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  • [Warlock CC] skiWarlock 4.0 - ALL TREES -

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ski, Aug 24, 2010.

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    1. sparks

      sparks Active Member

      Apr 23, 2010
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      so far he has made it to 33 and kicking ass.
      One question to all of you, this is not a bug or anything just might be doing something wrong or something set wrong.
      He is affliction spec and he kills 2 mobs and drinks...over and over.
      He has good green gear 1300 HP and 2550 Mana

      Is it my spec or could it be settings or ?
      Maybe he is just low level and this is ok right now.

      thanks for any info and pointers.

      ski thanks big time this guy is going guns he just has a little drinking problem LOL
    2. Knut

      Knut New Member

      Aug 16, 2010
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      Hi again.

      I don't want to sound ungrateful (it's an awesome CC for PvE), but I have a bit of a complaint...

      For last weeks Alterac Valley, I seriously couldn't use this CC. The bot would just stand there and do nothing when confronted with more than 5 attackers.
      I know I should have saved an error log, but it literally looked something like this:

      [skiWarlock] There are 9 attackers,
      [skiWarlock] There are 8 attackers,
      [skiWarlock] There are 7 attackers,
      [skiWarlock] There are 10 attackers,

      ... and so on. In PvE, it would be casting spells between each of those messages in HB. However, in PvP, it just stood there and did nothing as those messages were popping up in crowded areas with a lot of enemies.

      I switched to the other warlock CC here, DBwarlock, and it worked fine. Have any idea what's causing this?
      I posted about this a few days ago here > http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?9656-Still-find-PVP-a-bit.....crap&p=115385#post115385
      Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
    3. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ski is the cc normally able to mass pull with demonology? if so how to enable this because i've tried to use it but didn't work... hope to hear from you;)
    4. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      Hmmm i keep getting activity: resting for the last 2 days and my char will just sit there and do nothing, he is full HP and mana, fully buffed and has pet out, and i have 100+ drinks/food. I even double checked to see if i spelled the food/drink correctly,
      Anyone know how to fix this?
    5. sparks

      sparks Active Member

      Apr 23, 2010
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      not sure if its something like you are experiencing or an HB problem.
      About every 3 or 4 times he is low on mana
      I get
      Need Mana 50%
      Rest: Drinking for Mana
      Need Mana 51%
      Rest: Drinking for Mana
      Need Mana 52%
      Rest: Drinking for Mana

      but he doesn't drink.
      this does not happen every time


      at level 40 affliction what glyphs should I be using?
      only thing I see that is worth it is the glyph of voidwalker.
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
    6. thedrunk

      thedrunk New Member

      Apr 1, 2010
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      Lots of bug reports, no logs :(
    7. Johnnyp

      Johnnyp New Member

      Sep 10, 2010
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      got problem , when i reach 78 lvl its not working correctly , all is bot doing is resting , and even if he pull anything , its a single corruption and pet attack mob in range , then he is waiting .

      Attached Files:

    8. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Post logs please. I'll have to start deleting posts with no logs if there are a lot of them to keep things organized.
    9. exfelon

      exfelon Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here's your stinking logs. Great cc btw ski & drunk. a few issues but nothing major, my 57 lock is lovin' it.

      I did notice (sorry it was sometime yesterday and I didn't think to capture the log) that my lock was doing some mining/herbing and had run out of soul shards. Since everything thing was a lower level she couldn't create any more. She then proceeded to try and make a healthstone til I turned off the function.
      Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
    10. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I dare you to, you wont' do it.. YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT!!!!!! LOL

      Seriously though... people come on you got a problem do what the dev says and post a log. Its pretty simple and ALOT quicker on getting resolves then just saying "WHy the **** doesn't this buff?" or "This CC is crap cause it just stands there" Ya know.. i'm guessing thos of you complaining about such things havent' read the full thread, haven't even read the full main posts for the CC, and HONESTLY probably don't know much about how HB/GBworks in the first place. So please do us all a favor, quick your cry baby run to mommy cause the bully not only took your lunch money but made you sit and watch him eat it attitudes and READ.

