Im writing Dungeonbuddy atm I suck at writing profiles, and i need 2 basic profiles without any hotspots defined. One should be Kill everything thats hostile in sight. One should be Kill nothing except alliance (and maybe 1 more to kill horde) If you could leave me a spot where i can fill in hotspots, mailboxes, protected items, repairvendor and whatever i forgot which could be usefull then that would be awesome.. You'd be a big contribution to this addon and i'd might give u an early alpha release
There are three starter profiles in the Wiki... Farming, Grinding, QuestOrder. Here's the one for grinding, which is the one you want. The full list of Profile tags is now complete and located here. cheers, CJ
Check the wiki!!! it's about time you start learning it >.< Should be easy for you since you already code stuff. EDIT: replied too slow ;<
To attack all hostile mobs, set TargetMinLevel to 1, and TargetMaxLevel to 81. Unfortunately, you will also need to supply the Factions for each hostile mob type (e.g., scourge, beast, etc.). The only way I know to obtain the Faction is to click the mob with the WoWclient, and hit Honorbuddy -> Profiles & Meshes -> Target Info. Then use the returned information to populate the Factions tag. (All these details in the Wiki, too) Sorry its not easier. cheers, CJ
Not sure if this is what you wanted... But as stated before, id be happy to help you out with the profiles - Cicro