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  • [Plugin] Rarekiller 3 RELOADED

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by katzerle, May 19, 2013.

    1. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Rare Mob Killer - Plugin

      No support during German Holidays

      First: Botting is against the Rules, so bot carefull and don't get slaphappy if you use this Plugin with your Main Account. Circle around 24/7 is very risky. :)

      This Plugin will help you hunt Rare Mobs like TLPD and Poseidus (Not Aeonaxx)
      If you want to catch Aeonaxx you have to use the Plugin Aeonaxx Catcher of Giwin.

      Also implemented:

      • Rare Mobs of Mists of Pandaria
      • Camel Figurines and kill Dormus
      • Another Man's Treasure and Riches of Pandaria
      • Alert for Footprints of tameable Pandaria Rares
      • Archievement Bloody Rare
      • Archievement Frostbitten
      • Cataclysm Rare Mobs
      • Dark Soil

      How to Setup:
      --> See the PDF User Manual in the Uploads
      1. You have to disable framelock if using Rarekiller
      2. You also have to Activate "Autodismount in flight" in your WOW Settings


      SVN Download Link:
      katzerls-plugins - Revision 92: /trunk/Rarekiller

      Special Thanks to:

      ? highvoltz (I was using his NetherwingCollector as basement to write this Plugin)
      ? Bobby (... for his really amazing CC ShamWOW. It helped me with the Config save and load)
      ? Kickazz (... for some Tipps)
      ? SMcCloud (... for the original Slowfall-Plugin)
      ? Brodieman and the Developers of Singular for the Sourcecode for the avoiding of special abilities of MoPRares
      and thanks to all the brave Tester of the early Versions of these Plugin

      Versions Infos here

      Users of the German Version of HB:
      instead of GB2 it is also possible to use this Bot to load and use GB2 Profiles:

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
      ArmyDr and Darknight1 like this.
    2. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      This Plugin gives me Poseidon and TLPD, Luv it!

      You will implement the MoP Rares with Avoiding Logic, like the Pandaria Plugin of TheBrodieman for the MoP Dailys?
    3. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      MOP isn't implemented yet, because this Plugin is only able to pull the Mobs.

      And I don't believe any of the Combat Routines can manage a Fight against the Rares of Pandaria.
      But you all can try to convince me to implemet it.

      And I removed Aeonaxx, so you had to use Aeonaxx Catcher to get these Mount!
      I recoded Rarekiller that you can use both Plugins at the same time but it's hardly recommanded to disable all Plugins which you don't need to catch Aeonaxx if you want to catch him. Because the more Plugins are enabled, the slower will the Bot reakt if Aeonaxx spawns!

      Last edited: May 19, 2013
    4. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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    5. tryme

      tryme New Member

      May 19, 2013
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      I have been using and I am not to sure if I am doing something wrong. How can I do a pratice text so it will kill the mob. IF found skoll but I took over, that was ny bad. It found kig krush, but didnt tame him. I dont know when he found him, I flew over to where he was spotted when I woke up and nothing. So I was checking out the settings and i look down (10 min) he was there sO i tamed him. He found vryagosas but I have no Idea he he was alive and ignored or dead, Can someone help me out, I plan having my guy hunbt for TLPD all night and day. I want to make sure it will do what I want it to do.
    6. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Please load up your Logfile of last Night so I can take a look at your Settings and what happend exactly (Rarekiller is dumping everything)

      Per default Tamer Part is deactivated. So you have to set it up, if you want him to tame a Mob. (King Krush is Member of the Default Tamelist.) Per default he will try to Kill the Mobs.

      Easy setup for Timelost Protodrake:
      If you are no Mage or Priest you have to buy some Snowfall Lager in Storm Peaks. !!! This is very very important.
      Then fly to Bors Breath and load the Profile in the first Post. Choose GB2 for this Profil. He will now fly to a exact Point and stay there till something happens.

