My bots reach up to about 450 warp splinter kills before getting banned. Each battlechest net me about 55k purely from botanica alone. Bans are always there unfortunately. I estimate each bot to last about 10days before folding. With the current average market at China: $0.65 and Private $1.10 I'll say each battlechest is a profit. I don't use SORs anymore as it tends to get locked oh so often nowadays. I've got a Level 25 guild and a 2nd one coming along nicely
Well, HB doesn't understand how to get rid of unvendorable loot. So it'll just vendor EVERYTHING and keep the unvendorable as they have no sell value and are eating up valuable bag space hence the plugin requiring to remove it. As for the stuff that can be vendored and is on the remove list, they simply have too low of a value (2silver) and just eat bag space.
Btw regarding your issue with the bot un-equiping the shield for something shit , perhaps you could simply disable AutoEquip2 plugin while running the profile? Im guessing thats the thing causing it
Hi, nope its not about autoequip. I know that too For some reason the bot refuses to repair the shield until it breaks so it replaces it with a random trash orb. Saw it happen before. Also I've set my autoequip during questing to certain treshholds too like theres a score level so a ilv400 will never lose to a ilv80 green for example. And i turn every plugin off except MrItemRemover when I run my bots. I suspect its a HB problem and not the profile. This happens VERY rarely tho.
Im preparing an account to try your profile out. Im guessing you're running it 24/7 until you get banned? Have you tried running it less , like 5-10 hours per day in order to avoid bans?
Yes, I've tried botting for small amounts a day with ARELOG scheduler. Wasn't such a good idea. The bots are a 100% profit anyway as long as they last a day and a half and they take about 1-2days to level to 80. (RAF 2 accounts together of course) 300g an hour is quite a impressive number already considering botanica has a large mob density count. The only other instances that I can think right off the bat that can pull such numbers are two other instances that I have private profiles for as well to release in the future
Are you leveling a new lvl 80 from scratch every 10 days when the account gets banned, since you are not using SoR accounts? This seems HIGHLY unproductive if so.
Hi, yes I took into account of the instance limit as stated in the original post. This profile does about 4runs /hour. I rather have 4runs then 5runs and risk a timeout. There is no wait timer in this profile as I think its effing stupid for a "player" to stand still for 30seconds after killing the final boss. So what I did was include movements that could "waste" time so it prolongs the instance run.