Hey guys i just need some clarification With all the bans Due to Hotspot tracking as it stands right now is Gatherbuddy safe? If not are the devs working on something new? Do I need to Pay $25 for Gatherbro from another website to randomize way point? Thanks guys I think a lil clarification would be helpful to the community
Don't buy gatherbro! 1. Randomizing hotspots doesn't work, because you will hit a static hotspot at one time or another. 2. GB2 has the feature to randomize hotspots itself. 3. You can test Gatherbro with: Username: Guest / Password: Guest Don't know if the Devs are doing something. But after reading some other threads, they seem to blame it on the users. A solution would be simple and easy (for the LCP Method). GB2 just needs to change the coords of a hotspot to fly to, before doing so. This way LCP would "think" of you as a non-botting farmer, because you have your routes, but don't travel them in the exact way a bot does. EDIT: Tested GatherBro a while and besides that it doesn't fly to nodes on non-english clients (stupid name detection instead of IDs), it really flies at the exact same hotspot coordinates from the profile file (not shifted or changed)...
Many thanks for your reply. I think I will Hold off on Gathering until we hear somthing from the Devs Cheers
Started using Gatherbro yesterday. Have adjusted 2 very popular public profiles to hit each coordinate with 20 yards. I am pretty noob when it comes to things like LCP detection, hopefully this leeway is sufficient.
So, you've made a plugin for HB and eventually there will be a price to pay for that? As a long standing member of this community and the botting community as a whole, is it just me that finds this rather distasteful? Why not incorporate your ideas into the existing GB? This isn't a flaming session, I'm just curious as to why you would be allowed to make money off the back of HB. I think I saw ?25 mentioned as a price for it - thats a MASSIVE amount for anyone to consider paying considering they have already bought HB. Personally, I'll wait for the Devs to sort out GB and pay nothing extra on top for the privilidge Edit: Devs - I'm sure you've read what this can do, what are the chances of these things being implemented into GB?
You're paying to use a feature that someone has devoted their own personal time to coding and testing. Phelon isn't a paid HB dev so there shouldn't be any reason he can't charge for private plug-ins on another website. No different than someone making a program that adds a much needed feature to Windows and charging for it. Anyways, botting / gathering is not safe in general. Randomizing might help, but, at the end of the day we don't actually know what is causing them to notice certain botters.
No, he's not. The plugin is free so that people can test it for the dev. Later on, after all the bugs are worked out and everyone's accounts are banned, then we'll be able to pay for the plugin as a reward for helping Phelon out. This is why I don't buy anything outside of HB unless its been fully tested, comes with guaranteed support, and adds value to what I already have.
This is a specious comparison - Windows works (generally) right out of the box and is a standalone program; HB is not - it requires WoW to run. Furthermore, with Windows there are hundreds of free programs available for any number of applications ranging from databases to spreadsheets to web browsing, and Chrome and Firefox each have thousands of free plug-ins themselves. Now, of course most people expect to pay for quality software, and I agree: work should be rewarded - that's a core ethic of any industrialized society, and I have no problem with you wanting to put a price on your work. but don't be coy and make it sound like this project is at once a hobby and a business because it can't be both. Speaking from experience, there is a fine line at which one becomes the other, and the price you're asking people to pay clearly puts you in the 'business' spectrum. This is where our opinions differ. I think you overestimate value your software offers the end-user. Put bluntly, you wrote a plugin for a bot for a game for Windows and expect people to pay twenty-five bucks for it. Though free for now, there's no evidence to show that it's more effective than anything else out there right now. On the other hand, your UltimatePVPSuite I've heard is fantastic, but again: a nonrefundable $25 just to find out? A little high. Let me put it this way: even if I had the money, I wouldn't pay $1M to test drive a Bugatti to see if the color matches the paint in my garage.
Do you realize, that you complain about opportunity to get plugin that you don't have to have? Why do you bitch about it? Whats the true alternative? You want him to stop, abandon this project, and move on to something else non wow related to make money and save you hustle with making choice to buy or not to buy this thing, because this wont exist? You cant force him to do what you think he should do. Contribute to community? Why wont you do that? Did he patent his idea? You know how it works, go learn how to code, implement it and release it for free to contribute to community. Stop telling people what they should do. You want something, do it. Except that you dont. You want other people to carry you, huh?
Bugatti has a reputation for their high priced products he doesn't but I think his product should be okay but I think he's overpricing it 5-10$ would be a reasonable price 15$ at max. Just a suggestion you could try to accept gold for your script that way you might get more sales once it releases but try to put a fair price tag on it and 25$ is quite a bit considering hb costs that much and hb is more then just gathering.
there are some ideas out there to run gatherbuddy without the need of profiles and it's not too hard (after some researching and coding the first parts of this idea) the problem with this idea is currently that u won't get a comparable nodes per hour ratio (currently thinking bout this, the first ideas we came up with are looking very promising and we're about to write this) in theory u will always get unique paths ... all the time! since all parameters are currently generated with random values
can't confirm this atm but i also can't rebute it, but i'm sure NPH can be solved with the correct management when to switch to next random hotspot and so there should be also a way of "learning" where the biggest concentration of items / nodes is located in the different areas, which then also gives a good option to walk / fly to these areas and so on, so there are multiple ways to get good performance (many nph) and unique paths