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  • Need a new mouse, any suggestions?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by LiquidAtoR, Jun 5, 2013.

    1. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I need a new mouse...

      My old one was in the hands of my son for a day, and now I can send it back for repairs (still under guarantee).
      I've been looking at what's on the market and I can't make up my mind.
      One looks better than the other, this has more functions, that has programmable buttons, this has it's own CPU etc.

      What I'm after is a mouse that can withstand a bump (due to my change of scenery every 3 weeks) but is functional and not too picky about surfaces.
      I've been looking at a few I will name here:

      Now I can hear some people say why not the Razer Naga or the Logitech G600 as examples.
      I can be short with that. I don't like a mouse with a triple row of buttons on the inside of the mouse.
      Very unlikely I would use those buttons, more likely I would press em by accident, get pissed off and break the thing :)
      Another reason why the MadCatz probably aint a real candidate because if you look at the other mouses I posted, they are more simplistic buttonwise, but it has a nice look though :D

      I always had cheap 15 euro mice so far, and never suffered performance wise so if you have a cheap alternative I'm all ears too (A4Tech used to be ok, but lately their quality seems to suffer).
      I'm hardly playing anyways, I let HB or PQR do the work for me, but it's more in the event I would actually play :D

      So I'm all ears to your suggestion, experiences etc before I make a decision.

      Edit: Additionally I'm a Palm Player, not a Claw player. I like to rest my whole hand on the mouse, not just the fingertips ;)
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
    2. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      Razer Deathadder 3.5G has served me well for four years now. I have large hands and my whole hands fit comfortably on the mouse as well. I also like that I can turn the LED off on the wheel and logo.
    3. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Looks like a nice one and the 2013 edition is even cheaper than the one you linked (not even $60 for the 2013 one).
      The shape does it for us with larger hands, the high back is what makes it comfortable for us.
      Thanks for the suggestion.

      I bought a el-cheapo mouse today in some shop in the closest thing to a town we have here in the neighbourhood (not even $10, haha) and it sucks, but anything better than the touchpad.
      And when I get myself a new one, I give this one to my son, he doesn't care much (because he's 7).

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