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  • HB ARCHIVES: The Complete MoP Daily Experience--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by lphomiej, Mar 11, 2013.

    1. skynetwork

      skynetwork Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      That did the job!!!! profile is working absolutely flawless and quick now.... tested on 4 toons already....
    2. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      There are a lot of areas on the Isle that don't allow mounting due to one reason or another. Can't mount inside bubbles, can't mount in Crag of Ihgaluk.
      One issue I've seen is if you select "Random" as your mount choice, a flying mount may end up being selected as your ground mount. While MOST flying mounts can be used as ground ones, there are a few that WoW will not allow inside Isle of Thunder's zone.

      This is not profile related.
    3. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Should be possible to make this quest better. There has been huge strides in the functionality of InteractWith to improve the ease for programmers to get things done with less QB making. Or hack jobs. I should be able to implement these changes. A lot of my stuff could be a little redone, for the better, its just a lot I haven't looked through. Been working a lot on questing profiles that I got distracted.
    4. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      The (A) thunder island pvp daily quest tactical mana bombs gets stuck setting the bridge bomb every time. if you are at your pc you can stop the script, apply it yourself.. and restart.
    5. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Please provide a log file for all issues reported.
    6. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Klaxxi requires prereqs along the lines of complete a large part of the quest line. I recommend Kick's Dread Wastes profile until you unlock at least 2 Paragons before dailies are available.

      Celestials and Shado Pan no longer have prereqs.
      Landfall has a few prereqs that are covered under the profile.

      The reason it did not swap is most likely that you did not set up the ProfileChanger plugin properly. See post #1 for instructions. And please submit a log file if issues persist.
    7. Schwasted

      Schwasted New Member

      May 6, 2013
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    8. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Looks like you forgot to hit the save button for this instance of HB. Per instructions on post 1, you must open settings and hit save EVERY TIME you load a new copy of HB.
    9. Schwasted

      Schwasted New Member

      May 6, 2013
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      View attachment 5168 2013-06-06 14.02.txt

      Ah stupidity on my part it seems. However, now it says "End of Profile...if you're seeing this something borked! (Check your QBs and that you have a Hearthstone!)" Perhaps more stupidity on my part? Thanks for the quick replies!
    10. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Make sure your hearth isn't on cooldown. It requires it being able to be cast.
    11. RalfLunben

      RalfLunben New Member

      Feb 26, 2013
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      "Patch notes":
      Removed the instructions to extract the profilechanger config and removed the line that copied it in the batch script. Brodie now uses his own profileswapper and the configs are saved in the Settings folder which the script already copies. To update the settings folder just run the script and repeat step 8 and 9 below.

      If this isn't the right place to do this please just point me in the right direction. I figured I'd post this here since it's very specifically towards this repo.

      TL;DR This is a batch script for setting up Honorbuddy for the daily run

      I'm a lazy man so when I saw someone posting a batch script in this thread asking brodie what was wrong with it I stole it, so I cannot take full credit for this. I have however made several modifications to it which makes my life easier and I feel is worth sharing. I also make no guarantees that this will work for you. If you're still interested: Good luck!

      The pros:
      You will feel like a badass.
      You'll get a "fresh" install of honorbuddy with the most recent version of HB and the files from this repo with one click.

      The cons:
      If you don't get along with computers this might cause hair loss.
      On hb patch days, if the profiles don't get along with the new HB version you won't have the old files to fall back on.
      The scripts downloads the latest Honorbuddy version every time even if there's not a new version. (Can be changed in the optional part below)

      You own a HB license (that's a given)
      You've got 7-zip installed.
      You've installed tortoise SVN with the command line tool
      You have a brave heart and at least half a brain!
      Windows Vista or a more recent version of windows

      How to set up:
      The very first thing you do, make a folder, give it a good name like "HBDailystuff", directly under this folder put the repo folder. Such that the location for the patch notes would be for example ...\HBDailystuff\Daily quests\Patch Notes.txt . We will be putting more things into this "HBDailystuff" folder later.