      READ THE THREAD COMPLETELY before posting a complaint/issue. And if you feel you must still post one then above all else POST A LOG WITH THE PROBLEM
    11. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      Crossposting this here:

      thedrunk, I teamviewer in, fresh HB install, fresh CC install, default config, it stops at each activity and never progresses to the next one. If in combat, it'll cast once then never again. If its resting, it never leaves rest and stands there. I'm pretty sure its a one-off or HB issue, but just in case I left it here as well.
    12. boogeyman269

      boogeyman269 New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Personally i havent had any trouble with my warlock but havent done much solo grinding latly since my lock is 80 been mainly runing dungeons using instancebuddy works flawless
    13. exfelon

      exfelon Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      here#s the log of it not summoning a imp when set to auto and getting stuck in the healthstone loop, due to not having any soulshards. I cut out the first half since it was 1.3mb total...

      Attached Files:

    14. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      I keep getting activity: resting, and my lock just sits there and does nothing. Any suggestions?
    15. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      Log is here for my upper post^^ and in the lower left corner of HB it says activity: resting it only attacks mobs that attck him.
      Drain Life.
      Curse of Agony.
      Drain Soul.
      Drain Life.
      Drain Soul.
      Life Tap.
      Apply Fel Armor.
      Fel Armor.
      Curse of Agony.
      Shadow Bolt.
      Bring Lost Drakkari Spirit closer.
      Drain Life.
      Bring Lost Drakkari Spirit closer.
      Drain Life.
      Drain Soul.
      Life Tap.

