in GB is there a way to blacklist everything except certain herbs/ores? lets say i dont want it to farm any clover. would i need to add every clover in the zone to badnodes?
why are you wanting this? for bag space to allow longer runs? If so, get lootfilter and have it set to delete it whenever it gets it. Otherwise, just take it and sell it to vendor if you don't want it. gold clover is used for high end flasks so its still pretty profitable if you do it right on the AH.
Nope, not possible. The badnodes.xml works using the coordinations of the nodes and not their names. And GB doesn't allow you to change what nodes to pick and not pick. It's hardcoded in the bot itself. And to the people who ere telling him to use "Lootfilter", It will only delete the collected "herbs". so that's time wasted going down to pick a node, fly up , return to path while "lootfilter" deletes the herbs that you acquired from the node you didn't want to go near on the first place. What he wants is more of "controlling" what the bot picks.
And you'll get the same exact answer since gatherbuddy was released... use Lootfilter (or similar addon for WoW that you prefer) LOL
this is what im doing to create a Adder's Tongue only badnodes.xml file. Not elegant, but will work. VBS woot ! Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set inFile = fspenTextFile("Debug.html", 1, False) Set outFile = fspenTextFile("badNodes_auto.txt", 2, true) Do While inFile.atEndOfStream = False thisLine = inFile.readLine If instr(thisLine, "Maneuvering towards Goldclover:") Then strItem = "<bad_location><name>Goldclover</name><waypoint>" & getWaypoint(thisLine) & "</waypoint><comment>" & "Added from debug.html" & "</comment></bad_location>" strOut = strOut & strItem & vbNewLine ElseIf instr(thisLine, "Maneuvering towards Tiger Lily:") Then strItem = "<bad_location><name>Tiger Lily</name><waypoint>" & getWaypoint(thisLine) & "</waypoint><comment>" & "Added from debug.html" & "</comment></bad_location>" strOut = strOut & strItem & vbNewLine End If Loop outFile.Write strOut Function getWaypoint(thisLine) intA = InStr(thisLine, "(") + 2 strCoords = Mid(thisLine, intA, len(thisLine)) strCoords = left(strCoords, len(strCoords) - 6) getWaypoint = replace(strCoords, ",","") End Function
LOL. Read the post right before yours. Using lootfilter still wastes the time of collecting the herb. Try reading a thread before you reply.
save as filename.vbs, Windows only. Execute it in the same folder as debug.html and it will create a new file named badnodes_auto.txt copy the contents and paste into your existing badnodes.xml make sure the <badnodes> and </badnodes> are at the top and bottom
we know that lootfilter wastes time if used for this, we aren't stupid, but aside from coding something new (wow you did, good job) there isn't any other way of not keeping the "other" herbs.
how to use the above file. 1. rename your existing badnodes.xml - if you want to keep it. 2. download the above attachment into the same folder as Gatherbuddy 3. Star Botting. This badnodes.xml file will prevent the bot from gathereing the nodes listed within the file. I have made sure Clover and Lilly are listed so it should only gather Adder's. My suggestion is to make a new profile so that you can avoid areas rich in Clover/Lilly and focus on areas rich on Adders. But it probably wont matter too much as SB is very small. I personally use Tony's Safe profile, it bots SB, IC and SP. and all herb gathered provides 50% Icy Pigment.