Hello guys, I lost my main account today, luckily I sent gold i had to my friend so I bought SoR acc. Could you give me some advice how to earn gold with it without upgrading to MOP. I will appreciate any advice, thanks!
i wouldnt get an sor account those are fast banneble u can buy cdkeys verry cheap from site like randyrun or so randyrun is cheap with keys and fast service. because the owner of that sor account could always get it back he has the info he wil just wait til u farmed ur things and then steal it. i would buy only cdkeys no sor account.
Those accounts haven't been used for 5 years or w/e so there's very little chance the owned will actually recover it's account or even know it still exists tbh.
stil he can get it back whenever he wants i wouldnt risk sor accounts i would never buy them as i did once bought an lvl 85 account and the guy scammed me i only buy game cdkeys when i need new accounts or not but im questbotting now for 8 months and stil fine on a few accounts
There's a difference between a lvl 85 account you bought from some dude and a sor account a large difference and looking at your join date I would suggest that you look on ownedcore for the explanation of a sor account. Hatespike i'd suggest you simply bot mats or botanica but botanica is very high risk and low gold profit so farming ores/herbs from old or cataclysm mats is best will be harder to sell but will make pretty good money I think. I also recommend to use gatherbro instead of gb2 becouse it might reduce the banrate but i'm not sure I only know that farming the same profile over again is gonna get you banned fast and hopefully with gatherbro you'll last a while.
Well gb2 simply follows the same route all over again. Gatherbro should take different hotspots and randomize them so you're not actually hitting the same place multiple times is a short time. Basically there's some sort of detection in wow likely that triggers when you've passed the same place for 50 times in a few days for example and this should avoid that hopefully. But ofcourse if a gm checks you out or you have bad luck and get stuck then you might be banned but that's the risk when botting you could get banned how safe you do it but you minimize your chances on a ban this way.