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  • [A1 Inferno] Festering->Weeping->Fields, FD mod

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by monkeyfingers, May 12, 2013.

    1. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Ah alright, sorry I thought you were messing with the bot. haha I've had people mess with it then go QQ it broke. lol

      Anyway, I didn't edit this version so I can not correct the problem. But I can tell you how to if you will.

      Open the file "Weeping" <-- because I see that's where the problem is from your code.
      Use notepad if you have to..
      <TrinityIf condition="NephalemValorCount() == 0">
            <LogMessage output="*~*~*~*NO NEPH VALOR*~*~*~*? Must of been stuck, now loading Fallen_START_" />
            <TrinityLoadProfile file="Fallen_START_.xml" exit="true" />
      Then save it. That should fix the problem :)

      He may have edited the above code a bit, but it should be at the top of the file. And look similar to that. Just look for the <TrinityIf condition="NephalemValorCount()
      Last edited: May 17, 2013
    2. Benevolene

      Benevolene Member

      May 11, 2013
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      I am trying that now FallenDev, but I wonder;
      Why is it skipping to that part? I am loading the Festering _START_ file, so why would it skip that and go to Weeping or Misery before having run the Festerings? It is (was) for some reason skipping that. I don't know anything about coding, but it just doesn't seem logical that because of the line you mentioned in the Weeping, that it would skip the festering and go read that? It doesn't make sense to me.
    3. sebflex

      sebflex New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      Please post your DB settings...for barb!!! screen pls :)

      Last edited: May 17, 2013
    4. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      I don't use my barb, I use my wiz till it's para 100. Then I might use barb.
    5. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      It shouldn't, I don't really know though. I haven't looked at the edited code. Also remember this was edited a week ago, I've placed like 10 updates since then in my versions. When Monkey comes back I'm sure he'll update it for ya.
    6. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Newest version updated on front page.
    7. sebflex

      sebflex New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      [11:40:53.345 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [11:40:53.658 N] Loaded profile Fallen Festering Woods
      [11:40:53.988 N] *~*~*~*NO NEPH VALOR*~*~*~*? Must of been stuck, now loading Fallen_START_
      [11:40:54.078 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [11:40:54.393 N] Loaded profile Fallen Profile
      [11:40:57.393 N] [Trinity]Exiting game to continue with next profile.
      [11:41:02.733 N] Waiting 10 seconds before next game...
    8. penetrator

      penetrator New Member

      Dec 12, 2012
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      Same to me.
    9. tvyper

      tvyper Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      Same here.
      Anyway awesome job FallenDev!
    10. bilinmiyor

      bilinmiyor Member

      Mar 27, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      in updated profile, if you remove all nv if-states, there will be no restarts. if you want I can add it here
    11. Aimas

      Aimas New Member

      Mar 23, 2012
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      Trophy Points:
      [19:44:50.299 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:51.175 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:51.625 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:52.157 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:52.786 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:53.439 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:53.991 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:54.811 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:55.241 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:56.036 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:56.605 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:57.308 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:58.048 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:58.558 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:44:59.113 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:44:59.968 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:00.519 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:01.203 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:01.876 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:02.459 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:03.167 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:04.155 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:04.675 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:05.289 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:05.931 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:06.457 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:06.972 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:07.754 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:08.442 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:09.069 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:09.626 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:10.269 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:10.879 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:11.534 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:12.110 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:12.901 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:13.594 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:14.031 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:14.399 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:14.872 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:15.360 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:15.999 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:16.563 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:17.207 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:17.821 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:18.448 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:18.927 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:19.680 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:20.163 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:20.813 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:21.733 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:22.289 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:22.764 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:24.197 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:24.606 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:25.081 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:25.596 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:26.382 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:26.814 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:27.526 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:27.993 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:28.659 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:29.155 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:29.810 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:30.262 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:31.028 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:31.930 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:32.508 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:33.032 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:33.956 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:34.423 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:35.019 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:35.944 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:36.911 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:37.528 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:38.275 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:39.033 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:39.441 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:40.447 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:41.108 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:41.667 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:42.429 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:43.251 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:44.429 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:45.226 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:46.055 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:47.360 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:48.703 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:49.081 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:50.595 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:51.060 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:51.554 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:52.456 N] [Trinity]Loading new profile.
      [19:45:53.228 N] Loaded profile Crypt of the Ancients
      [19:45:53.953 N] Inactivity timer tripped! Leaving game
      [19:45:53.955 N] Leaving game
    12. Nazair

