SOMEBODY must be using a warrior or a tank with this and not using heirlooms. How do you get it to stop equipping leather and mail items and instead just equip plate items. PLEASE somebody tell me. It's becoming a bit of a joke now.
I've used this on my protadin without any issues at all. And yes it somethimes ran around with cloth instead of mail (level < 40), but it levelled nevertheless without to much kills. Remember it takes in all sort of things in the calculation. It all depends on the weighting you give. Like my DK set just put <armor>5</armor> or something similar and it will not wear any mail or leather unless the other stats totally outweight this. This plugin works solely on numbers remember that. If the sum of your weightset is bigger for the new item and it is leather, either it must be a good item or your weightset is not accurate enough.
Thank you very much. Finally. Will try this now. EDIT: I give up with this. Changed all the relevant things and made sure equip grays and equip whites was turned to false. Using the default Ret paladin weight set. Still started equipping rubbish greens and even equipped some grey shoulders (despite it being turned to false). Crap plugin. Can't trust it. Going to end up with all my gear swapped and then sold to a vendor if i continue using this.
1. WHat level is your paladin? 2. Can you post your weight set here? 3. Can you post the relevant logs here as well? Like i said, i'm using this on my Paladin and also on my DK without any issues. Paladin is now 63 and DK is now 68. So i have 1 in outland and 1 in northrend both wearing plate at this time.
ive only had a problems with the wepons 1. Im a fury warrior. suppose to be dual wielding i bought 2 really good blues for my level procs not stats. and it repalces it with a 2 hander. with spirit and stam. it doesnt like 2 1 handers for some reason so i desided jsut to go with a 2 hander which brings me to problem 2 2.ive bought epics with shitload of damage and good procs. and it replaces them with greens because it has 3 strength on it... so i have my epic wepon with 33 damage and then this green with 18 damage it equips instead..... and it SELLS THEM >.< lol maybe theres a plugin you can make that bases your wepons for meele classes solely off the DPS the wepon has? thx otherwise its pretty freakign amazing thx for hardwork
hi I have just updated to new HB and tried using the Autoequip plugin but get the following Plugin from C:\Honorbuddy Paladin\Plugins\AutoEquip could not be compiled! Compiler errors: File: AutoEquipSettings.cs Line: 39 Error: The type or namespace name 'InventoryType' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) File: AutoEquipSettings.cs Line: 51 Error: The type or namespace name 'WoWItemQuality' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) any chance someone can point me in the right direction for this please, many thanks
An update was posted here :
The download link on the first post isn't working for me. It's telling me, in German, that the page is missing.
I'm telling you, in english, that the plugin is included with HB, so why do you need to download it??
Well for some reason I don't have it? I'll download HB again and see if I can find it. *Update* Yup, it's in there. Not sure why I didn't have it. Thanks for the information.
Chill folks. We're well aware of this not working. The issue is with how WoW now handles armor, damage and resists on items. Once we know how it works, we'll make sure it works properly in HB. Unfortunately, there's no workaround to the issue at the moment.
My ret pally weights - Code: <WeightSet Class="Paladin" Spec="Retribution"> <DPS>470</DPS> <Armor>8</Armor> <MeleeAttackPower>0.1373</MeleeAttackPower> <Agility>32</Agility> <Strength>80</Strength> <Stamina>0.1</Stamina> <HitRatingMelee>100</HitRatingMelee> <CriticalStrikeRatingMelee>40</CriticalStrikeRatingMelee> <HasteRatingMelee>30</HasteRatingMelee> <HitRating>100</HitRating> <CriticalStrikeRating>40</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>30</HasteRating> <ExpertiseRating>66</ExpertiseRating> <AttackPower>34</AttackPower> <ArmorPenetrationRating>0</ArmorPenetrationRating> <SpellPower>9</SpellPower> <MetaSocket>4000</MetaSocket> <RedSocket>1440</RedSocket> <BlueSocket>1600</BlueSocket> <YellowSocket>1040</YellowSocket> </WeightSet>
Could someone help with this please? I'm having trouble trying to stop this from equipping shields for my enhancement shaman. I have a main hand and an off-hand. Im guessing because atm my off hand is stronger it equips that in the main and then the shield in the off hand. What can i do to make it not equip shields. I added the <type> shield</type> in the settings file like i read above but that didn't seem to work. help
Hey anyone got a frost dk setup i could use been wanting one for quite a while and havent got a clue how to set it up