Link: What does this mean exactly? Patch 4.0.1 is on TEST REALMS....the public test realms...not the beta test realms. This means that sometime in the not so far away future this will be deployed on live servers. This will have a huge impact on our botting life. The entire HB system will have to be revamped to cope with the changes. Every single CC will have to be rewritten since most, if not all, of the classes have seen huge changes. Basically when this hits live servers we'll be screwed .
I think this is good tbh, now we have a head start of the new things before Cata is released. Maybe the team will have the bot ready for the release then
It just hurt the CC programmer. Most features were not deployed Classes changes are up, new talent builds, new glyphs (not fully implemented yet), etc ... Revamped old zones are NOT available New graphics (textures, water effects) are NOT available Archaeology is NOT available Guild leveling is NOT available Flying in Azeroth is NOT available New content is NOT available Means new glyphs \ spells \ skilling trees sincery spud
Warlock: <33333 # Soul Shards have been removed from the game as items. Instead, they now exist as a resource system necessary for using, or altering the mechanics of certain spells. Thats nice no more full bags cuz of Shards Edit: But what about the Soul Bags now? o0
"For Soul Shard bags, we will probably do something like remove all the shards, reduce the bag size (a little) and convert it to a normal bag. This would be a one-time conversion. We'll probably get rid of the recipes, as we wouldn't want other classes to go out and get shard bags just to get a free bag." @
THIS WILL BE FUCKING GOOD FOR BOTTERS !! Prices rising up Start inviting a lot of pvpers, so you will have guild talents, and win A LOT of gold ! (each time you loot a mob, 12.5% of the gold goes to your gbank) More honor and more XP The bot will surely be able to farm underwater Etc.