      Nazair New Member

      Jan 5, 2013
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      I assume bot did town run near CoA entrance and when got back to FW he went into loop?
    13. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      lol I'm retarded... I use code checker on visual studio so it placed NV accidentally I'll take it out. Sorry guys!!! :p
    14. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
      Likes Received:
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      Fixed and updated again.

      ** removed NV checks on Festering and COTA, after COTA Stacks should be there so left NV enabled for stuck check purposes.
      ** Also removed Town Portal on initial Festering, to save time and optimize the code.

      Hope this helped everyone who loved this version of the profile.
    15. FragileAssassin

      FragileAssassin Member

      Apr 13, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I LIKE!!
      Barb on mp6

      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 1h 34m 7s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 2 [1.27 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 144.51 million [92.12 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 639.15 Thousand [407.43 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 1286 [819.78 per hour]
      Items dropped by ilvl:
      - ilvl58: 74 [47.17 per hour] {5.75 %}
      - ilvl59: 35 [22.31 per hour] {2.72 %}
      - ilvl60: 200 [127.49 per hour] {15.55 %}
      - ilvl61: 421 [268.37 per hour] {32.74 %}
      - ilvl62: 361 [230.12 per hour] {28.07 %}
      - ilvl63: 195 [124.3 per hour] {15.16 %}
    16. Aimas

      Aimas New Member

      Mar 23, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      add update log or date when its updated so we could know if its new or not :p
    17. sebflex

      sebflex New Member

      May 10, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      its updated...!!


      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 0h 50m 24s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 0 [0 per hour]
      (your games left value may be bugged @ 0 due to profile managers/routines etc., now showing games joined instead:)
      Total games joined: 1 [1,19 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 64,79 million [77,12 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 296,09 Thousand [352,41 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 682 [811,71 per hour]
      Items dropped by ilvl:
      - ilvl58: 37 [44,04 per hour] {5,43 %}
      - ilvl59: 15 [17,85 per hour] {2,2 %}
      - ilvl60: 101 [120,21 per hour] {14,81 %}
      - ilvl61: 226 [268,98 per hour] {33,14 %}
      - ilvl62: 193 [229,71 per hour] {28,3 %}
      - ilvl63: 110 [130,92 per hour] {16,13 %}

      Items dropped by quality:
      - White: 241 [286,84 per hour] {35,34 %}
      --- ilvl 58 White: 12 [14,28 per hour] {1,76 %}
      --- ilvl 59 White: 2 [2,38 per hour] {0,29 %}
      --- ilvl 60 White: 33 [39,28 per hour] {4,84 %}
      --- ilvl 61 White: 86 [102,36 per hour] {12,61 %}
      --- ilvl 62 White: 65 [77,36 per hour] {9,53 %}
      --- ilvl 63 White: 43 [51,18 per hour] {6,3 %}
      - Magic: 327 [389,19 per hour] {47,95 %}
      --- ilvl 58 Magic: 20 [23,8 per hour] {2,93 %}
      --- ilvl 59 Magic: 11 [13,09 per hour] {1,61 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Magic: 49 [58,32 per hour] {7,18 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Magic: 102 [121,4 per hour] {14,96 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Magic: 100 [119,02 per hour] {14,66 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Magic: 45 [53,56 per hour] {6,6 %}
      - Rare: 112 [133,3 per hour] {16,42 %}
      --- ilvl 58 Rare: 5 [5,95 per hour] {0,73 %}
      --- ilvl 59 Rare: 2 [2,38 per hour] {0,29 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Rare: 19 [22,61 per hour] {2,79 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Rare: 38 [45,23 per hour] {5,57 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Rare: 28 [33,33 per hour] {4,11 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Rare: 20 [23,8 per hour] {2,93 %}
      - Legendary: 2 [2,38 per hour] {0,29 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 2 [2,38 per hour] {0,29 %}

