Version 4.0.1 with a 173k dps Archon Wizard. On MP 3 I know barbs will get a ton more. Let me know what your stats are If I didn't die 6 times an hour I'd prolly be ok haha
View attachment 9404 2013-05-20 02.48.txt Hey Fallen, Ive probably been running the new -Highlands for about an hour now, I noticed in Halls Of Agony 2, the bot seems to want to combat the firewalls if it goes into that area, im refering to the one random room with rows of firewalls, my bot has killed itself probably 30 times now in the same game lol. Anyways, thought Id let you know, ill submit the log too if that helps with error coding. =)
Have you played a CM build, if you did do you like the Archon build over it? Im thinking of trying Archon
Hi Seero I'm pretty sure that someone has already mentioned this "bug" and I'm pretty sure that Fallen has already replied to him. I know 65 pages are a lot but you could find the solution there. In addition, Falled could be sleeping now XD So in the meanwhile you are waiting for his reply, try to read some pages
oh, well Im not like some of the people on here who are rude and demanding, Im sure hes asleep, I simply just leave replies and go to sleep myself and let my bot deal with it lol, but ill go look. thanks for letting me know if this was possibly resolved already. I didnt notice there was a 4.0.1, I was Running 3.9, so I must have DLd that right before he changed it lol. Hopefully its good on that file.
Hi Fallen, which profile of yours goes Festering Wood/Leoric to get 5NV, then goes Weeping Hollow and then FoM?
Using 4.0.1 no highlands, but still experiencing some random problems when creating a game. It doesn't happen all the time, it happens randomly, and I can indeed start the game manually (Clicking resume game) but profile will try to reload, as if, it wasn't in the right quest. No clue why. I'll give you a full log, you might want to skip to 11:31
So.. I have seen ur log... And.. This could be the problem! I'm not sure 100% but 99% yes XD DemonbuddyBETA v1.0.1425.218 started Download the last DB version as Fallen said in the first page. [11:31:14.050 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000008 [299]! This error means you have an old version
You did a good job FallenDev, thank you, these are my stats: ===== Misc Statistics ===== Total tracking time: 12h 47,00m 3s Total deaths: 26 [2,03 per hour] Total games (approx): 0 [0,00 per hour] (your games left value may be bugged @ 0 due to profile managers/routines etc., now showing games joined instead Total games joined: 1 [0,08 per hour] Total XP gained: 669,58 million [52,38 million per hour] ===== Item DROP Statistics ===== Items: Total items dropped: 8100 [633,59 per hour] Items dropped by ilvl: - ilvl58: 502 [39,27 per hour] {6,20 %} - ilvl59: 198 [15,49 per hour] {2,44 %} - ilvl60: 1227 [95,98 per hour] {15,15 %} - ilvl61: 2732 [213,70 per hour] {33,73 %} - ilvl62: 2194 [171,62 per hour] {27,09 %} - ilvl63: 1247 [97,54 per hour] {15,40 %} Items dropped by quality: - White: 2688 [210,26 per hour] {33,19 %} --- ilvl 58 White: 137 [10,72 per hour] {1,69 %} --- ilvl 59 White: 54 [4,22 per hour] {0,67 %} --- ilvl 60 White: 313 [24,48 per hour] {3,86 %} --- ilvl 61 White: 924 [72,28 per hour] {11,41 %} --- ilvl 62 White: 738 [57,73 per hour] {9,11 %} --- ilvl 63 White: 522 [40,83 per hour] {6,44 %} - Magic: 3978 [311,16 per hour] {49,11 %} --- ilvl 58 Magic: 267 [20,88 per hour] {3,30 %} --- ilvl 59 Magic: 104 [8,13 per hour] {1,28 %} --- ilvl 60 Magic: 684 [53,50 per hour] {8,44 %} --- ilvl 61 Magic: 1328 [103,88 per hour] {16,40 %} --- ilvl 62 Magic: 1067 [83,46 per hour] {13,17 %} --- ilvl 63 Magic: 528 [41,30 per hour] {6,52 %} - Rare: 1407 [110,06 per hour] {17,37 %} --- ilvl 58 Rare: 96 [7,51 per hour] {1,19 %} --- ilvl 59 Rare: 40 [3,13 per hour] {0,49 %} --- ilvl 60 Rare: 228 [17,83 per hour] {2,81 %} --- ilvl 61 Rare: 478 [37,39 per hour] {5,90 %} --- ilvl 62 Rare: 384 [30,04 per hour] {4,74 %} --- ilvl 63 Rare: 181 [14,16 per hour] {2,23 %} - Legendary: 27 [2,11 per hour] {0,33 %} --- ilvl 58 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,02 %} --- ilvl 60 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,02 %} --- ilvl 61 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,02 %} --- ilvl 62 Legendary: 5 [0,39 per hour] {0,06 %} --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 16 [1,25 per hour] {0,20 %} ===== Item PICKUP Statistics ===== Items: Total items picked up: 251 [19,63 per hour] Item picked up by ilvl: - ilvl58: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,80 %} - ilvl60: 18 [1,41 per hour] {7,17 %} - ilvl61: 15 [1,17 per hour] {5,98 %} - ilvl62: 18 [1,41 per hour] {7,17 %} - ilvl63: 198 [15,49 per hour] {78,88 %} Items picked up by quality: - Rare: 223 [17,44 per hour] {88,84 %} --- ilvl 60 Rare: 16 [1,25 per hour] {6,37 %} --- ilvl 61 Rare: 13 [1,02 per hour] {5,18 %} --- ilvl 62 Rare: 12 [0,94 per hour] {4,78 %} --- ilvl 63 Rare: 182 [14,24 per hour] {72,51 %} - Legendary: 28 [2,19 per hour] {11,16 %} --- ilvl 58 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,80 %} --- ilvl 60 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,80 %} --- ilvl 61 Legendary: 2 [0,16 per hour] {0,80 %} --- ilvl 62 Legendary: 6 [0,47 per hour] {2,39 %} --- ilvl 63 Legendary: 16 [1,25 per hour] {6,37 %} ===== End Of Report =====