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  • [PB][N] Extreme Jewelcrafting & Enchanting AH Profile

    Discussion in 'ProfessionBuddy Profiles' started by Neyder, May 10, 2013.

    1. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      [PB][N] Extreme Jewelcrafting & Enchanting AH Profile (Discontinued)



      ..:: Extreme Jewelcrafting & Enchanting AH Profile ::.
      ProfessionBuddy - Horde & Alliance


      This is my extreme AH profile for Jewelcrafting & Enchanting. All you need is to be 600 in both professions, only base recipes are required.
      It will camp in front of AH and buy ores, craft, create/cancel auctions.

      On Archimonde/EU, I make 20-30k gold per day, botting for about 8h (from 4pm till midnight). I have nothing to do but clicking start =D
      It's designed to be 200% AFK, that's why I chosed JC+Ench, because they can be linked.
      In normal cases, what would you do with green quality gems ? => Primal Diamonds
      The problem is, that at the moment we can't grind, at least on EU servers, so you'll have to farm motes of harmony by yourself...
      So the profile will create rings and necklaces and disenchant them, so you don't have to buy any mats for your second profession.

      This profile will :
      Buy Ghost Iron and Kyparit Ore
      Cut rare gems
      Create rings/necklace with crappy gems
      Disenchant rings/necklace
      Create Sha Crystal, Ethereal Shard etc
      Enchant Vellum
      Cancel Undercuts

      Also :
      Buy Jeweler's Setting
      Buy Enchanting Vellums
      Creates Serpent's Eye
      Craft Serpent's Heart
      Fake AFK (Real players always get afk when camping AH)
      100% AFK
      100% no gathering
      You can also create Primal Diamond
      You can use only the AH part if you want (no crafting)
      Or only one profession
      Check and retrieve mails
      You can choose what you want to craft


      Requirement :
      Jewelcrafting lvl 600
      Enchanting lvl 600
      32 or 36 slots bags for Enchanting, Jewelcrafting and Mining, 24/+ slots normal bag
      More than 1k golds
      You must start it in Orgrimmar or Stormwing

      How to setup :
      Copy profile into Honorbuddy\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles
      Choose PB as bot, click "bot config" then load the profile

      The first time you run it, you have to choose what you want to craft. By default, everything is set to false.
      Check best sellers and prices on AH (it depends of your server)
      Don't craft and sell if prices are below 50-60g, you will lose money !
      Also make sure what you are crafting is wanted by other players.

      By default I recommend :
      Enchanting = True
      Jewelcrafting = True
      Create Auctions = True
      Cancel UC Auctions = True
      AFK Time = 10min (don't put too much or you'll be logged off)
      Auctions per object = 15 (I recommend to not exceed 20)
      Ores to buy = It depends of how active is your server. (If sales are fast, you can rise the amount)
      Ore Price = Depends of your realm, accepts value between 1 and 5, and a half (1 or 1.5 or 2 or 2.5 or 3 or ... 5.5)
      Transform Motes of Harmony = Why not ?
      Quit after = 6 hours seems ok (0 means never)
      Create [Mysterious Essence] = True (We never get enough of that, it will use only half of available dust, so don't panic)
      Set at lower prices By default, the bot will set at minimum buyout price of 50g, min, not max =) If set to true, min will be 25g. that doesn't mean it will sell all items at this prics, at least if you don't craft shit... Only for rare gems end enchants.

      If you don't want the bot to buy ores, set the amount to 0.
      Send all ores to that char, it will auto retrieve if from mailbox

      Cutting / Enchanting / prices depends of your server !
      Recipes, of what you discovered doing researches, and what sells good !
      Please take 10 minutes to check prices and set the profile correctly, I can't do that for you
      I suggest you to take an hour or two for farming motes of harmony to discover some recipes in JC before starting with this profile, at the same time you will find recipes for Primal Diamond =)

      Download :

      SVN :
      svn checkout https://neyder-hb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Neyder-PB-Profiles/
      If you like it, you can pay me a coffee =D


      Bug report / Suggestions :
      Please give as more as possible information (Side (H/A), Settings, Error message...)

      If you have any trouble after upgrading
      Try first to delete config files related to this profile in /HB/Settings/ProfessionBuddy/.
      Also empty your cache.
      This usually will fix all strange issues... (mainly due to variables types that have changed from a version to an other)

      If Profession Buddy doesn't detect you trade skill properly :
      Switch game to English, and empty caches.