      Potion Drops:
      Total potions: 26 [30,95 per hour]
      - ilvl 60: 26 [30,95 per hour] {100 %}

      Gem Drops:
      Total gems: 9 [10,71 per hour]
      - Ruby: 3 [3,57 per hour] {33,33 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Ruby: 3 [3,57 per hour] {33,33 %}
      - Topaz: 2 [2,38 per hour] {22,22 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Topaz: 2 [2,38 per hour] {22,22 %}
      - Amethyst: 4 [4,76 per hour] {44,44 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Amethyst: 4 [4,76 per hour] {44,44 %}
      Infernal Key Drops:
      Total Keys: 2 [2,38 per hour]

      ===== Item PICKUP Statistics =====
      Total items picked up: 27 [32,14 per hour]
      Item picked up by ilvl:
      - ilvl60: 1 [1,19 per hour] {3,7 %}
      - ilvl61: 3 [3,57 per hour] {11,11 %}
      - ilvl62: 1 [1,19 per hour] {3,7 %}
      - ilvl63: 22 [26,18 per hour] {81,48 %}

      Items picked up by quality:
      - Rare: 25 [29,75 per hour] {92,59 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Rare: 1 [1,19 per hour] {3,7 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Rare: 3 [3,57 per hour] {11,11 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Rare: 1 [1,19 per hour] {3,7 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Rare: 20 [23,8 per hour] {74,07 %}
      - Legendary: 2 [2,38 per hour] {7,41 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 2 [2,38 per hour] {7,41 %}

      (note: 7 follower items ignored for being ilvl <60 or blue)
      Potion Pickups:
      Total potions: 15 [17,85 per hour]
      - ilvl 60: 15 [17,85 per hour] {100 %}

      ===== End Of Report =====
    18. sebflex

      sebflex New Member

      May 10, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 1h 36m 17s
      Total deaths: 0 [0 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 0 [0 per hour]
      (your games left value may be bugged @ 0 due to profile managers/routines etc., now showing games joined instead:)
      Total games joined: 1 [0,62 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 118,84 million [74,06 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 569,09 Thousand [354,62 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 1204 [750,27 per hour]
      Items dropped by ilvl:
      - ilvl58: 74 [46,11 per hour] {6,15 %}
      - ilvl59: 35 [21,81 per hour] {2,91 %}
      - ilvl60: 173 [107,8 per hour] {14,37 %}
      - ilvl61: 390 [243,03 per hour] {32,39 %}
      - ilvl62: 334 [208,13 per hour] {27,74 %}
      - ilvl63: 198 [123,38 per hour] {16,45 %}

      Items dropped by quality:
      - White: 424 [264,21 per hour] {35,22 %}
      --- ilvl 58 White: 20 [12,46 per hour] {1,66 %}
      --- ilvl 59 White: 9 [5,61 per hour] {0,75 %}
      --- ilvl 60 White: 50 [31,16 per hour] {4,15 %}
      --- ilvl 61 White: 142 [88,49 per hour] {11,79 %}
      --- ilvl 62 White: 116 [72,28 per hour] {9,63 %}
      --- ilvl 63 White: 87 [54,21 per hour] {7,23 %}
      - Magic: 574 [357,68 per hour] {47,67 %}
      --- ilvl 58 Magic: 39 [24,3 per hour] {3,24 %}
      --- ilvl 59 Magic: 19 [11,84 per hour] {1,58 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Magic: 91 [56,71 per hour] {7,56 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Magic: 187 [116,53 per hour] {15,53 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Magic: 168 [104,69 per hour] {13,95 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Magic: 70 [43,62 per hour] {5,81 %}
      - Rare: 202 [125,88 per hour] {16,78 %}
      --- ilvl 58 Rare: 15 [9,35 per hour] {1,25 %}
      --- ilvl 59 Rare: 7 [4,36 per hour] {0,58 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Rare: 32 [19,94 per hour] {2,66 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Rare: 61 [38,01 per hour] {5,07 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Rare: 49 [30,53 per hour] {4,07 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Rare: 38 [23,68 per hour] {3,16 %}
      - Legendary: 4 [2,49 per hour] {0,33 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Legendary: 1 [0,62 per hour] {0,08 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 3 [1,87 per hour] {0,25 %}