    16. spelaben

      spelaben New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      This is not a complete log, the correct one can be found in your HB dir in the Logs folder.
    17. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      How do i get it on here? its hella long, should i just post the whole thing here?
    18. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      [9:05:31 PM:597] interact: 0x2C6EE8A0
      [9:05:31 PM:618] interact done: 0x2C6EE8A0
      [9:05:31 PM:620] Activity: Learning new Flight Path
      [9:05:31 PM:621] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:05:31 PM:792] Changed POI to: Type: Fly
      [9:05:31 PM:942] Activity: Learning new Flight Path
      [9:05:31 PM:943] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:05:43 PM:798] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:05:43 PM:800] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:05:43 PM:802] move to the target started
      [9:05:43 PM:806] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:05:43 PM:989] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:05:43 PM:991] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:05:43 PM:992] move to the target started
      [9:05:43 PM:994] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:05:44 PM:739] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:05:44 PM:907] Stop and dismount...
      [9:05:45 PM:526] Activity: Pulling Lost Drakkari Spirit now.
      [9:05:45 PM:532] Killing Lost Drakkari Spirit at distance 14.
      [9:05:45 PM:617] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:45 PM:639] Curse of Agony.
      [9:05:45 PM:669] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:45 PM:691] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:05:45 PM:888] Activity: Pulling Lost Drakkari Spirit now.
      [9:05:45 PM:922] Let Rinnroon gain aggro.
      [9:05:47 PM:67] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:47 PM:141] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:47 PM:164] Corruption.
      [9:05:47 PM:240] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:47 PM:259] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:05:47 PM:375] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:47 PM:490] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:47 PM:625] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:47 PM:741] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:47 PM:876] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:47 PM:992] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:48 PM:127] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:48 PM:243] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:48 PM:378] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:48 PM:494] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:48 PM:647] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:48 PM:764] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:48 PM:898] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:49 PM:14] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:49 PM:148] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:49 PM:245] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:49 PM:379] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:49 PM:476] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:49 PM:604] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:49 PM:692] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:49 PM:823] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:49 PM:935] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:50 PM:64] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:50 PM:176] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:50 PM:304] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:50 PM:416] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:50 PM:544] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:50 PM:656] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:50 PM:784] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:50 PM:896] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:51 PM:24] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:51 PM:82] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:05:51 PM:136] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:51 PM:155] Drain Life.
      [9:05:52 PM:261] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:52 PM:318] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:05:52 PM:372] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:52 PM:392] Drain Life.
      [9:05:58 PM:444] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:05:58 PM:562] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:58 PM:620] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C907913F, 0)
      [9:05:58 PM:642] Curse of Agony.
      [9:05:58 PM:688] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:05:58 PM:801] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:59 PM:77] Take pet's target.
      [9:05:59 PM:244] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:05:59 PM:271] Curse of Agony.
      [9:05:59 PM:375] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:05:59 PM:400] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:05:59 PM:511] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:59 PM:656] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:05:59 PM:792] Activity: Combat
      [9:05:59 PM:941] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:00 PM:66] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:00 PM:222] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:00 PM:351] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:00 PM:501] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:00 PM:624] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:00 PM:759] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:00 PM:782] Corruption.
      [9:06:00 PM:799] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:00 PM:812] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:06:00 PM:928] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:01 PM:41] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:01 PM:170] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:01 PM:277] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:01 PM:413] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:01 PM:525] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:01 PM:655] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:01 PM:768] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:01 PM:897] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:02 PM:10] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:02 PM:139] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:02 PM:252] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:02 PM:381] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:02 PM:493] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:02 PM:622] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:02 PM:735] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:02 PM:865] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:02 PM:978] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:02 PM:997] Drain Life.
      [9:06:03 PM:611] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:03 PM:723] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:04 PM:353] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:04 PM:466] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:05 PM:96] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:05 PM:208] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:06 PM:511] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071CD079338, 0)
      [9:06:06 PM:530] Drain Soul.
