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  • Another 5 days to update the bot?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Fatherjesus, Jun 12, 2013.

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    1. Skaggy

      Skaggy New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      We pay for the government too.
      they screw us over publically and blatantly.
      Apparently you've never worked in custoemr service or are a complete douche (both likely)

      Customer is NEVER right.
      No sane-minded business screws customers over on purpose.
      get over it.
      As the Army says,
      "Hurry up and Wait"

      if you can't play without the bot (the IED vet up there excluded), you shouldn't be playing the game-people like you are what drove the game to where it is- 12 mil to 8mil subscribers.
    2. afi1981

      afi1981 New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      I think some of you take this a little to personally. The people who paid for something are allowed to voice their opinions on the down time. I think it would help if a developer could possibly give a clift's notes on what changed so drastically in a 28mb patch that buffed hunters 10% and fixed some minor bugs.

      Simply posting "we are testing will update tomorrow" is not enough for some. I personally would like to know more about the process myself. Granted its not owed to me, I am just curious to how it works. For all we know a developer 1 or 50 could spend 12 hours a day working on this. Or maybe they spend thirty minutes and go back to playing call of duty. Who know's? Just my curiosities...
    3. afi1981

      afi1981 New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      ok my last post, but I do like what you said. But I don't think the guy's in here complaining are doing it maliciously. I just think the feed of information is incomplete (it is much better than in the past) but still, I think a slightly longer explanation of changes, what they are looking for, is it blizzard ninja throwing stuff in there? Or simply other stuff. Would silence a lot of people. Could be wrong though. I don't know anything about code, never did and never will. So the information feed for me is simply so I can understand whats going on at my level. Make sense?

    4. m0rf0

      m0rf0 Member

      Sep 14, 2010
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      It's fairly easy to fill those gaps your curiosity is creating. Think about how many seconds it takes to start your HB, then add about one hour to test and monitor. Multiply that X amount of times where X is the different number of botbases. Then do the same in different computers/accounts. Then same for a few classes, to test CCs...

      ...and that's supposing everything goes ok and you don't need to rewrite anything, of course. It's not unreasonable at all. It screws me up too, as I wanted some gold to buy a new MoP key for this weekend, but it's ok, at the end.
    5. lisagoldfish

      lisagoldfish New Member

      Jun 12, 2013
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      Having read your post, I think this is one of the most smart sentences in this thread. Since I also understand both sides, but I _really_ dislike all that brainless ass kissing. After all, no one of us gets a faster release through bitching, as well as no one of us gets a prize or will be patted by their beloved devs for kissing their arses. It just doesn't matter, both (!) sides. Except that ass kissing between boys makes me barf.
    6. icefrost

      icefrost New Member

      May 27, 2013
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      first and foremost from what i can tell personally about this bot .

      guys im 30 yrs old and ive been doing this along time , it started on d1 selling gold and items , then on to knight online where i koxp'ed for those who played and botted for those who didnt , i made 32k in 3 years on that game and take my botting seriously so devs please understand i have patience for what you do but also time is money. Judging by the forum size and the amount of post i only assume that your client base is quite large therefor your demand is matching i bring this to your attention because from what i read on the forums if you would like a " better bot profile " you have to pay , where a solid ever expanding bot would be offering these services to us and paying there providers obviously if we are happy with your product we will further provide a necessary need to purchase additional time and ore keys. when i read post from the devs it seems like where being scolded and treated as if we are over requesting services from players who are offering them for free , remember we as consumers pay your salary and keep your funded progress ( as many of you who take advantage of it and post it in your siggys ) like to point out. I only speak for myself when i request a prompt courteous reply when the bot goes offline and a reasonable list of to do's as most of what im reading is blind people waiting to be shown the light . Its simple forum moderation ( as a former moderator of a forum that in 4 years took over 12 million post ) would help the process and make us more satisfied as the feeling in the room is like a pack of wild dogs waiting to get thrown a bone that is 4 hours late . I thank you for your time and services you provide please take into consideration of what i have wrote as a honest opinion not some irresponsible child bitching about not getting the toy he wants in right now!
    7. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      What you also need to remember is the majority of the HB crew are based in Europe. They can't test anything on live servers until the patch occurs in Europe. Those on US servers will have several hours of bot downtime before the HB devs can even think about testing.
    8. icefrost

      icefrost New Member

      May 27, 2013
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      good useful information , there should be a sticky on the main forum " what happens when wow is patched " just a short guide to what the devs do and how they face problems with the bot i myself did not know the information you provided and im sure there is much more it would be nice to have 1 place to answer alot of questions before people hit the " bitch in the nearest thread " function
    9. afi1981

      afi1981 New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      I have a MoP unused US key that they can have... many euro arena players are able to play on us servers for fun. I would hope that this company is advanced enough or at least smart enough to have EU and US accounts so they could get a head start on fixing things? I mean if I had a company it would make sense to me.
    10. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      99% of people complaining in this thread know nothing about the amount of effort which goes into updating an application like Honorbuddy. If I was an HB dev reading this, the negativity would be enough to make people wait longer for a release.

