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  • LazyBoxer BETA, have at it!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Jun 6, 2013.

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    1. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      EDIT: For clarification, this botbase does not use profiles of any kind nor does it provide any boss encounter logic. Read the description!

      Navigation issue when zoning: Those of you who have used this over the last week will be familar with the navigation issue when you zone in/out of an instance. This issue is still present with the latest build of HB. But, there is now a work around. Instead of closing and restarting HB simply hit the Stop button, choose another botbase (I choose LazyRaider) hit Start. Then hit Stop, change back to Fpsware LazyBoxer and hit Start. Navigation will once again be working.

      Newest build: [24 06 2013]. Again, lots of changes and tweaks so it would be a good idea to backup your existing copy in case something goes horribly wrong. This will be the last beta release, if there are no major bugs and issue it will be released in a new thread. Now is the time to report any and all bugs / issue as well as offer any suggestions you might have.

      OK I've elected to forgo my usual closed beta testing and release this directly. Therefore you will find bugs, probably plenty of them.

      What is LazyBoxer?
      In its simplest form its an alternative to Raid Bot, Combat Bot & Lazy Raider. But in its more complex form its a fully capable, feature rich multi-botting botbase capable of fulfilling the specific requirements of those who run multiple bots in a raid / party simultaneously.

      What does that mean for me?
      If you only run a single bot at a time, then not much. You will find some of the features a welcome addition over the afore mentioned botbases. But where LazyBoxer comes into its own is when you run multiple characters / bots simultaneously in a party or raid and would like a tight master slave relationship between them.

      What CC(s) will this work with?
      It should work with almost any CC, but to be honest I've only used it with my CCs (not publically released yet). When using it with my CCs I disable movement in the CC itself and let the botbase take over. I would suggest doing that with whatever CC you are using if you experience erratic movement.

      Before anyone comments about navigation.... this is using HB's navigation. If its getting stuck or not moving properly then its HB, NOT the botbase.

      So how do I setup a multi-botting team?
      Quit simply the master needs almost no setting up. You can leave all the settings as default if you wish. The slave's only requirement is that you set the Leader (on the Follower tab). Everything else can be left off if you wish, but for the ideal slave setup I recommend using the following settings... Targeting: Assist Leader. Face Target, Move to Target: set to Always. If you're questing you may want to turn on all the quest related settings for both Master and Slave.

      So here we go, this is a very brief rundown over some of the features you need to know about.

      The Common tab is mostly self explanatory and if you're only running a single bot this is about all you'll use.

      FCB 1.JPG

      Ticks Per Second: This is the 'speed' at which the botbase will run. The higher the number the more times it will 'tick' per second. Keep in mind higher numbers means more CPU usage.
      Looting: Don't want to loot yourself, this will do it for you.
      Plug-ins: Disabling plug-ins can increase performance in some cases.

      Targeting and Movement
      Targeting: This allows the botbase to control targeting and choose an appropriate target for you. If you're a tank, you'll probably want to choose Lowest Threat option.
      Face Target, Move to Target and Attack from Behind are pretty obvious.

      Frequently I found myself wanting to bypass these specific popup boxes and simply click yes. This does just that.

      The Follower tab provides the means of following a chosen leader.

      fcb 2.JPG

      Leader / Assist: If set to none, no leader or assist will be used. If set to Automatic then the best target is chosen as your follow / assist target. You can also chose a specific character from the list as your leader. This list is populated each time you open the UI and uses all players within your immediate vicinity. If for some reason a character name does not appear in the list close the UI and open it again, the list will be repopulated.
      Force Auto Attack: Required for some CCs as they may not properly initiate combat when the leader does.

      Combat Follow
      There are a number of times during combat when I've wanted my slaves to follow their leader regardless, enabling this options does just that. Where the leader goes they follow.

      Key Bindings allow quick control and the ability to toggle a number of options with ease.

      FCB 3.JPG

      Key bindings are NOT global.

      Chat Commands allow the leader to issue commands via party, whisper, raid and say.

      fcb 4.JPG

      NOTE: Currently some forms of chat messages are not recognised, this appears to be a bug within HB itself. There is nothing I can do about this until an update is released. Unrecognised chat message are Party and Raid.

      You can have multiple phrases per chat command, simple seperate them with the 'pipe' character | For example, to disable looting you can type "disable looting" or "no looting", or to have your slave use a Hearthstone you can type "use item hearthstone" or "use inventory item hearth". Partial names are recognised for the commands Use Inventory Item and Interact With.

      There is a difference between Use Inventory Item and Interact With. Use Inventory Item is specifically for items in your slaves bags. And Interact With is for game objects in the world. For example a mailbox you would type "click the mailbox".

      Quests and Interactions is where LazyBoxer allows your slaves to pick up, turn in and basically interact with objects.

      fcb 5.JPG

      Pick Up, Turn In: If the character is the slave this applies to the leaders current target. If the character is the master it applies to your current target. If the target is a quest giver, it will check if you can either turn in or pickup a quest. If it can it will move to and interact with appropriately.
      Reward: This feature needs some work, but it will try to choose the best reward given multiple options available. Use with care as it may not always be the best option.
      Object Interaction: This applies to wanted posters and such, it will pickup available quest. NOTE: This is currently buggy and once it picks up the quest from this type of object it does not move away. You need to stop and start HB to break out of this action.

