Hi all. Love the Bot. Has helped me level a few toons and I use it for raiding. However, I lag / skip bad when on it, to the point where it's getting dumb to even have it on. As soon as I click stop, the lag stops too. Can anyone help and tell me what might be happening? View attachment 95378
well theres nothing happening in that log. so replicate the issue and upload the correct log please. also a description of what your doing and how you have it setup would be nice as well.
Thanks. Not sure there is anything in the logs that I have tried to replicate since then, but it happens every time now since like, ummm last one or two new HBs. I am using LazyRaider or Tyrael with TuanHa Holy Pally and/or TuanHa Hunter cc's for raids; and questing with just Singular, and it like ... 'skips' as soon as I hit the start button. I even just now tried on my old laptop by zipping up my entire HB Folder and copying it over but it does the same thing. It's not my Internet I think because I ping at 11, download at 59.76 and upload at 11.72. Any help would be appreciated.
try changing your process priority for wow. your going to want to change it to "High" or RealTime. Tune Up Your Windows 7 By Changing The Process Priorities
CodenameG any idea how much difference a good computer would make to a CR such as TuanHA Paladin. For example im running my holy pally with tyrael 40 TPS, 200 MS search unit around interval in TuanHA wow on lowest possible settings. my PC has 3 gigs ram 3.4ghz proccesor and some shit graphics card. if i went to a PC with 32 gigs of 2600MHZ ram 5.2ghz processor 6gigs VRAM and maxed out my tyrael TPS enabled framelock and lowered my Search unit around interval as low as possible do you think i would notice a big difference? also would a SSD make any difference to increase the times of HB?
Take off framelock in Tyrael when using the TuanHa routines. They are not designed to use it and will cause this issue if you do.
i honestly dont know, the whole thing is, if you look at all the offerings from e3 this year the thing you will see them saying over and over is that "oh this new system allows us to do more calculations per second and by doing so our AI's can make better decisions" its the same thing with honorbuddy, the faster your pc is the more information and calculations we can do the better and more human its going to act.
Thanks Eclipsed. I was getting very low numbers in heals before, and Attilio76 (TunaHA Routines) suggested I use Tyrael with Framelock enabled. I am not even sure what Framelock option is for - haha - but agree with you though that the enabled option lags it down even more, and have been using them with it disabled ... still experiencing the lag and skip spikes though.
Sorry but whatever your PC is, TuanHa's more advanced routines are simply not designed for the lockselector in tyrael. It will stutter and keeps stuttering. MAYBE with an extreme pc (CPU matters), it becomes better but I doubt it. Tuan himself also promotes to NOT use lockselector
Hmmm, it wasn't too long ago he suggested this, or it could be I read it wrong : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...iest/81273-discipline-priest-kingheal-74.html. I'm glad though for your post as it DOES perform SLIGHTLY better without it enabled but in the back of my mind I was like: I wonder what I am losing by having it disabled. Glad to know that there should be no difference in performance. Maybe it is just my system as I really can't get any of the cc's to replicate the numbers some other people are seeing/reporting. Thanks!
No you're getting me wrong. Enabling the lockselector will definitely improve your healing or dps ... and will cost performance on your system if the routine does not handle it well. I'm not sure how advanced of a computernerd you are but I wrote a nice little piece about framelock/lockselector in the tyrael topic:
OHHHH. I see. Then yes, this would be an issue for me, as with it enabled, I lag to the point where it does not make sense to play, and without, it still lags and I can't get decent numbers .