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  • perma ban, ram scan technique

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by v iralis, Jun 11, 2013.

    1. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      Hey there im not gonna bother with the form for reporting a ban

      I had my account banned yesterday, I know I got hit with the automated banhammer, permanently, after a few back and forth messages through their support tickets I got no joy from them and my account is lost forever

      but never the less

      I believe the key to identifying the detection method is hidden somewhere in the error logs generated by wow after it has crashed, wow records all of your currently running processes, this is done randomly at some point during play, as I have noticed on my logs that the list of running processes is sometimes in a different play within the log,

      I also believe that wow is looking for an identifiable hash tag to determine what type of bot your are using, all I have are a few of my logs to go on so I see these processes and hash tags on my machine on a regular basis

      my thoughts are what if every time wow crashes while honorbuddy is running, everyone posted their log on the forum so we as a team could collectively figure out what it is that wow is identifying, once we figure that out im sure we can find a way of hiding honorbuddy from wardens inspector scans
    2. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      I've had accounts banned which never i've seen crashed tbh.

      I've had accounts not banned which had tons of crashes.

      My point wow doesn't scan outside of it's process.

      Also your logs aren't automatically send to blizzard becouse this isn't something they're allowed to do I think so they ask if they may and when you click do not and press x then they will not get the logs.

      Also may I ask why make a new account to post this becouse this doesn't give you any credibility.

      I'm really sick and tired of these 1 posters which make 1 post to scare people when everything they say is bullshit.

      Tbh this isn't even funny anymore i'm not so sure if you're serious trolling a competitor of buddyproducts or simply someone who has interests in making people scared to bot.
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
    3. theclash150

      theclash150 Member

      Dec 12, 2010
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      Nope, nope, nope.
    4. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      100% agree with you I shoulden't even post a reply when you look at the guy postcount and join date you know.
    5. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      firsty ive been using honorbuddy for a while and never bothered to register on the forums there was no need as I never posted anything,

      Second, im not stating that honorbuddy is crashing wow every single time but on the odd time it does and that's where you end up with error logs for wow which do show all the processes running on your system at the time that they are scanned, and a lot of the processes I see in these logs are not in anyway connected to wow or honorbuddy, I can see procceses related to my antivirus, utorrent etc..., if wow is unable to scan outside its own processes, how come there are references to other applications within these logs ??

      third note, I never stated that these logs were sent to blizzard, I will never in a million years send my error logs to a game company that logs information that us unrelated to the game itself, on that note once it is in these logs then blizzard can scan these files until their hearts are content as they are apart of the game client, their tou which we all agree to in order to play the game legally gives blizzard permission to scan your ram and other parts of your computer aka your page file etc... once the wow client has scanned these errors and logged the details of those currently running processes that list becomes the property of blizzard and they can access those logs if they so wish and scan them with warden if they so choose as they are stored within the wow game client installation folder

      And Last but not least, I did not post this post in order to scare anyone I am simply offering a suggestion which may help us figure out what warden is actually looking for on our pc's, I know I did something stupid to flag myself for a warden scan but I can confirm that my processes were scanned at some point during my play time, and this has happened every single time I have used the game client with or without honorbuddy ( I always check my error logs and have confirmed that these processes are scanned randomly every time you use their game client), and my most recent crash was warden related as it was the last crash before my ban and it differs from every other single honorbuddy + wow related crash that I have had in my time of use, im not saying that this information is automatically sent to bblizzard once a scan is completed either, just that this info exists within our log files in the game client folder and can be scanned if blizzard feel the need to investigate anyone that has been flagged,

      to sum it up

      I do believe it is detectable

      I don't believe that the fact that it is detectable should stop you botting

      I don't believe that the info blizzard collects in its log files are sent to blizzard on a regular basis

      I do believe that your character behaviour plays a big part in account banning

      I do believe that if your flagged as a potential bot then blizzard will more than likely look into these log files, but more than likely only the one that is currently being written as it is linked to your ram and page file which blizzard have your consent to scan
    6. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      this is my ban confirmation email, I am not afraid to show my account name, this account I have had for years back before this whole battlenet crap, and it will be sad to see it go
    7. theclash150

      theclash150 Member

      Dec 12, 2010
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      GTFO of here. Are you sure you're not looking at Windows error logs? Obviously Windows knows what running on Windows. You joined what, today? If Honorbuddy were detectable, everyone would be banned, you scrub.
    8. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      theclash150 if you do not believe me check your own error logs if you have any

      they are located in c:\program files (x86)\world of warcraft\errors

      they cannot be windows errors if they are located in this folder

      and you obviously didn't read my post completely, detectability of honorbuddy will not automatically get you banned, however being flagged for potential botting coupled with a warden scan would do it, therefor if you remain unflagged, or are not running honorbuddy during their investigation period you wont get banned its that simple,

      I will be back on wow in a week or so once my ip has been refreshed by my service provider, new bnet account and all so I wont be automatically flagged for potential botting because of previous offenses, its not my first ban from wow, had my first overturned as I played dumb, I got flagged because spent to much time mining and gathering in mop, stupid move on my part, that plus my previous conviction I might aswell of just broadcasted it over the ingame chat, I made myself a nice big target, and waved it in blizzards face, I challenged them to prove that they found a bot on my system but they wont entertain me, as that would be like giving us a ?100 note and asking us not to spend it ever
    9. hutnik

      hutnik Member

      Feb 10, 2012
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      WoW is able, but because of some legal privacy problems it won't.

