after the latest update of my bot honorbuddy error and kicked me out of the game after about 5 minutes I start bot (have had similar problems in the past and you have help me fix it)
Your character uses a combat routine in the event it agros a mob, the bot needs to be able to kill that mob which will use the combat routine, combat routine tells the bot how to fight the mob. In this forum there is a section called combat routines, you need to try and use a different combat routine.
My bot only runs for about 10 minutes after I start it. then an error message appears net framework and I got kicked out of the game
Hi, Ongbantrai, A couple of more things to try... Your operating system is not up to date (by a lot) Please make certain it is patched up to the SP3 level, and then apply whatever additional patches it wants to. Please make certain your video drivers are up-to-date. Something is not right with your system, as it is taking Honorbuddy faaaaar too long to initialize. cheers, chinajade
I can not update net framework 4.5 as the operating system of my computer is window xp. net framework does not support the operating system window xp
Hi again, Ongbantrai, I know your OS is Windoze XP, but its SP2 and it should be SP3, minimum. On top of that there are additional patches that probably need to be applied. If you OS is out of date, my guess is your video drivers are also. Please update your OS and video drivers. We said nothing about the .NET 4.5 framework. cheers, chinajade