      Changelog :
      v1.1.2 :
      - Minor optimisations
      - Added a second profile for Prospect only
      v1.1.0 :
      - Minor Fixes and changes
      - New settings panel structure
      - Added cooldown for waiting timer in verbose mode
      - Added all JC researches
      - Added more Rings/Necklaces recipes
      - Added some additional settings
      v1.0.3 :
      - Minor changes
      - Added a feature to delay profile start
      - Added missing routine for selling cut primal diamonds
      v1.0.2 :
      - Bug-fixes / Optimisations
      - Added a verbose mode (more detailed log output)
      - Added all Sha Crystal recipes
      v1.0.1 :
      - Minor bug-fixes
      - Code optimisation
      - Fixed a bug that was making the bot buying too much Kyparite
      - Added some extra information about recipes (useful to track recipes when your game is not in English)
      - Added daily "Secret of the stone" research for JC
      - Added recipes for all Primal Diamonds
      - Variables and default values were tweaked a bit (please check your settings)
      - You can now sell raw uncommon gems
      - Undercut is now 0.1% instead of 1%
      - Reduced amount of "Jeweller's Setting" to buy to 40 (instead of 80)
      - You can now set the buyout price for Ore in Settings tab !
      - Added the possibility to quit game and bot after X hours (editable)
      - For selling prices, you have the choice between 25g and 50g MinBuyOut (for now)
      - Added a setting to chose if you want the bot selling and/or cancelling undercut auctions 
      v0.9.9 :
      - Minor changes
      - Now the bot can transform Motes of Harmony into spirits
      - Now when creating Mysterious Essence, it will use 3/4 of available Spirit Dust
      - Now when creating Ethereal Shard, it will use half of available Mysterious Essence
      v0.9.8 :
      - Added Sha Crystal Fragment support
      - Ore price back to 3G/u
      - Reduced amount of ore fetched from bank by half
      - Fixed an issue that caused the bot to not reserve 5 Shard when [Create Sha Crystal] was set to true
      - Minor changes
      v0.9.7 :
      - Fixed recount
      - Fixed personal bank withdraw
      v0.9.6 :
      - Bug Fixes
      - Added Bank/gBank withdraw (not fully tested on alliance side)
      - Added a simple recount of earned gold at the end of each while
      - Ore price back to 3G/u (to change, edit line 591 and 594)
      v0.9.5 :
      - First attempt to fix selling issue in some cases.
      - Minimum Buyout for enchanting set to 25g
      v0.9.4 :
      - Increased ore price to 3G/u
      - MinBuyOut for all gems is now 25G
      v0.9.3 : 
      - Works with the latest version of PB and WoW 5.4.x
      - Bug Fixes !
      - Prospecting Kyparit if GI is too expensive (more than 2.5g/u)
      - Can sell Raw Gems (If not cut)
      - Editable AFK time (Wait time before starting over)
      - A new recipe for making Ethereal Shard with River's Heart and Serpent's Eye (those gem's price is very low on some servers)
      - When "Create Mysterious Essence" is set to True, it will use only half of available "Spirit Dust"
      - Now, if you have more than 20 piece of a same gem, it will sell raw gem instead of cutting it, if "Sell Raw Gems" is set to true
      v0.9.2 : Bug Fixes
      v0.9.1 : Fixed Professions Check
      v0.9.0 : Public Release
      Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
      Unknown and Lipie like this.
    2. Claymor33

      Claymor33 New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      sound's good but if there is isncription + jc ah profile will be gr8t :D
    3. robertsskyler

      robertsskyler New Member

      Mar 13, 2012
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      Where is the download? WOULD LOVE TO TEST THIS OUT:)
    4. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      Download link added, just finished translating in english =)
    5. robertsskyler

      robertsskyler New Member

      Mar 13, 2012
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      is there any way to change to only use jewelcrafting
    6. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      Just set "Enchanting" to false
    7. 5542Jaded

      5542Jaded New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think he means even with enchanting set to false it throws up/stops the bot if your other prof isn't enchanting.
      Like i have JC @ 600 and BS, and the profile tells me both must be at 600 for it to work, now ive disabled the enchant side of it, so i cant see why the other prof would need to be @ 600.
    8. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      At the start it's designed tu run both professions to make as more as possible gold while being AFK
      It checks for professions lvl to prevent bugs if you try to run with a low lvl profession

      Enchanting will not work without jewelcrafting because it disenchants only what you craft with JC
      You need to have all mats in your bags to make it work in this case