      This isn't the dev's full time jobs, they have to do it around their own lives too. Anything less than a week to update 2.2k offsets is fast in my opinion.
    11. crispybacon

      crispybacon New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      however the patch occured in europe almost 20 hours ago too. the problem is, if any other software, product, business - whatever you're paying for, let's just say WoW (replace it with any other successful product), would be down for 20 hours now, EVERY ONE would be ranting. HB is a registered business too, and they obviously don't mind to be a "growing" business, but they obviously don't adjust their service to that "growing" business. it's pretty simple; people are buying a product, people expect a working product. this holds true for every friggin product in the world, HB is no exception (why would it be?). The only difference between HB and every other growing, professional, successful service can be seen exactly here, in the forums. communication between provider and customer is extremely poor, service does in no way adjust to the growing customer base, people who are paying for a product and are (of course) demanding for a quick update, are getting bitched in forums by other kiddo customers who love to lick the dev's lollipops. the whole thing here is stuck and definitely not going in anything like a professional direction, it's simply the opposite, it feels like a friggin kiddos birthday anytime you open the forums, and this holds true for ANY represented side here, including the provider of our product of choice.

      fact is, WoW is more than 7 years old, and the only reason for a LOT of people to stick to that game (at least partially) is HB. This is a train the developers of HB could hop and jump on, and really make a LOT out of this situation, but they obviously want to keep it running as it is, with less than a semi-professional service. I realize, if HB is down again and again, that I probably don't need WoW at all anymore, therefor don't need HB anymore, and start caring less and less about all of that. this is just sad, since HB could (as mentioned above) really make a lot out of the current WoW situation, before this game will really and finally die off during the coming one or two years.
    12. crispybacon

      crispybacon New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      If the dev was a 16 yo kiddo, not running any service people are paying for, then yes. But this is really beyond any paid service, and way beyond any mature behavior of someone running a professional service.

      Imagine Blizz dev's would make us "wait longer" any time people are complaining in the forums - we wouldn't have seen the game up and running in YEARS. good lord, that babbling around here is really no more worth than highschool level.
    13. Skaggy

      Skaggy New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      All in all, at the end of the day, it's like yelling at WOW Gm's that Mages are underpowered, dk's should have shields, etc etc.
      It's not that they don't care.
      it's that they can't because of their higher ups, regulations, and so on and so forth.

      At the same time, they have their subscriber base.
      They sell and most of us DO buy the lifetime keys.
      As little incentive as it is, you will all have noted as of late that there are moe people complaining about this or that.
      They have their own lives to live + They are on EU servers and timezones + they got most of us lifetimers or yearly subrscribers' money + etc.

      now I can't say i am any better in smoe regards because given the chance to be HB Boss, I would release an untested version and watch the people get banned.
      But fortunately, the devs know better and are more mature.

      @ to those telling me and few others that we're "kissing their asses," as someone had pointed out, what do we get for doing so? what is the motivation? Looking like the good guy? this is the internet. i troll all the time on Wow and other games. we don't care. but we have been in similar Customer Support situations and/or have a functioning brain.
    14. grom2010

      grom2010 New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      I gladly take a Alpha version. Its safe anyways. Its only about offsets dude. At worst it will be a bit unstable!!
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
    15. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      The bot has been updated guys. We're doing some extra research on some... "stuff" Blizz added recently. We'll make you guys wait a month if we have to, to ensure the bot is safe to use. We're not some half-assed company selling you a bot then leaving you high and dry when any form of detection is involved.

      We have to manually update about 850 addresses, 100 or so structures, and 80+ enums. That's not including the "big" and "obscure" changes that Blizzard does.

      We will not release anything (beta or otherwise) unless we feel it's safe to do so. And right now, we don't. So you guys will just have to wait until we're positive nobody is going to lose all their investments.

      Sorry to put it this way, but our customers have no bearing on our release timeline. We'll release when we feel it's safe to do so, and we're happy with the stability of the bot. That doesn't mean we take our time doing things. We usually have the bot updated within ~2 hours of receiving the patch. But we don't release that quickly unless we're sure we caught all the new stuff.
      Hallface likes this.
    16. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      it's not a big deal. really in MoP this bot has had effective downtimes that lasted many weeks, months really. so 2 days is nothing. it's a bit weird they don't have an ETA.

      as for all here going on about the amazing complexity of coding... yes. but this is a small patch dealing with a couple quests and hunter abilities. WoW has had about 100 of these minipatches. Nothing changes as far as the core bot is concerned other than the offsets, there is nothing new to code. there have been DOZENS of these patches where a new working build went up in a couple hours. On some other bots, it takes a couple minutes.

      Now if they are doing in-depth lengthy testing to make sure no anti-bot measures got built into the new client, that's great. take your time.
    17. grom2010

      grom2010 New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      The Gatherbot flyes around zig zagging and shit like that, and SCREEMS BOT BOT BOT!! And they talk about our safety?? They dont care... I even posted this issue that has been here since forever, and they just deleted it.
    18. riverratt

      riverratt New Member

      Feb 4, 2013
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      just be glad that they take the time to make sure the bot is safe for all of us to use without getting banned. the idea of getting banned and losing my accounts because of slack programming with no client end safety would suckith big wind
    19. Molestia

      Molestia Member

      Nov 24, 2012
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    20. grom2010

      grom2010 New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      Just put up alpha version. Make us decide if you like to take the risk. Botting is a risk anyways. so who cares. And I actually don't think you care about our safety. If you did you would make some HUGE changes to the behavior of the bot. I can make a huge list of what should be fixed, but you never do anything about it anyways. I asked for this over a year ago, same shit still. Maybe be a good idea to spit the Bot up so we can get the parts we need faster after update???? If only Salesman was a bot by it self.
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
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