      The next step assumes you've already been using honorbuddy with the daylies for a while. If not you can read up on the initial post in this thread and go to the "Here is my method for easily making a new honorbuddy folder each day." follow through the instructions up to and including step 7, then ignore the rest of the guide and do this instead (experienced people start from here):
      8. Go into the plugins menu, select brodie's profileswapper and click settings, select the right profile location (if you followed my instructions exactly above the profile location would be ...\HBDailystuff\Daily quests\Profiles\Reputation\TMoPDE\[Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml). You can select the reps you run most often. Press save and close down Honorbuddy.
      9. Locate the settings folder inside your Honorbuddy directory, copy the Settings folder into the "HBDailystuff" folder.

      Congratulations! You're now ready to set up the actual batch script! Copy it from the quote below and paste it into your favorite basic text editor, save it as DailyBatch.bat and make sure you do not select a filetype for it. The filetype should be .bat. Don't close the editor just yet though.

      Now you need to set the correct folders in the batch script. The script is commented but I'll double up and write a short description of what you need to edit.
      1. Set your complete world of warcraft path after "set WoW_Dir=" I've left mine in as an example "C:\Games\World of Warcraft".
      2. Set your WoW locale, most common ones are enGB and enUS I believe, if in doubt go into your World of Warcraft\Data folder, it should have 2 subfolders, Data and your locale.
      3. Set the path to your "HBDailystuff" folder the folder name doesn't matter but it needs to be the folder you made at the start of the setup.
      4. Select a path of where the batch script should generate your honorbuddy daylies folder, this is the folder you'll enter to run honorbuddy for your daylies.
      5. Set the repo folder name, this is not a full path, just the folder name of the repo folder inside your "HBDailystuff" folder.
      6. If your 7zip or tortoisesvn was not installed at the default location change the values to reference the correct files, I can't help you much here.
      7. Save the batch script again and take it for a test run by double clicking it. It should pop up a command window with texts explaining what it's doing, if you get a bunch of errors in the window then... oops?

      If things didn't go wrong you should now be able to update hb, the repo and make a "fresh" hb install for daylies by simply running the script.

      I also make the batch script run honorbuddy by placing "%HBDAILY%\Honorbuddy.exe" at the end of the script, with the quotation marks!

      If you do not want the script to download the latest version of HB every run you can run it once, it will make the latest.zip in your HBDailystuff folder which it requires for generating a fresh honorbuddy install. Then edit the batch script, locate the line that starts with powershell and put "REM " in front of it, without the quotes. This will comment out the download line.

      If you wish to make multiple hb folders in case you've got multiple accounts, run multiple instances you can do it by this example (I've not tested it):
      locate: rmdir /S /Q "%HBDAILY%" in the script add this line just below it:
      rmdir /S /Q "%HBDAILY%2"
      Then go to the bottom of the script and write this line:
      robocopy /s /NFL /NDL /NJH /np "%HBFOLDER%" "%HBDAILY%2" > nul
      Hopefully this should be enough for you to understand how to make additional copies if you need more than 2.

      REM Configuration part!
      REM Your world of warcraft location and locale
      set WoW_Dir=C:\Games\World of Warcraft
      set WoW_Local=enGB
      REM The full path of where your settings, config and repo folder is located
      set HBFOLDER=C:\HBDailystuff
      REM Where you want your completed version of Honorbuddy for dailes to be located
      set HBDAILY=C:\Honorbuddy Daily
      REM The repo folder, only the folder name. It should reside inside the HBFOLDER you set above.
      set DAILY=Daily quests
      REM --------------------------------------------------------------
      REM Change these only if your install location is not standard
      set ZIPLOC=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
      set SVN=C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe
      @echo off
      REM Don't touch these things below unless you know for sure that you want to!
      set error1=The SVN command line tool doesn't seem to be installed...
      echo Deleting WoW Cache and Errors
      If exist "%WoW_Dir%\Errors" del /q "%WoW_Dir%\Errors\*.*" >nul
      If exist "%WoW_Dir%\Cache\WDB\%WoW_Local%\creaturecache*.wdb" del /q "%WoW_Dir%\Cache\WDB\%WoW_Local%\creaturecache*.wdb"
      echo Updating SVN
      If exist "%SVN%" (svn update "%HBFOLDER%\%DAILY%" > nul) else echo %error1%
      rmdir /S /Q "%HBDAILY%"
      mkdir "%HBDAILY%"
      echo Downloading latest Honorbuddy version
      powershell (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=Honorbuddy','%HBFOLDER%\latest.zip')
      echo Extracting Honorbuddy
      "%ZIPLOC%" x "%HBFOLDER%\latest.zip" -o"%HBDAILY%" -y > nul
      echo Copying settings, QB and plugins
      mkdir "%HBDAILY%\Settings"
      robocopy /s /NFL /NDL /NJH /np "%HBFOLDER%\Settings" "%HBDAILY%\Settings" > nul
      robocopy /s /NFL /NDL /NJH /np "%HBFOLDER%\%DAILY%\Plugins" "%HBDAILY%\Plugins" > nul
      robocopy /s /NFL /NDL /NJH /np "%HBFOLDER%\%DAILY%\Quest Behaviors" "%HBDAILY%\Quest Behaviors" > nul
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
    12. icefrost

