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  • SUGGESTION - For the raiders

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by ecsped, May 22, 2013.

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    1. mordacai

      mordacai New Member

      Aug 14, 2012
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      How about learn to play your class noob
    2. willowdreamf

      willowdreamf New Member

      Apr 24, 2013
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      LOL, I love the "high horses" and "soap boxers" who come on here and get all sorts of Internet badass.

      At the end of the day, HB is something I PAID FOR and I am A CUSTOMER of that service, and if I want to bitch and moan about something I PAID FOR not working -regardless of how I use it- then damnit I am going to bitch and moan. Do I appreciate the work they do? Sure. Do I care about your opinion? No. Did you buy this for me? No.

      The original poster had a valid point and if anyone says they use this bot to NEVER play for them, they are lying.
    3. zonpan2lol

      zonpan2lol New Member

      May 14, 2013
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      I use this bot to do the boring stuff for me, so later I can have fun playing the fun stuff. I don't raid unless there's an OP trinket I can use for arenas/rbgs. Some tasks are just boring and repetitive, lame and exhausting for me, so I pull my bot out when I have to do those. Let's say farming honor to get my gear, never on earth would I be able to get my full set in less than a week by myself because I'll get bored after the second bg. However, when it comes to the fun part, I send my bot to sleep undefinitely, because that's the point of paying for the game, to actually play it and feel rewarded for what YOU do.

      Other than that, I use this bot to make myself some extra cash which is never bad to have, running about 8-10 accounts. My main account is sacred, and I only bot on it when I have to. What is the point of having a program do everything for you in the game? Might as well get a hack that makes my warrior hit for 2000 Millions per auto-attack. I'm sure I'll be up there in worldoflogs and ill kill every damn boss in the planet. But... how is that personally rewarding? Ow yeah I'm cheating the gaimz so I can get past the fun, entertaining, challenging content easily, I'M SUPER DUPER C00L!!

      For these reasons, I believe Bot Raiders are LAME and should all be limited to only read the forums. And pay for their routines.

      Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of people use bots to do decent damage in raids. It's just sad to see how reliant people is on a bot to perform tasks they should be performing to have fun. When I saw the Kanrethad bot routine I couldn't look at the forums for days because of how disgusted I was.

      Also, at the end of the day, you paid for a software that you knew isn't allowed in the game and that you knew could have downtimes. Yet here you are, unprepared for the downtime, doing nothing else but whining and moaning about it. I'd love to see an earthquake hit your city and see if you can apply the same logic there.
    4. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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    5. magaicmutley

      magaicmutley New Member

      Aug 22, 2010
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      LOL botters abusing a guy because he uses HB to raid bot....priceless
    6. willowdreamf

      willowdreamf New Member

      Apr 24, 2013
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      BLAH BLAH BLAH- did I whine or moan? Get a clue before you badmouth to make yourself look tougher on an online forum, because that matters right?
    7. chtpm

      chtpm Member

      Nov 26, 2011
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      Botting with HB beats the hell out of every job and thats effing awesome but using it to have "fun" while raiding is something I will never understand.
    8. zonpan2lol

      zonpan2lol New Member

      May 14, 2013
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      I guess sharing my opinion and point of view makes me a douchebag on the internet.

      While on the subject, heil Hitler!
    9. kermzu

      kermzu New Member

      Aug 17, 2011
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      Mashing a rotation is not that fun. The dynamic parts of a fight/mechanics are fun. I would love a "light" release that just supported Tyrael/Lazy + CR
    10. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      To those that are asking about a "light" version of the bot to support combat related bot bases and combat routines, sadly, it's not going to happen. Every patch that's taken the bot down for more than a few hours has spawned this topic. Each and every time the topic is raised, it's also ended. The developers aren't going to create a combat bot that supports certain bot bases and combat routines. It's just one more project for them to upkeep on patch days. I can understand the desire to have this type of botting program, but it's more than likely never going to happen. It's just not worth the hassle to have to keep up two versions of HB, be it a full version or a light version.

