bags from the get go. This really helps alot.

      Any other plugins you can think of to help you along the way.

      Gear from the AH. It would not hurt to spend some gold on gear as you level. I am currently leveling this with all gear found on mobs to test safety. A good rule of thumb is to upgrade your gear every 10 levels.

      Other Notes:

      This profile will not do class quests yet. The current version of HB does not support them. I will add them when HB does support these quests. I also heard rumors that the mage trainer is broke. I could not verify this.

      Your job is to run this and provide feedback. If you have a problem then post with as much detail as possible. Simply saying "dies alot" doesnt help me any at all.

      Your results may vary in alot of ways since the Nav is sorta bugged. In one case I got hung on a silo and had to blackspot it. These random path generation issues are not the fault of the profile. Please report your stucks here.

      Mor'Ladim has been added to level 35. I have added this quest to test weather HB will target elites with the tag on. Please report back.

      There is quite a bit of grinding between 34 and 40 simply because of the difficulty of the quests.

      Also the pages of stranglethorn are not yet supported till I can figure out a way for it to turn them in as it completes them, as well as the ability to sell the pages when the quests are done or reach a certain level.

      Remember, if I am to improve this profile I will need your feedback.

      Changes in this portion of the profile

      The first half of STV has been added. No BB quests are done as of 40.

      Min Durability has been changed to 30 percent.

      Fixed the mailbox hang in Lakeshire.

      Moved the murloc quest in Elwyn to level 14.

      Fixed "The Legend of Stalvan" quest line.

      Updated 9/9/10

      All quests that require interaction with any neutral mob has been given an override to prevent the HB bug of it not targeting the neutral mob.

      The Bounty on Murlocs quest has had an override added. It will now only grind the fins in the south camp (South of Eastvale) .

      A few blackspots has been added to level 13 when doing the corpse quest Rolfes Fate. Even though these blackspots are added there is a camp just south of the corpse that is unavoidable.

      Hogger has been readded to the quest list. It should now target him properly at level 16.

      Blackspots have been added to the coast of westfall when doing the coast isnt clear quest. This should prevent it from going iinto the water. It will also avoid the southern most murloc camp.

      Blackspots have been added to the water when doing the murloc quest in Lakeshire. It should no longer travel out to grind the murlocs in the water and drown.

      Totem of Infliction has been moved to level 28. This quest may need to be moved to 29 if problems still persist.

      Blackspots have been added to the enterances of the catacombs in the Ravenhill Cemetary. When hunting down Mor'Ladim at level 36 it should no longer get trapped underground.

      Attached Files:

    2. Mordd

      Mordd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Updated 9/9/10

      All quests that require interaction with any neutral mob has been given an override to prevent the HB bug of it not targeting the neutral mob.

      The Bounty on Murlocs quest has had an override added. It will now only grind the fins in the south camp (South of Eastvale) .

      A few blackspots has been added to level 13 when doing the corpse quest Rolfes Fate. Even though these blackspots are added there is a camp just south of the corpse that is unavoidable.

      Hogger has been readded to the quest list. It should now target him properly at level 16.

      Blackspots have been added to the coast of westfall when doing the coast isnt clear quest. This should prevent it from going iinto the water. It will also avoid the southern most murloc camp.

      Blackspots have been added to the water when doing the murloc quest in Lakeshire. It should no longer travel out to grind the murlocs in the water and drown.

      Totem of Infliction has been moved to level 28. This quest may need to be moved to 29 if problems still persist.

      Blackspots have been added to the enterances of the catacombs in the Ravenhill Cemetary. When hunting down Mor'Ladim at level 36 it should no longer get trapped underground.
    3. elsteve

      elsteve Member

      Feb 19, 2010
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      thanks for all your hard work!
    4. Revs9k01

      Revs9k01 New Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      I am stuck in a loop on the brotherhood of thieves quest where you have to collect the burlap bandanas and my toon is just long circling right off the starting spot. Any ideas?
    5. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I had that problem too. Not sure what happened but the hotspots are all wrong. Find the part in the file that shows the hotspots for that quest and try these:

      <Hotspot X="-8991.427" Y="-302.9722" Z="71.58224" />
      <Hotspot X="-9004.288" Y="-327.1005" Z="74.70773" />
      <Hotspot X="-9026.356" Y="-351.7745" Z="75.60359" />
      <Hotspot X="-9106.381" Y="-371.3658" Z="73.86848" />
      <Hotspot X="-9095.072" Y="-290.7119" Z="72.71013" />

      I replaced what he had with these and it worked fine.
    6. gimik

      gimik New Member

      Jul 18, 2010
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      Level - 13
      Timeplayed - 11 hours 17 minutes
      Spec - Retribution

      Edit 1
      Problem fixed.