      icefrost New Member

      May 27, 2013
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      after burning 3 hearths and days trying many differant suggestions i yet to find a soloution to make this or any other profile with dailys included work beyond the first day.
      start bot / hearths to town / laggs .............. error message something borked please restart or w/e , try to manually enter profiles it spams error messages and refuses to do quest because i thinks i have already done them.
      View attachment 8836 2013-06-06 20.43.txt
    13. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Only error seen is that you did not set up the plugin per instructions on post #1. After identifying the location of your profiles folder containing the dailies profiles (find [Rep] Daily Grind [Brodie].xml), and selecting the reps you want, CLICK SAVE. Also note, as per same instructions, that you must click save EVERY time you load a NEW instance of HB.

      Errors claiming you have already done quests are usually because you have not deleted your HB\Cache folder today. This must be done daily, before dailies are attempted.
    14. icefrost

      icefrost New Member

      May 27, 2013
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      i was reading that issue earlier so i clicked save settings nearly 25 times b4 closing the menu out also i have cleaned all cache out of the folders and problem still persist
    15. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      make sure HB is run as administrator and see if that helps. you need to load the profile and save in the plugin and the main HB window. So basically you need to load the profile in 2 places before hitting start.

    16. skynetwork

      skynetwork Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      Some little questions again :D

      1. there is no clickable thingy for operation shieldwall in the profilechanger, is that correct? so is operation shieldwall more of a standalone thing? also which of the shieldwall profiles do i have to start when i want my toon to start the questline first? will the profilechanger automatically switch to the daily profile once the pre-quests are made?

      2. Also which profile shall i start/save in the profile changer when i want to let my toon grind several faction in a row and which profile do i have to use directly in HB?

      currently i am only grind golden lotus, settig the golden lotus profile as default in HB and doing the same in the profile changer, works like a charm, but i now want to start grinding several factions in a row :p
      Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    17. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      1) Landfall

      2) in ProfileChanger you just have to identify 1 profile. I recommend Daily Grind. This is merely a location setting for the plugin to identify the folder all your dailies profiles are in. It has no effect on what profiles are loaded. Any reputations checked off will be run in the order on the list. If they have prereqs that you need, they will be run. Make sure you have some form of a hearthstone item in your inventory (shamans have astral recall so that's ok too) and that it is not on cool down before you start.
    18. skynetwork

      skynetwork Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      ah ok, great one....

      just one other thing... when i want to use stuff like arelog or hbrelog to set things up for several toons to grind rep overnight i could make up like 3 fresh installs of HB folders for 3 toons and even configure each single instance of HB. but when i close HB and restart HB i have to set the profile in the profile changer again? tried a setup like this but HB just gave me sort of "profile changer loading" or stuff as it didn't seem to find a appropriate profile...
    19. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Because of this error in the plugin, it is not currently compatible with auto reloggers, unfortunately.
    20. skynetwork

      skynetwork Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      ah ok, nevermind... hopefully there will be support in the future...

      profiles are just awesome even without a reloggerservice ;)

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