Think I've fixed metamorphosis. Had misplaced a ! character. Can you post a log for life tap? Should use when you have more than 50% HP, and your mana is below 20%, or you're moving, can't cast anything else, and will get the full benefit from a life tap.
Yeah, been workin on a log, but now its massive... Anyways, i noticed that on target dummy it performs perfectly, but in lfr, using Tyrael frame lock on, it casts MB, then waits, casts Mb then waits, casts Mb, DP and does the insanity mf perfectly, then casts dots, performs some time good, and then starts to wait on shadow orbs again. View attachment 5592 2013-06-20 14.57.txt The other log file was 17MB large and I could not upload it, it contained mostly errors. I did copy a few lines from it to the new log. After i restarted Hb and pure cc, it didnt produce the same errors anymore. Still, iv done the restart before also, and it generated errors and had these pauses. Hope you can read something from the log now. Thanks, your Cc rules EDIT: Also i dont have a log atm, but using Pure for resto druid kinda... hrm... it doesnt use wild growth and mushrooms, other than that, it works. thanks
metamorphosis working "ok" again, as before. Thanks. concerning life tap, i'll post a log if i run out of mana.
Thanks, think I've fixed the shadow priest issues. Resto Druid; Wulf is re-writing all of the healing from scratch as we're not pleased with it either.
Sweet, thanks for the update. I actually made a little change to help keep the corruption uptime too. I've had another log for the same issue (not using Metamorphosis), but that log file showed 3 or 4 life tap. *edit* Demonology - Added settings for when to cast and cancel Metamorphosis. Suggest you don't edit these settings unless you know what you are doing. - Dark Soul now casts once you are IN Metamorphosis form, not before. - Imp Swarm now casts once you are IN Metamorphosis form, not before.
aoe setting seems fucked up, set to 5, still it uses hellfire/immolate on 2+ i guess, maybe merged with felstorm unit count? + metamorphosis cancel on 600? seems a bit high. ... suggesting less. much less.
AoE in auto mode is checking units both near you and near target, whereas other specs only check near target. You really need to stay close to mobs as demo anyway though. The code seems okay though. The values come from SimulationCraft.. Code: actions+=/[B]cancel_metamorphosis[/B],if=buff.metamorphosis.up&buff.dark_soul.down&[B]demonic_fury<=650[/B]&target.time_to_die>30 actions+=/[B]metamorphosis[/B],if=(buff.dark_soul.up&demonic_fury%32>buff.dark_soul.remains)|(dot.corruption.remains<5&dot.corruption.crit_pct<100)|!dot.doom.ticking|[B]demonic_fury>=950[/B]|demonic_fury%32>target.time_to_die|buff.perfect_aim.react I found 950 was too high, and too often hit the cap, so 900 is a bit safer. However, this is why I've added settings - those who know what they're doing can play with them, if not, then the defaults are supposedly the optimal.
Resto question : If a tank is on 30% health, and 2 members is on 30% - will this routine prio the tank and heal him up? and is the resto shaman healing routine here even good ?
It does prioritize the tank, and should work decent, but healing in pure isn't as good as we'd like it to be. Wulf is currently re-writing the full healing system.
I make the folder in routines and then SVN checkout like I do for all my other CCs. I start up honorbuddy and usually a little screen comes up telling me to pick what routine I want to use. However, PureRoation is not under this list? I just deleted all my other CC's and followed the steps you suggested if having a problem but still nothing. I have gone into routines - Made a folder called PureRotation - Performed a SVN checkout on said folder - Performed an SVN update just in case - Loaded up HB with my mage logged on. All that happens is it loads up the singular routine, nothing i can see to do with purerRotaion? EDIT: Fixed it, reinstalled frame net
Watched it sit there and spam serpent sting on the boss, multiple times. It's happened in the past before as well.
Hello! Can you fix a few things with moonkin routine? 1. It wont use Celestial Alignment 2. Symbiosis wont work when use it on a mage with mirrors 3. Astral Communion toggle on/off 4. Heart of the wild toggle on/off Regards
Thanks! - Added a setting for Astral Communion. - When you have Incarnation talented (you do) - Celestial Alignment would cast when you weren't already in an eclipse state, and had the "Incarnation: Chosen of Elune" aura. Incarnation would only cast if you were eclipsed - which means the 2 would never line up. I've changed it so Incarnation will now cast if you're in a lunar eclipse, or Celestial Alignment isn't on cooldown. I've then changed Celestial Alignment to cast if you have Incarnation up, or Incarnation is on cooldown. - We don't cast HotW currently, and the routine doesn't have any support built into it, as it's not the maximum dps to activate it. I'll have to spend a bit more time looking into Symbiosis another day, we've always had issues with trying to get that to work.
Made another change to try and resolve it. Can you update from SVN and try again ? If it fails again please post a full unedited log file Thanks!