      If you don't believe what I say, you can ask Natfoth, Hawker, Apoc, or any of the other developers. You'll get somewhere near the same answer that I gave. I'm not trying to shit on anyone's shoes or anything, because I've often wanted a bot that can just run routines too, but I've also learned in my time here that I have to wait, just like everyone else has to wait, for the bot to be brought up to a working capacity. It will then be distributed for the public to use. It sucks, especially when you have nothing else to do in life (literally) except play a video game. Why? Maybe because you're handicapped or disabled, and all you can really do is sit in front of a TV that broadcasts crap programming, or sit in front of a computer and use the internet to browse and play MMORPGs. It's whatever. We all just have to wait. They'll get the bot up in due time. I'm sorry if I said anything to piss anyone off or whatever, but sometimes the truth is what it is.
    11. jekidahoo

      jekidahoo New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      It sounds like a great idea in theory, to someone that doesn't code everyday simply updating the bot to run routines doesn't sound that hard. But not knowing what goes into that I would never be able to say for sure. That's also mostly what I use the bot for, I really enjoying tweaking a routine until it performs exactly how I want it to.

      But I suppose if I was that concerned I would simply use PQR until the official HB is released. But since I mostly PvP, I'd be missing a lot of features, so I just choose to wait.

      Sure it's agonizing, but whatever. I paid a measly $25 for a lifetime subscription, the fact that we get the support we do is sometimes pretty amazing.
    12. Mysta187

      Mysta187 New Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      What the OP must realize is that the world is full of people who's only impact on progress is to prevent it. For your sake, and to a larger degree their sakes as well, you must continue to try and promote change. It's better in the long run for everyone involved. Even if they refuse to admit it. While I may not use the bot in the same way you do, your way is important to you and doesn't detract from the way I use it. Your way may also be important to many others (judging by the Lazyraider threads, it is). I like your idea if it doesn't take time away from getting a full working bot available. If it does then it's self-defeating. Someone in another thread said it best...When I go to my favorite restaurant, I don't want someone standing at the door telling me to learn to cook. If it's closed though...I won't allow myself to starve. ;)
    13. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Not only that but by the time we actually have everything done for a "lite" version, the full version is practically ready to go at that point. There is no real reason to have a lite version when it would take almost the same amount of time to get it updated to work. There is a lot more to patches then just updating offsets, and if we release anything that is detected then the result would be far worse than the people complaining about the wait. While competitors may already have their bots up and running maybe thats saying something about their security.
    14. Mysta187

      Mysta187 New Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      And btw, to all the detractors...quit trying to pretend your reason for botting is more noble than anyone else. You're fooling yourself.
    15. ultragigatank

      ultragigatank Member

      Mar 30, 2012
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      Everyone has a reason, whatever it may be. Shouldn't matter. We're all supposed to be brothers/sisters-in-arms here and sure doesn't look that way.

      We're all part of this awesome super secret club, so why break the confidence and smack talk one of the other members? Be nice, mean people suck.
    16. Azucar

      Azucar Member

      Mar 26, 2010
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      I always learn my rotation first before botting and the bot usually does 35-50k more deeps depending on my gear.. so If something like this does happen I would be ok :)
    17. HB1859L68

      HB1859L68 New Member

      Jul 12, 2011
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      This thread is going nowhere, sure is a bummer with all these pointless threads being spammed on downtimes :( i will be hiding in Forums: success stories section, seems to be the quietest place rite now.[h=2][/h]
    18. User0828

      User0828 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      if you just want something that does your rotation for you while HB is being updated... a program that does just that exists. its very popular and works very well. im not going to post what it is here, cus i think its against the rules. but PM me if you want to know what it is.

      mods, if im breaking any rules by giving the dude some info about another bot, please let me know and delete my post.

      EDIT: i currently only use it for my resto druid, and the only combat routine for HB that does better is Leaves by mirabis. (pm him for more info on leaves). oh and i dont wanna leave out PureRotationv2. they've been doing alot of work on healers lately so im sure there healing combat routines will be competitive soon. if not already. :)
      Last edited: May 23, 2013
    19. sickjellyfish

      sickjellyfish New Member

      May 21, 2013
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      When did the art of grammar, complete sentences and punctuation go out the window?
    20. Rangbang

      Rangbang Member

      May 9, 2010
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      I CAN raid manually, I just prefer not to, since ive grown tired of button smashing for 4-5 hours/night for the past 9 years. With HB controlling my rotation, I get a close to perfect rotation EVERY TIME, that does not happen when I do it manually, since I get bored after a boss and then starts to slack -.-
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