      By clicking the "send log" after crash, you're giving them the info about your PC voluntarily.
    10. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      The legality is pretty solid, we give them permission to scan our system, the info that is scanned, then ends up in logs which are created by the game client, which in turn become the intellectual property of blizzard, when it comes to banning u for bot detection they are legally allowed scan their game client files, allowing them to access previously scanned process information which they blaitently cover in their you which we agreed to, the info their inspector scan gathers is only process names and id and also cpu thread info,

      because this info is not transfered automatically, blizz have their arses covered, and are legally allowed access this info now stored in their game directory for cheating, botting detection when suspicion of cheating or botting warrents a detection scan
    11. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      I just got the same exact email and banned account from blizz.. I had it overturned, if they KNEW i was botting they wouldn't have.
    12. vibrator

      vibrator New Member

      Nov 10, 2011
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      I have a toon named ifarmedit<----(the name is a lie) that I bot on 16-20 hours a day switching profiles and what he farms every 2-3 hours from ore herbs fish grindbot meats and another toon I actually named Honorbuddy. Both of those accounts have been going strong for almost 2 years now. I've only had 1 ban on each and both over turned with in 6 hours on the same day and went right back to botting on them and they haven't been touched since, that was in the first 2 weeks of MoP using the beta release of HB while everything was getting worked on. So I believe its more along the lines of user faults, Botting the same place for 12 hours farming the samething everyday 7 days a week things like that and mostly player reports, LCP sounds like a legit thing also. I recommend getting the routesbuddy plug-in located here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/archiv...imports-data-routes-addon-exports-gb-gb2.html the lin to the addon you need is from curse and the link is on the page the plugin is from make new profiles every 2-3 days yourself don't use the profiles posted on the forums as much http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...asily-create-gathering-profiles-any-zone.html is a video on how to use it remember you can change everything from how high it flies and you can shape your on paths to look how ever you want it to by not optimizing it or draw your on with points. it only takes about 15 minutes to create your own which is worth the time if you are concerned with a ban. Ultimately I feel its the users responsibility to bot intelligently after all if Honorbuddy was detectable then ther would be tons of people banned for using combat raid and tyreal bots to help them play in raids I see tons of posts about (HB is down and I cant play my character well enough for my top 100 world guild) yet these people aren't posting about "I was using tyreal with king-wow killing heroic Lei Shen when I was banned". Its always I was using bgbuddy or gatherbuddy for 20+ hours most likely with out any king of breaks or changing profiles or what/where you are farming and you get player reports. After people notice your druid always in Vot4w everyday all day plus 80% of botters prolly leave ninja nodes checked so that just makes you a bigger target cause someone pissed off about killing a mob while your bot takes the herb or ore is definitely going report you even if you weren't a bot just out of anger. Am I saying you shouldn't use ninja nodes, nope I personally don't care what players do but anything that lessens your risk of exposure is definitely a plus. Make profiles in places that aren't normally botted have your bot with the best avaible gear you can get 522 ilvl toon is way better than the 440 ilvl toon or the 458 full crafted pvp gear toon with only 1-2k ach points go grab a few free old raid mounts os3d and a few titles it really takes no time to add some depth and charater to your botting accounts it makes them look a little better take a couple hours on a weekend when your not busy and do a ToT pug and some lfr's hell you can bot lfr's with lazyraider . Just my personal opinion, thoughts, tips, GL in your adventures of botting.
    13. dallepower

      dallepower New Member

      Oct 28, 2011
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      All that scan is bullshit! I have been running a questing profile 24 hours a day in one week. And i haven't been touched yet, I have had one account banned, since 2011 and literally, i have been botting for 10+ hours a day.

      All that means? Don't send reports to Blizzard, if you do, it's your own fault, and not Bosslands.

      Before Honorbuddy, it was Pirox, and they didn't scan that either. Neither my home-made fishing bot! so fck this scan fcker, it doesn't scan your "CPU processes."

      Best regards,

    14. v iralis

      v iralis New Member

      Jun 11, 2013
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      ok dallepower,

      Explain to me why when wow crashes for any reason, when it creates an error log text from its log dump files, why are all the currently running processes on your computer listed in these logs

      now remember that these logs are located inside the wow installation folder so they are not windows logs they are game client error logs

      I do firmly believe that our processes are scanned during game play, but are not sent directly to blizzard

      I believe that blizzard will check the log dump files if you have been flagged for botting, if you don't get flagged your fine to bot away without a worry

      but that's my opinion

      might not be yours
    15. Mysta187

      Mysta187 New Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      You appear to be absolutely correct that Blizzards crash dump includes every process running at the time of a wow crash. I believe though that Blizzard using it as a means to detect a hack is simply a side affect of the tool. It's primary use is most likely to help provide info on better client stability. Blizzard asks for permission to send this file which is a bit tricky because the option is enabled by default in the error reporter and should NOT be. If you simply close the window or chose Relaunch, the dump is sent.
    16. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      It isn't sent when you close the window.

      It's only sent when option is clicked and you sent it to them.
    17. Mysta187

      Mysta187 New Member

      Jan 2, 2012
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      Wrong. There is no send button only Relaunch and Close and the "Send to Blizzard" option. If you hit the X button or Close, the blizzarderror.exe will send the dump with the option selected regardless of how you close the window. Verified with my firewall logs. But you can check yourself if you have a firewall with logs...drag any txt document onto the blizzarderror.exe and simply hit X when the dialog appears. You will see the connection attempt. Point being, you must deselect the option before closing that window in any way, every time. Or block it with a firewall.

      Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
    18. egotrip

      egotrip Member

      Apr 2, 2012
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      Who leaves the executable named honorbuddy anyhow?? quick rightclick and rename and that log now says you are running "gaypornosaurs.exe" instead of honrobuddy.exe
    19. jordi1104

      jordi1104 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      And how do you block it with a firewall?
    20. SDO1

      SDO1 New Member

      Jan 13, 2011
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      I renamed mine Blizzlookibot.exe and haven't gotten banned yet.

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