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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by kootr, Jun 1, 2013.

    1. kootr

      kootr New Member

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Please be assured that we're very much aware of bots (automated game play through third party programs) and are constantly working on investigating and removing these. While we won't go into details and can't promise immediate visible improvement, we're working diligently to track down and sanction those cheating, especially those negatively affecting the realm economies.

      Here are some quotes from us regarding bots, giving out as much information as we are able to:

      Original Post
      Lately ive been seeing alot of botters on tichondrius, i report them in game and these people are still there everyday and night for about 2 days after i reported them, nevermind that theyve been there for another 3 days straight before that, last time i checked third party programs are illegal, these people are obviously botting and still havent been dealt with, so does blizzard have an excuse why botters run wild?

      Blizzard Reply
      Run wild" is a bit harsh, Vex. There's method to our perceived madness, I assure you. ;)

      Think of it this way: A band of cops are attempting to bust a drug distribution ring. They don't just want to catch one or two low level dealers, but effectively cripple the ring as thoroughly as possible by arresting and convicting all members involved in the production, trafficking, and use of this one particular drug. What's the best way to do this? Through investigation and planning, mate. Door-busting, hat-waving, shoot-from-the-hip vigilante tactics would probably yield more immediate results in this situation, but the efforts wouldn't be as lucrative in the long term. Know what I mean?

      So these cops send in two or three of their own undercover. They spends months observing and watching the ring's habits, learning about who's in charge, who's buying, who's selling, and how the product gets trafficked. Now, even though these cops could probably bust a plethora of lower echelon dealers and buyers, they know that bringing a few of these guys downtown won't do anything?it'll get them off the street, sure, but unless the entire network is nailed, they'll just be replaced shortly after their arrest.

      And so the cops wait. They wait until they've got enough evidence to bring the whole thing down in one fel swoop. Why? Because not only will it hopefully catch everyone involved, but, by forgoing more timely arrests, it'll also prevent the bosses and ring leaders from learning about our plans prematurely and then using that information to cover their tracks.

      This is exactly how we behave and respond, and you'll notice that when we mete out punishment, that it comes in big waves. By tracking and observing these guys for months?instead of pouncing immediately?we can see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. And, what's more? We can do it without these guys knowing. The developers of the software in question are wily, and will adapt their programming immediately should there be any hint that we're onto them. So, in the end, proceeding with caution will yield more results. Slow and steady wins the race, eh?

      I know it's probably frustrating on your end, having to witness these guys day in and day out?and for that I do apologize. I know it's rough. Even so, I encourage you to just report them, ignore them, and then let us do our thing. Know that our Hacks Team is working ever so diligently behind the scenes and that one day? One day they'll swoop in again and smite the exploitative as mightily as we've done in the past. Just takes time. :)

      Blizzard Reply
      ...I assure you that whether you believe it or not this is a matter that we take extremely seriously and have dedicated teams working 24/7 on combating the scourge. However, our priority is the ?bigger picture? so, just because you have not seen action on that particular character it does not mean that nothing is happening at all. We are making constant improvements in the way that we handle this situation, and are fully aware that further development is needed, both in our action and our transparency.

      We will not compromise though, this ?bigger picture? comes first and foremost, for the integrity of our game world. In the meantime I sincerely apologise for the frustration caused by the dishonourable actions of other players and remind all readers of the instantly accessible solution to this problem;

      1. Don?t buy gold.
      2. Secure your computer and account.

      If all players did just those 2 things, there would be no bots or advertising spam.
    2. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      Soon or not?

      I don't really understand your question tbh and yeah they're banning much more ppl then a few months ago but there's still bots and there will always be.

      Blizzard taking even more action then now I cannot see why they're losing a bunch of customers and they are already on 24/7 banning spree.
    3. sneakyduck

      sneakyduck New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      sooner or later sounds better
    4. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Kootr, whats the point of that post, quoting blizzard US customer representatives, with populist posts regarding botting?

      They will never speak different, for the sole point, that they are hired to be in touch with community, and show how good is Blizzard Entertainment, and how bad are the others, so all the mindless zombies pay their subs!

      The allegory about cops and drug dealers is more than hilarous!

      I dont see the point, where the blizzard representatives are cops, neither the botters are drug dealers, wtf ?!?
      From the above logic, the ingame gold should be labeled drug, and we gain drug every time we complete a quest, dungeon or loot a monster,:D

      Yea, World of Drugcraft!
    5. standza

      standza Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I hate botters who is selling drugs. Blizzard ban them all!
      I knew it! They are scanning our computers for drug trafficing not for botting!
    6. SKing

      SKing New Member

      Oct 30, 2012
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      :) I couldn't have said it better myself.
      Classic nazi bullshit situation. The blizz goon is pouring his prerecorded crap onto the outraged snitch/rat-bastard to calm him down.
      Hahahaha priceless!
    7. kootr

      kootr New Member

      Jul 9, 2012
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      think the cop part you took to serious lol. you may believe it or not ! soon this whole shit is over , blizz is buzy with some underground work to sort it out by the sourge ,(honorbuddy) and many more third party software communities.this year this summer ! we will see a major change! and besides that you can say wow tells you a bullshit story too keep you a happy customer, you dont think a busness like honorbuddy wouldnt keep you happy and hide info from us so that they dont lose any customers.and besides that ...think bout it this way also ...Wow made allot money aswell by simply banning accounts and not IPs ,knowing the ppl that got banned will buy & start a new acc wich is $$,and i think 95% of die hard botter ,strikes back and buys new acc.
    8. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Simply because? ..... Its profitable!

      People are not stupid!
      There was botting in WoW in the past.
      There is botting currently.
      And .. .there will be botting in the future.
      At least since the WoW platform exists at all!

      And you ask why? Because the very basics of WoW gameplay allow botting, and gives the possibilities for botting programs to run, no matter if they are called Glider, Pirox or Honorbuddy. Its a concept, which was invented by Blizzard Entertainment, not by any kind of third party.

      What you think Bossland have done before starting the HB project? Botting WoW ofc! And he just like anyone have lost a bunch of accounts, but that have not demotivated him, again just like anyone! But at some point he decided to leave the passive scene, and develop a better bot in a higher level than the bots before.

      And one final question from me: Have you heard for massive botting in SCII? And why?
    9. DaveL

      DaveL New Member

      May 24, 2011
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      made me lol... yeah we all here spamming gold selling, thats the problem and POV of the nubs who see term of "bot"

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