      [9:06:08 PM:648] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:08 PM:716] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:06:08 PM:908] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:09 PM:113] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Disturbed Soul
      [9:06:09 PM:307] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Disturbed Soul
      [9:06:10 PM:681] interact: 0x5D68B2A0
      [9:06:10 PM:689] interact done: 0x5D68B2A0
      [9:06:11 PM:433] Activity: Looting Disturbed Soul.
      [9:06:11 PM:553] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:06:11 PM:762] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:11 PM:948] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:12 PM:375] interact: 0x5D692C80
      [9:06:12 PM:392] interact done: 0x5D692C80
      [9:06:13 PM:102] Activity: Looting Lost Drakkari Spirit.
      [9:06:13 PM:239] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:06:13 PM:421] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:13 PM:422] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:13 PM:423] move to the target started
      [9:06:13 PM:425] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:13 PM:631] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:13 PM:633] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:13 PM:634] move to the target started
      [9:06:13 PM:636] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:13 PM:814] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:13 PM:815] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:13 PM:816] move to the target started
      [9:06:13 PM:818] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:13 PM:998] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:14 PM:0] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:14 PM:1] move to the target started
      [9:06:14 PM:3] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:14 PM:198] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:14 PM:200] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:14 PM:202] move to the target started
      [9:06:14 PM:204] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:14 PM:388] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:14 PM:390] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:14 PM:391] move to the target started
      [9:06:14 PM:393] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:14 PM:560] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:14 PM:561] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:14 PM:563] move to the target started
      [9:06:14 PM:564] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:14 PM:747] NeedToMoveToTarget?
      [9:06:14 PM:748] Do NeedToMoveToTarget
      [9:06:14 PM:750] move to the target started
      [9:06:14 PM:751] Activity: Moving towards Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:15 PM:621] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Lost Drakkari Spirit
      [9:06:15 PM:916] Activity: Pulling Lost Drakkari Spirit now.
      [9:06:15 PM:922] Killing Lost Drakkari Spirit at distance 22.
      [9:06:16 PM:65] Let Rinnroon face this mob alone for a bit.
      [9:06:18 PM:93] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:18 PM:110] Curse of Agony.
      [9:06:18 PM:238] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:18 PM:345] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:18 PM:366] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:06:18 PM:368] Bring Lost Drakkari Spirit closer.
      [9:06:22 PM:517] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:22 PM:600] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:22 PM:620] Corruption.
      [9:06:22 PM:687] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:22 PM:706] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:06:22 PM:827] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:22 PM:986] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:23 PM:111] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:23 PM:255] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:23 PM:275] Drain Life.
      [9:06:23 PM:900] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:24 PM:58] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:24 PM:700] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:24 PM:826] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:30 PM:291] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:30 PM:418] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:34 PM:64] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071C9078315, 0)
      [9:06:34 PM:88] Drain Soul.
      [9:06:36 PM:737] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:06:36 PM:854] Need Life Tap.
      [9:06:36 PM:855] Activity: Resting
      [9:06:36 PM:862] Spell_C::CastSpell(27222, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [9:06:36 PM:880] Life Tap.
      [9:06:42 PM:555] Applying spellstone.
      [9:06:42 PM:557] Apply Spellstone.
      [9:06:43 PM:134] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:45 PM:927] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:45 PM:943] Drain Life.
      [9:06:46 PM:549] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:46 PM:710] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:52 PM:743] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:52 PM:805] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:52 PM:830] Curse of Agony.
      [9:06:52 PM:918] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:52 PM:935] Drain Life.
      [9:06:53 PM:541] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:53 PM:669] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:54 PM:292] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:54 PM:338] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:54 PM:358] Corruption.
      [9:06:54 PM:420] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:54 PM:438] Drain Life.
      [9:06:55 PM:45] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:55 PM:142] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:55 PM:765] Activity: Combat
      [9:06:55 PM:862] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:59 PM:455] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071CD079564, 0)
      [9:06:59 PM:474] Drain Soul.
      [9:07:02 PM:340] Activity: Combat
      [9:07:02 PM:487] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:07:02 PM:608] Activity: Combat
      [9:07:03 PM:11] Activity: Resting
      [9:08:02 PM:916] Thread was being aborted. - From: mscorlib at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
      at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
      at Warlock.DemonWarlock.Rest() in c:\Users\Josh\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\DemonWarlock.cs:line 326
      at Bots.Grind.LevelBot.(Object ret)
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Sequence..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @ 4948, offset:19
      [9:08:02 PM:934] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:08:03 PM:373] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
      [9:08:03 PM:413] Changing current profile to Zul'Drak 75-77
      [21:08:03.5363] [Navigator] Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Northrend".
      [9:08:03 PM:617] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:08:03 PM:731] Activity: Resting
      [9:08:44 PM:871] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:08:45 PM:236] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
      [21:08:45.3727] [Navigator] Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Northrend".
      [9:08:45 PM:434] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:08:45 PM:467] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:45 PM:607] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:45 PM:628] Curse of Agony.
