So basically I got banned for abuse of economy. What's interesting is that all my accounts were banned. I had 1 account which I used to sell gold. I only traded gold with this account. I had 5 other accounts which I used for getting gold. I would put gold into gbank, pull it with 1st account and then sell it. all accounts got banned which means that guild bank with extra account is nowhere safe. Only accounts that left to me were those who were sending gold to those 5 accounts. basically this setup: account -> guild bank -> different account -> sell gold is not safe at all. Another interesting thing is that I sold my last gold a month ago and they only banned me after this patch.
you sold gold doesn't matter how safe you think you were if they put 2 and 2 together then its not hard to back trace what you've done
all 6 accs got banned. Those 5 weren't even farm accs, they were bank accs for auction house. It's not about that it was hard for them to put 2 and 2 together, it's that they gave effort to check beyond gold selling char. They checked guild bank and banned whoever put anything in it.
it was on EU. But yea, it could depend on the gm. I had cases before when my gold selling char would be banned, that's why I have separate account for gold selling, but this gm obv checked guild bank logs of gold selling char etc.