      Edit 2
      Level - 15
      Timeplayed - 13 hours 56 minutes
      Spec - Retribution

      I'm currently on the quest 'Red Leather Bandanas' and it's bugging out and i have no idea why. It is running around and continually getting stuck and jumping trying to get unstuck even when it's not stuck at <Hotspot X="-10272.99" Y="1367.937" Z="41.00353" /> (right next to the huge tower by the molsen farm.
      After restarting HB the problem fixed its self, strange.
    7. elsteve

      elsteve Member

      Feb 19, 2010
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      I'm seeing the whole running in circles thing at lvl 4 on one of the starting quests
    8. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      elsteve: simple fix.. read the thread.. i already posted a fix..
    9. elsteve

      elsteve Member

      Feb 19, 2010
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      Didn't realize it was the same issue - thanks for the prompt reply!
    10. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So far after 3hrs and 10 levels.. only issue is the one above about the hotspots being off. Fixed manually and things are working good.
    11. Ratz241

      Ratz241 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Been using and testing this so far, It's been relatively superb up to this point... However..

      I currently have a problem, Level 22 paladin, On the Redridge Goulash quest, It's trying to get Tough condor meat x5 to complete it, it is however going through a shitload of blackrock hunters/sentry's through stonewatch mindlessly and constantly dying, I don't know why it wont stay around the spawn area of the condors and just get the meat instead of running off to stonewatch and getting owned.

      Edit: Fixed with some simple blackspotting, all is good now.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
    12. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think it has to do with the hotspots.. i had that problem too but didn't die that much so didn't worry too much. Maybe insert a blackspot for that area for that quest?
    13. Ratz241

      Ratz241 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      His gear isn't the best tbf, but when you got 4 orc mobs the same level as you on your ass it's quite hard not to die anywho, I will do some blackspotting, It was great up to this point, apart from getting stuck in duskwood due to the shitty navigation bug
    14. Enigmadude

      Enigmadude New Member

      Aug 29, 2010
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      nice job on the profile, been using this on my lvl mage from lvl 1-18. i did encounter a problem with the 'Red Leather Bandanas' quest : it tried to complete it with only 5 bandana's in his inventory ( but it seems im the only one having that problem ).

      Thx again for this profile and keep up the good work :)
    15. rooster71

      rooster71 Member

      May 6, 2010
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      Confirmed Hotspots are booty, thanks for the new ones...

      Uploaded a profile with the correct hotspots in.

      Once Mordd sees this and changes the release ver I will remove my profile.

      Lockwood likes this.
    16. gauta

      gauta New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Um i wanted to use this on my level 21 mage but i get this error

      Could not find quest with ID 14! (Or could I: False)
      Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 122!
      Could not create current in quest bot!
    17. rooster71

      rooster71 Member

      May 6, 2010
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      http://www.wowhead.com/quest=14 - The People's Melitia - Should defo work mate
      http://www.wowhead.com/npc=122 - Quest above you need to kill - Defias Highwayman
    18. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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    19. Ronnieole

      Ronnieole New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You need to start this profile from level 1

      I had similar problem with the condor meat. Went right through the orcs and wouldnt give it up. Also great to hear that the graveyard tombs is been blacklisted. I was stuck forever down there. Now I have alot of trouble in STV with the quest: Kill Kurzen Jungle Fighter. I died 11 times there and had to stop it now. Im at level 37, might be too hard?

      But other than that. Awesome profile. Used it since the first release. Cant wait to start another one with all the new tweaks.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
    20. Mordd

      Mordd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You caught the problem Hawker had and I did not. I will add the blacklist in the next release

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