Throughout all the versions I never had anyone say anything about this pillar thing haha, alright I'll look into putting a fix up. I never encountered this, but I think I know what the problem might be.
hey fallen i noticed a problem, now that i am botting at MP 7-MP 8 it happens more often. if the bot dies at the leoric manor courtyard he will spawn inside the leoric manor and will stuck. sorry if the same thing has been mentioned again but i was away for a couple of days and lost track of the topic.
I found the weirdest "stuck" or bug I've seen. I found one of the bots in the drowned temple teleport waypoint, it seemed to have gone all the way up from misery as the map was discovered. I can't give any more info since I wasn't infront of the comp when this ocurred. The log shows it continually looking for a path to an actor, It will surely makes much more sense to you than to me!
Weird he is supposed to use the portal after reappearing in the Manor, I'll do some tests and see what gives.
I'll put a tag in that if your bot happens to head there it'll teleport to town and back to town and restart the game, because if it already walked all the way through misery and ended up there. Then the run is almost over anyway. Thanks for reporting this to me
New Festering woods maps uploaded to version 5.5 Should fix Festering 2 stuck problem, along with some other stuck problems. If not... oh well lol
v5.6 being released shortly, should repair the problem with the door after death in courtyard, <-- increased interact range. Also XP map pack has been modded for higher returns, by removing weeping. Manor --> Festering --> Misery
5.5 stuck at warrior's rest----> gets to the portal, gets in, goes out. Gets in again, gets out again. Rinse and repeat. Just 1 bot though, others went through it just fine.
Yea I did a quick fix for that a few moments after 5.5 was up, placed 5.6 up. lol you must of caught me between patches, I forgot to update some of the Festering 2 files. Should be fine now.
Have u fixed the decaying crypts stuck I posted before? Yeah I know it's supposed to, I haven't seen it happening as I stated before, but the thing is, if it tries to teleport, doesn't check if it's in town first and loads the profile THINKING it teleported, then it realises its not near that node and reloads the whole profile.
wow ... you're pumping out more versions than Adobe does with Acrobat reader! Thanks for the hard work. Will test the new versions with a few bots. If something valuable drops there, I'll be sure to donate you a beer or two
It's hard to test decaying map because of how random the dungeon is, even decaying itself is random inside. I literally last night played misery 20 times trying to find decaying and only found it 4 out of 20.. It only hides in two spots so it's not hard to find it, but then when I do find it. I get the map that works. I did fix a stuck I found in decaying last night though. 50% of the time the Character would go in the dungon... then because of the way the map is structured it would say "Hmm where the **** am I?" then it would turn around and use the door and ignore the dungeon. I forced it to walk forward based on which map it's on. Being also decaying has different start x's, y's and z's so I forced it based on two different xyz coordinates I found. I will try to mess with decaying two, I'm guessing your talking about the portalstone at the bottom. That map is small, and I really don't know how you can not use that portal. I'll check to see why.
lol their versions are more stable I just release my beta versions out into the wild and wait for feedback if something is broke or not lol. As long as I keep getting good feedback, with logs etc. There will be updates +Rep and Likes help too <3
Noooooooo ... why why. Add it back or i will remove your icon above my bedroom and stop praying. Seriously..nothing can be done about it ? O hell no! So much liked the way this profile is structured.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank everyone who has donated to me, I really appreciate it. When I started this I did it as fun, and it still is fun to me. I was not expecting donations like I've been receiving. I have beer for a week now! Woot!! Thankyou James, Petko, Bradley, Angel, Keith Much appreciated! I raise my cup to you.