It says class == shaman because its checking if you are. But this error comes up when you don't have the CastSpell.cs Quest Behavior from my SVN in your Quest Behaviors folder.
Looks like you copied quest behaviors folder from my SVN INTO the quest behaviors folder instead of merging the two. Delete HB\Quest behaviors\Quest Behaviors, then add my svn's quest behaviors so that they go into HB\Quest Behaviors.
Did the whole SVN dine, dragged and dropped plugins and quest behavarios dragging. After that failed (same error) i deleted the orginal quest behavior and tried still this error. Help would be nice, thanks
U are getting errors from GatherBroLoader which has nothing to do with this profile. c:\Users\****\Documents\Honorbuddy\Bots\Gatherbro\GatherBroLoader.cs:line 35 Go into the Bots folder and delete Gatherbro. --------------------------- Regarding the Quest Behaviors u can try to delete them (the error itself is in Dutch which isnt helping much...) Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Misc.cs Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Darkshore\13885-DefenseOfDarkshore.cs and copy them again from the Honorbuddy zip or Kick's / Brodie's SVN regards
I actually already answered your question yesterday. Same issue is still occurring: When you copy my Quest Behaviors over, don't put my Quest Behaviors folder INTO yours, put it into your HB folder so that it merges with the existing one.
View attachment 1788 2013-06-17 09.16.txt View attachment 2620 2013-06-17 09.24.txt View attachment 4320 2013-06-17 09.12.txt Fresh install of Honor Buddy, most recent SVN update. toon still stands in moons until i fly him around outside. then he decides to go to golden pagoda and stands there. never picks up a quest.
Log #1 shows that you are missing CastSpell.cs Quest Behavior, which is available on my SVN. Log #2 is an incomplete log, that cuts out shortly after starting the bot. There was an error on startup with Pandaria Dailies v2 plugin, but I would need the rest of the log to determine the issue. Log #3 is not one from use of the Dailies profiles. It is for one of my Battlefield: Barrens profiles. It was in the process of downloading mesh files when it fell under attack, then reported that WoW was either force-logged out, or closed. If the pause at start up is what you are reporting, it is because HB is downloading the mesh, and WILL NOT start until it has completed this task. You can monitor it by going into settings and setting Log Detail to "Diagnostic" (default is Normal). You can then see the complete log being read off as it happens, downloads included.
Your profile seems to be refusing to pickup up the Quests from Farmer Yoon with the Tillers. "Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 58721 in database. Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!" edit. I also tried to pickup the quest by hand, the bot still runs back to Farmer Yoon and shuts off
3 issues: 1) You are missing CastSpell.cs Quest Behavior from my SVN. This will prevent Profile Swapper from working properly. 2) GatherBro, while not running, is throwing a lot of exceptions on start up. Just an FYI. 3) Tillers is loading PreReqs. I'm assuming you have already done the PreReq quests. The NPC ID its trying to interact with is Farmer Yoon BEFORE you finish the PreReqs. (2 different IDs). If you have yet to complete prereqs, please do the following to fix the issue: 1. Close out HB and WoW. 2. Delete HB\Cache 3. Delete WoW\Cache 4. Delete WoW\Data\Cache 5. Restart WoW 6. Restart HB and attempt again. If you still have an issue after that, let me know.
Quest: my town. Its on fire again. Bots just fly around for hours and do nothing else View attachment 5744 2013-06-18 10.02.txt View attachment 5744 2013-06-18 10.02.txt
sry for asking such a question but...where do i find DailyGrind.xml file? and also, does tuanha profiles works with this, or only singular?
Profiles/Reputation/ in this folder there is another folder, where i forgot the name so far, and in this folder you can find daily grind.xml If tunha profiles have movement then its no problem to use them