      To Test the Settings fly to the big hole right beside Bors Breath. There are many Stormpeak wyrms.
      Open the Settings of rarekiller and Activate "hunt by ID" and Insert 29753 as ID.
      Now he will try to pull the Wyrms. Note: these Wyrms are much more faster then the real TLPD, so sometimes he don't get them.
      If everything is set up correct he should fly to a wyrm, cast a Pull Spell and activate Slowfall, so he will not die of falling.
      With a Priest or Mage Chillmaw in Icecrown ID: 33687 is a better Testobject, he flys slow as the TLPD. There can also test all other Classes, but then you have to test the Slowfall with Snowfall Lager in Stormpeaks additional to be sure everything works correct.
      To test the Slowfall, make your settings, start the Bot with Empty Profile and Grindbot or Lazyraider, fly high in the air and then simply dismount.

      yours sincerely
      Last edited: May 20, 2013
    7. ebinjabr

      ebinjabr New Member

      Nov 6, 2012
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      Gonna give it a try today. Which botbase do you recommend for taming beasts?
    8. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Edit: Version 3.1 Changes: Removed the complete Code of Bloodseeker

      As Botbase I would use: GB2 with One-Spot-Profile or Lazyraider with "Disable Plugins" disabled or Grindbot with EmptyProfile.xml
    9. Cisem

      Cisem Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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    10. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      In the Folder of Rarekiller you also find the Profiles. ;) --> Plugin/Rarekiller/Some Profiles/
      This was the way I hunted Poseidus:
      I used the Plugin ProfileChanger (see in my signature) and 5 One-Spot-Camper-Profiles with the 5 possible Spawnpoints (you found them in the Folder).
      Every 5-10 Minutes I let the Bot change Profile. So the Bot goes to one Spawnpoint, waits there 5-10 Minutes and then goes to the next one and so on.

      Note: If you bot on your Mainaccount dont get slaphappy !!!
      Don't circle around 24/7 and don't gather Herbs or Ore beside camping with (worst case) a public Gatherprofile. You will sure get banned like a farmbot. Don't leave your Mainaccount camping alone at home for longer. I implemented many very loud Alerts, so you can jump to your PC, if the Bot founds something or you get a wisper.
      Try to look humanlike. Change Positions, don't circle around, take breaks, answer wispers, create your own Camperprofiles and mix them (it looks very funny for others, if 3 Bots camp the exact same position) .... To Mix Profiles my Plugin Profile Changer could help.

      Creating such Camperprofiles is really easy, because they only have one Hotspot. So the bot will not circle around stupidly, he flys to the Point in the Profile and then he stands still. He moves only to avoid AFK if AntiAFK is activated in Rarekiller (Like a human would do, who is watching TV beside camping a Rare --> humanlike) or if the hunted Rare spawns. Just open my Profiles and take a look at them, they are quite simple.

      yours sincerely
      Last edited: May 20, 2013
    11. ChetadaMaxima

      ChetadaMaxima New Member

      Dec 24, 2012
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      Hi, im trying now this plugin and ill report later how it Works. In addition to this i would like to know if you could add an option to tell me if the mob is alive or has been killed (if its possible). Besides i would like to know if there is a list of "hunt by mod ID" mobs.
      Thanks in advance!
    12. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      New Version uploaded
      I fixed a Bug with KillMobs.xml now it should use the List correctly.

      Heyho ChetadaMaxima
      Rarekiller will only attack if he founds a Rare which is alive. If he found a dead one, he will send a message to the Logfile and to the HB-Window and move on. If he kills the Mob he writes in the Logfile something like: Found lootable corps, move to him ....

      If you want a list to hunt more then one special mob, you can take a look into the Folder "config" of Rarekiller (you find the Folder in the Pluginfolder of Rarekiller). There you will found some configurable Lists for everything:
      BlacklistedMobs.xml if you want the Bot not to hunt a Mob
      CollectObjects.xml to collect whatever you want
      KillMobs.xml to kill whatever you want
      TameableMobs.xml to tame whatever you want.