      [9:08:45 PM:850] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:45 PM:893] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:08:46 PM:30] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:46 PM:278] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:46 PM:420] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:46 PM:564] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:46 PM:706] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:46 PM:869] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:47 PM:11] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:47 PM:71] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:47 PM:95] Corruption.
      [9:08:47 PM:175] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:47 PM:196] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:08:47 PM:338] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:47 PM:481] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:47 PM:627] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:47 PM:689] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:47 PM:747] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:47 PM:769] Drain Life.
      [9:08:48 PM:886] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:48 PM:950] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:49 PM:9] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:49 PM:31] Drain Life.
      [9:08:55 PM:439] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:55 PM:502] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:55 PM:521] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:55 PM:542] Demonic Empowerment.
      [9:08:55 PM:544] D.O.T. adds
      [9:08:55 PM:547] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:56 PM:93] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C907975B, 0)
      [9:08:56 PM:117] Curse of Agony.
      [9:08:56 PM:730] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:56 PM:732] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:56 PM:749] Drain Life.
      [9:08:57 PM:860] Activity: Combat
      [9:08:57 PM:920] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:57 PM:937] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:57 PM:957] Demonic Empowerment.
      [9:08:57 PM:958] D.O.T. adds
      [9:08:57 PM:962] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:58 PM:499] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071C907975B, 0)
      [9:08:58 PM:523] Corruption.
      [9:08:59 PM:94] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:08:59 PM:95] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:08:59 PM:113] Drain Life.
      [9:09:00 PM:233] Activity: Combat
      [9:09:00 PM:291] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:09:00 PM:309] Spell_C::CastSpell(47193, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:09:00 PM:328] Demonic Empowerment.
      [9:09:00 PM:330] D.O.T. adds
      [9:09:00 PM:333] Warning: there are 2 attackers.
      [9:09:00 PM:366] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:09:00 PM:389] Drain Life.
      [9:09:02 PM:11] Activity: Combat
      [9:09:02 PM:68] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:09:02 PM:91] Curse of Agony.
      [9:09:02 PM:109] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:09:02 PM:131] Corruption.
      [9:09:02 PM:212] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071CD079AEF, 0)
      [9:09:02 PM:233] Drain Soul.
      [9:09:03 PM:346] Activity: Combat
      [9:09:03 PM:468] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907975B, 0)
      [9:09:03 PM:491] Drain Life.
      [9:09:06 PM:887] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071C907975B, 0)
      [9:09:06 PM:909] Drain Soul.
      [9:09:08 PM:790] Activity: Combat
      [9:09:08 PM:957] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071C907975B, 0)
      [9:09:09 PM:981] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - From: n0bnef9q at Warlock.DemonWarlock.Combat() in c:\Users\Josh\Desktop\HB\CustomClasses\DemonWarlock.cs:line 984
      at Bots.Grind.LevelBot.?(Object ret)
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Sequence..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..MoveNext()
      at (Object )
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()SmartExceptionsCore.UnhandledException @ 4967, offset:19
      [9:09:09 PM:984] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [9:09:10 PM:154] Activity: Resting
      [9:09:10 PM:174] Spell_C::CastSpell(27222, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [9:09:10 PM:195] Life Tap.
      [9:09:14 PM:27] Activity: Resting
      [9:09:53 PM:501] Apply Fel Armor.
      [9:09:53 PM:501] Spell_C::CastSpell(47892, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [9:09:53 PM:536] Fel Armor.
      [9:09:53 PM:806] Activity: Resting
      [9:10:49 PM:453] Activity: Combat
      [9:10:49 PM:510] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:49 PM:536] Curse of Agony.
      [9:10:49 PM:641] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:49 PM:667] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:10:49 PM:669] Bring Lost Drakkari Spirit closer.
      [9:10:53 PM:799] Activity: Combat
      [9:10:53 PM:851] Spell_C::CastSpell(47812, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:53 PM:874] Corruption.
      [9:10:53 PM:948] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:53 PM:968] Drain Life.
      [9:10:54 PM:470] Bring Lost Drakkari Spirit closer.
      [9:10:55 PM:594] Activity: Combat
      [9:10:55 PM:701] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:55 PM:726] Drain Life.
      [9:10:59 PM:232] Activity: Combat
      [9:10:59 PM:345] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:10:59 PM:984] Activity: Combat
      [9:11:00 PM:98] Spell_C::CastSpell(27220, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:11:00 PM:870] Spell_C::CastSpell(27217, 0, 0xF1300071C907A07A, 0)
      [9:11:00 PM:892] Drain Soul.
      [9:11:02 PM:753] Activity: Combat
      [9:11:03 PM:489] Activity: Resting
      [9:11:03 PM:507] Spell_C::CastSpell(27222, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [9:11:03 PM:526] Life Tap.
      [9:11:06 PM:381] Activity: Resting
      [9:13:32 PM:378] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:32 PM:516] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:32 PM:534] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:13:32 PM:645] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:32 PM:769] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:32 PM:891] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:33 PM:18] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:33 PM:140] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:33 PM:186] Spell_C::CastSpell(47863, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:33 PM:205] Curse of Agony.
      [9:13:33 PM:267] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:33 PM:285] Shadow Bolt.
      [9:13:33 PM:405] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:33 PM:499] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:33 PM:622] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:33 PM:736] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:33 PM:859] Activity: Combat
      [9:13:33 PM:950] Spell_C::CastSpell(47808, 0, 0xF1300071C907A5B7, 0)
      [9:13:34 PM:85] Activity: Combat
    19. spelaben

      spelaben New Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      Next time use the attachment option of the forum ;)
    20. MRright

      MRright New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      22nd of Spetember log activity:resting

      Here is my log

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