      Anyway, I'll fix the check problem, so It will check only the professions that are set to true =)

      Edit : New link
      Last edited: May 12, 2013
    9. 5542Jaded

      5542Jaded New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Another idea for you, i just had a quick look so not sure if you've already done it, but an option to adjust the buyout price of ore
    10. Spanishguy

      Spanishguy Member

      Jun 26, 2011
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      amazing. will this due automatic undercutting of items if i get undercut? and by how much will it undercut, is this in the settings? thanks alot for this
    11. Dadi

      Dadi New Member

      Aug 7, 2010
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      i will try this out and give later feedback.

      can you give me your setup ?

      edit: got this error:

      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Chest (Glorious Stats)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code947105016(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203
      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Gloves (Superior Mastery)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code247946500(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203
      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Gloves (Super Strength)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code1030880714(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203

      the i have problem, when the mailbox is full the bot doesn't refresh and standing there and do nothing
      Last edited: May 12, 2013
    12. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      Dit you get this error after stopping the bot ?

      When it stants to the mailbox, it wait for it to refresh (like you will do by yourself if you dont want to disconnect/reconnect), it's not due to profile.
      Just wait, it's ok =)
    13. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Interesting, JC + INS would rock.

    14. Dadi

      Dadi New Member

      Aug 7, 2010
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      oh idk anymore, i think that happened after checking the ah auctions. btw. are you German maybe ?

      could you help me to set the right recipes ? i had 9,2k Gold now i have only 4k left -.-
      Last edited: May 13, 2013
    15. Dadi

      Dadi New Member

      Aug 7, 2010
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      got some errors:

      [Neyder Profile] Converting Enchanting stuff
      [Neyder Profile] Enchanting
      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Chest (Glorious Stats)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code1949176965(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203
      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Gloves (Superior Mastery)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code507669575(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203
      Err: If Condition: (bool)Settings["[RECIPE] Gloves (Super Strength)"] && InbagCount(38682) > 0
      Err:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at CodeDriver.Code1669640401(Object context)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.If.CanRun(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\If.cs:line 203
      [Neyder Profile] Cancelling undercuts
      Err: System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
         at Styx.MemoryManagement.Executor.Execute(Int32 fromId)
         at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName)
         at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal)
         at HighVoltz.Composites.CancelAuctionAction.Run(Object context) in c:\Users\Robin\Downloads\^^\Bots\Professionbuddy\Composites\CancelAuctionAction.cs:line 248
      Bot wird gestoppt!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Bot wird gestartet!
      Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
      Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
      Bot Stopped! Reason: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
      Bot wird gestartet!
      Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
      Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
      Bot Stopped! Reason: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
    16. Neyder

      Neyder New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
      It's not because of the profile, it's a HB problem.

      Have you logged out your char ? or switched without restarting HB ?
      Are your running wow in windowed mode ?
      Using DX9 API ?
      Screensaver, another game in fullscreen mode ?

      If you still have errors like that, I mean at HB level, you can try to make a fresh install of HB
    17. Dadi

      Dadi New Member

      Aug 7, 2010
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      yes i play wow on window mode ^^. this happens after he checking the AH to cancel auctions and etc.
    18. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      Working good for me so far. Quick question, is there a way to set how much to undercut by in the Auction house? It is more a Professionbuddy question in general I suppose. Also, is it possible for you to add in some of the rep recipes such as Bracers: Exceptional Strength / greater Agility / Super Intellect and Weapon - Jade Spirit / River's Song that are sold by the August Celestials and the Shadow Pan Quartermasters? Thanks :)
    19. Lipie

      Lipie Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Lets say you can only cut blue and red gems, would it be hard/possible to make the profile sell the other raw gems instead of keeping them 24/7 ?

      Current Ruby prices are complete garbage, its better to let him sell the raw gems instead of a cut version, if he doesnt sell them, bags go full really quickly.

      The profile itself is just amazing, certainly on a friday night :) Thank you so much!

      *another great thing would be to set :
      -Convert spirit dust to mysterious essence , but set the mysterious essence to a maximum, like convert untill you got 20 essences. (otherwise you end up having not enough dusts for enchants...)
      Last edited: May 17, 2013
    20. Crzypuffin

      Crzypuffin Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      it'll buy ghost iron ore and then prospect it. When it tries to cut the gems it get stuck and nothing after that happens. It'll say it's cutting gems in the log but it really is not.
      Last edited: May 18, 2013

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