      You can open end edit this Lists with a normal Nodepad. Simply insert a new line like the other ones and insert the ID and the Name of your wanted Mob/Thing. If you have any problems feel free to contact me again.

      !! If you want to use KillMobs.xml you must download the newest Version. I had to fix a little Bug with the List.

      Yours sincerely
      Last edited: Jun 2, 2013
    13. hodge74

      hodge74 Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      camping time lost now, which is the best profile, do i need to edit the plugin? or just install it and leave it? thanks for the updates
    14. ChetadaMaxima

      ChetadaMaxima New Member

      Dec 24, 2012
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      Hey katzerle, its great you uploaded a new version. So far so good.
      I have been camping TLPD for 3.5 days and i saw him once. When i was about to kill him, another "camper" rushed to him and stole it from me :( sucks but im not gonna give up. It seems it has a 3 +-1 days respawn. It apparently has a cycle of vyragosa x4 then dirk x1 then vyragos x2 then TLPD. i believe this might help fellow botters in order to not waste time camping for nothing.
      Next, i will go for poseidus, if anyone can throw me some information like the one above would be great!
    15. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      It is possible to install it and leave it, but not recommended.

      I would use the Profile "Bors Breath" with GB2. Much better is: to use a selfmade One-Spot-Profile in Bors Breath to avoid fly on the exact point as other HB-Botters. A One-Spot-Profile is simply a Profile with one HotSpot. It wont move, so you don't look like a botter flying the same way over and over again. Also possible: Grindbot with Empty Profile and you place your Toon flying in the Air. Then he also will not move around till Vyragosa or TLPD spawns.
      In Bors Breath you have 4 of 5 possible Spawnpoints in reach of the Bot.
      You can sometimes let him fly a round with the other Profile but only "babysitted" and just 1-2 rounds and then go back to Bors Breath again.

      Now the Settings:
      Hunt TLPD is activated per Default.
      If I were you, I also would deactivate WOTLK Rares, so the Bot will not hunt the other Rares beside TLPD and Vyragosa in Stormpeak.
      For TLPD you need to setup a Slowfall ability special for your Char. Levitate of Priest and Slowfall of Mage it will use automatically.
      Per default he also use Snowfall Lager (A Item you get in Storm Peaks)
      If you are Ingi you can also let him use the Cloak.

      Next Things I recommend:
      Test if everything works correct before go camping to avoid missing your TLPD because of false Settings:
      1. Activate the bot and dismount somewhere in the Air to test the Slowfall Behavior (Snowfall Lager only works in Storm Peaks)
      2. Let him hunt Chillmaw in Ice Crown as a Test. For this simply open the Config of Rarekiller, activate "Hunt by ID" and enter 33687 as ID. The Bot now should fly to Chillmaw and kill the Mob.

      If you have some Problems feel free to contact me again :)
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
    16. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Sorry for your loss.
      Just a Question for m peronally: Did you see if Rarekiller3 acts correct as TLPD spawns?
      Alerting and Flys to his Position and so on?

      yours sincerely
    17. hodge74

      hodge74 Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      every-time i choose save settings within plugin it crashes hb im trying to de select WOTLK Rares as you suggested, also i dismounted in mid air and he did not use the beer for slow fall, fell to his death, everytime i choose save settings HB crashes?
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
    18. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I will take a look at it.
      EDIT: Please Name the folder of the plugin Rarekiller not RareKiller. This may fix it. I'm not able to test at the Moment because my PC is blocked by my son. But if it still not work I will take a look at it later.
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
    19. hodge74

      hodge74 Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Rarekiller rename worked, beer slow fall works, but i deselect WOTLK the time lost also is deselected, i put the tick back for time lost press save ( no crash this time ) and the tick gets deselected?
      just killed Vyragosa
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2013
    20. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      hmmmm did he say something why he automatically deselected tlpd in the output of HB?
      if you upload a logfile I could take a look at it.

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