      Potion Drops:
      Total potions: 38 [23,68 per hour]
      - ilvl 60: 38 [23,68 per hour] {100 %}

      Gem Drops:
      Total gems: 15 [9,35 per hour]
      - Ruby: 7 [4,36 per hour] {46,67 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Ruby: 7 [4,36 per hour] {46,67 %}
      - Topaz: 2 [1,25 per hour] {13,33 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Topaz: 2 [1,25 per hour] {13,33 %}
      - Amethyst: 4 [2,49 per hour] {26,67 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Amethyst: 4 [2,49 per hour] {26,67 %}
      - Emerald: 2 [1,25 per hour] {13,33 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Emerald: 2 [1,25 per hour] {13,33 %}
      Infernal Key Drops:
      Total Keys: 3 [1,87 per hour]

      ===== Item PICKUP Statistics =====
      Total items picked up: 48 [29,91 per hour]
      Item picked up by ilvl:
      - ilvl60: 2 [1,25 per hour] {4,17 %}
      - ilvl61: 3 [1,87 per hour] {6,25 %}
      - ilvl62: 3 [1,87 per hour] {6,25 %}
      - ilvl63: 40 [24,93 per hour] {83,33 %}

      Items picked up by quality:
      - Rare: 44 [27,42 per hour] {91,67 %}
      --- ilvl 60 Rare: 2 [1,25 per hour] {4,17 %}
      --- ilvl 61 Rare: 3 [1,87 per hour] {6,25 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Rare: 2 [1,25 per hour] {4,17 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Rare: 37 [23,06 per hour] {77,08 %}
      - Legendary: 4 [2,49 per hour] {8,33 %}
      --- ilvl 62 Legendary: 1 [0,62 per hour] {2,08 %}
      --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 3 [1,87 per hour] {6,25 %}

      (note: 9 follower items ignored for being ilvl <60 or blue)
      Potion Pickups:
      Total potions: 20 [12,46 per hour]
      - ilvl 60: 20 [12,46 per hour] {100 %}

      ===== End Of Report =====

      MP7! WW BARB!
    19. FragileAssassin

      FragileAssassin Member

      Apr 13, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      MP6 ww/rend barb

      ===== Misc Statistics =====
      Total tracking time: 4h 3m 29s
      Total deaths: 3 [0.740000009536743 per hour]
      Total games (approx): 3 [0.740000009536743 per hour]
      Total XP gained: 373.600006103516 million [92.0599975585938 million per hour]
      Total Gold gained: 1637.31005859375 Thousand [403.450012207031 Thousand per hour]

      ===== Item DROP Statistics =====
      Total items dropped: 3124 [769.789978027344 per hour]
      Items dropped by ilvl:
      - ilvl58: 170 [41.8899993896484 per hour] {5.44000005722046 %}
      - ilvl59: 66 [16.2600002288818 per hour] {2.10999989509583 %}
      - ilvl60: 477 [117.540000915527 per hour] {15.2700004577637 %}
      - ilvl61: 1058 [260.700012207031 per hour] {33.8699989318848 %}
      - ilvl62: 863 [212.649993896484 per hour] {27.6200008392334 %}
      - ilvl63: 490 [120.73999786377 per hour] {15.6899995803833 %}
    20. FallenDev

      FallenDev Member

      Apr 17, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Added a date to the file :p

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