Hi Guys, I have a druid lvl 66 and he is balanced skilled, but unfortunately honorbuddy CC, and Kaboomkin class by codenameg both transform into the cat, feral. So he only makes 66 DPS How can I change him to balance attack. log: http://www.mediafire.com/?25qb2gy21pxph8d
Default CC is for Feral only. Post your kaboomkin log or we wont be able to see what's wrong. Also, dont expect people to answer within 20 minutes... It's monday and most of us have work or school which is why we started botting.
you didnt remove the Default CC, [12:48:03 PM:838] Chose Hawker's Druid 2.5 as your combat class! your not running any of my code at all, thats why. also in the future CC Problems need to go into the Thread they come from, not in their own threads.