Hello everyone. I am playing 2H Frost DK, and i am an endgame-raider. Using TuanHa's special edition CR's. My iLevel is 506 and i have a 2H Frost DK friend who has ilevel 505. And he is doing better DPS by hand better then LazyRaider. Any suggestions or solutions will be appreciated.
uhm. the dps will always be higher when played by hand of an experienced player. CR can only go so far and does not know circumstancial roles, etc. but it should be about 80~90% of your max deeps. for ex; I pull about 120k by hand on mage about 60~80 on cr. (cuz this one sucks and i havent bothered to find a better one cuz that's good enough for lfr's)
I disagree, a well coded CR will easily out-dps a player that's manually playing. The CR can handle/process calculations considerably faster than a person can.
don't wanna advertise that much, cause i'm not raiding progress anymore with my dk, but PureRotation did a well job and topped a lot of dps-lists the last raids i could do
Well I did try pure rotation.of course. I'm no using tyreal so that's probably why. But kingwow, etc doesn't ever pull more than me doing it manually. and I would point out that though this is a skillcapped game, it is not like an fps game where you need too many on the spot decisions. Rotations are pretty much set. Raid mechanics and how bot deals with them determines the dps. Person will always outdps a bot. Unless either you haven't learned the proper rotation, or the trial is hours on end where the person gets tired.
Well; why not play by hand if you are raiding anyways? If he has better set bonuses than you do. Then that might play some role. Or if he or she has been better at gemming, reforging and enchanting than you. These cr's are wonderful for lfr. But if one does not enjoy raiding, then dont raid. I would asume that you dont enjoy it since you use a bot in guild raids.you sit at the computer anyways, and have to move out of dumb shit. So yeah.
Even if the CR can calculate faster, even a 1000 times faster than a human, as long as the human calculates the same within the GCD window, there's no advantage though.
Well try to use PureRotation with the Tyrael botbase then. I have only heard great things about PureRotation and Tyrael. Which botbase are you using currently?
idk man, i cant find any solid mage cc, arcane ones suck and i gave up on fire. i can pull 200k-300k dps on most tot bosses and about 150k dps single target with movement. i doubt a CR will be able to do it better. not saying im perfect, im saying CR's ( atleast the ones i have used ) dont know when to use different spels due to you moving, and are horible at CD manegment. If you disagree with me, dont leave a comment saying you do. link in the comment or PM me with a CR for fire mages to prove me wrong. other wise dont bother
TuanHA CR's are good Healing as for DPS it's good for PvP/Questing. As for raiding I use Tyreal and PureRotation. I'm usually top dps at 508 ilvl (Frost DK 1h), and if someone out dps me they're wearing 522 and better gear.. even then its close. Also i have framelock enable at 30 fps