      Harvesting and Interacting
      Skinning, Mining & Herbalism:All are self explanatory. It will either interact with them when in range or it won't. The range at which the character automatically interacts is set by the Max Range option.

      Loot Rolling
      This has not yet been tested. But the idea is that it automatically rolls on loot as per your choice.

      Installation instructions:
      Extract the contents of the zip file to ...HB\Bots

      It should look like this when done:

      Install folder.JPG

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
      m0rf0 and Hallface like this.
    2. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Reserved. ... So I can call someone an idiot when they ask stupid questions because they failed to read the instructions.
    3. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Thank you for sharing this!
    4. Emptytester

      Emptytester Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Thanks for the release!
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
    5. anklebiter

      anklebiter Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This looks awesome, thank you!!!
    6. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Alright "dumb" question time.

      Does this need a master for the slave?

      Meaning can I run my main (non bot) completely normally and have a slave running this as the follower.

      I tried running in this manner. It follows, turns in, faces, but it won't attack. I tried all kinds of different settings and routines - including your forced auto attack to begin the rotation. I tried singular, kingwow, purerotation.

      I was using "Multibox Follower" prior attacking was working fine.

      Thanks - log attached View attachment 2664 2013-06-06 15.11.txt

      Edit: if it matter - I've got lowbies right now. 2x level 9's.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
    7. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It does not need a master. And in fact, you don't even need to be in the same group. If you want you can be ungrouped and the slaves will still assist.

      Your log shows a lot of navigation errors. Other than that I don't see anything wrong.

      What was happening or not happening as the case may be?

      EDIT: After looking over the log again I really don't see anything wrong. The reason I was using my own CCs throughout development is that they recognise when someone in the party / raid is in combat and automatically assist them. Its more than likely a CC issue where its not initiating combat. I need to do some more testing with other CCs and see if I can do anything about it.

      EDIT: I've made a small change that MIGHT allow some other CCs to engage in combat properly. It now assigns the RAFHelper.Leader when one is found. So, if the CC checks if there is a RAF Leader and acts occordingly it should work.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
    8. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Yeah, everything worked great except the slave wasn't assisting. I saw it target and face the master target tho. After I had killed the mobs it would even run up and loot correctly. At first I thought it might be because I was targeting lower level friendly mobs (1-5 lvl quests). Then I tried targeting hostiles later on with the same results. I tried various settings in Singular as well thinking that there was some conflict.

      I love what you have done though - very sophisticated.
    9. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      EDIT: I've made a small change that MIGHT allow some other CCs to engage in combat properly. It now assigns the RAFHelper.Leader when one is found. So, if the CC checks if there is a RAF Leader and acts occordingly it should work.

      I'm about to do some testing with other CCs and see if I can work out something in the short term.
    10. patto92

      patto92 Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      haven't seen you around for a bit FPSware :) Nice to see you again and shall give this a good look. I'm doing some Raf stuff atm so might come in handy :)
    11. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New build uploaded.

      For CCs that do not recognize a group member is in combat and assist automatically (tested with Singular & PureRotation) you will need to enable the Force Combat Start setting on the Follower tab. If the character is melee they will be moved into melee range and auto attack, if the character is a caster it will cast the most basic spell available, thus forcing the character into combat and the CC will then respond accordingly.

      To CC Developers.... when the botbase assigns a leader it sets RAFHelper.Leader to that unit, if your CC checks for the presence of this unit and if they are in combat then force the CC to engage the RAF leader's target.
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
    12. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New build uploaded.

      Corrected logic mistake with harvesting, looting. Should not wait to stop moving before attempting to loot / harvest. And should fully wait while harvesting / looting.
    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm currently not happy with the looting / harvesting / interacting logic and its priorities. I'll tweak this after the weekend, going out of town on the weekend.
    14. hellnation13

      hellnation13 New Member

      Dec 19, 2011
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      two quick questions, 1 Can I run the slave from my laptop or another PC just the same or do I need to have them on the same PC ? 2, Are you planing on using a SVN for this ?

      Thank you so much for the great CRs and this Bot you are awesome.
    15. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Why would you think they all need to be run on the same PC? No, they can be run on as many PCs as you want.

      Yes, I'll be putting up a SVN when I get the chance.
    16. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I think because both sides using "party bot" needed to be on same machine in order to work.

      This is not like that - and that is A GOOD THING!
    17. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Emm... I wasn't aware of that. And I've never used PartyBot.
    18. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New build uploaded

      Fixed some master specific issues. Tweaked looting / harvesting slightly.
    19. Hallface

      Hallface New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Hey fps, so i have been working with this for awhile and am having some issues. I've loaded Kick's leveling profile and when I hit start, The follower does setup to follow the leader but the leader doesn't do anything. He just stands there. He force follows the follower instead of running off to start questing.
    20. Hallface

      Hallface New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Hmmm.... Seems to be working now. I switched the leader to the Questing bot and ran it like normal. And the follower is on your bot. Only been 5 minutes but it looks like its working. I'll keep you posted.
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