I recently came across this: Matt's Webcorner - Starcraft 2 Automated Player and I thought, if it is actually possible, it would be from you guys. Thoughts on that?
This is next level botting. I don't think it would be possible right now, and if it is it wouldn't be available to the public. But really what you linked is just showing how the AI works. The AI will never counter your units like a player would.
well I know a guy that created a bot for MW2 and I know there are some bots that could play age of empires I have never played starcraft 2 or starcraft 1 but I'm sure it's passible but is it worth it ?
I would pay for that for sure. But I guess it would not be needed by top players, since most if not all important tournaments take place in a Lan environment. Still, there are many decent to medium skilled players that could use it, either to learn build orders effectively, get in game experience on how to counter stuff etc etc.