Latest quote i've gotten from my supplier after buying 60k today: Me: hey bud I need a quote again for 10k this time on blackrock -A us 35k On kelthuzad - A us and 15k on gorefiend -H us. Supplier: What? Seems a little small for you doesn't it? Me: Yeah, and the worst part is only 10k of it I farmed the rest was bought . Supplier: I see, well let me check my stock a sec. Me: np Supplier: 1.1/k on kelthuzad - Alliance us and gorefiend -H us. 1.3/k for Blackrock -A us. Me: You're shitting me? Blackrock was just 1.9/k last week! Supplier: Yeah... prices plummeted again. So sell? Me: No thanks, I think ill keep it and hope it goes up in cataclysm.... Supplier: Don't blame you. Well gl and contact me again if you ever want to sell. Me: Sure, thanks again. This has been edited of course to keep my supplier secret and my real name off the forums. So.... 1.3/k when I got 1.9/k just last week and than 1.1/k offers on gold that I paid 1.5/k for? I think i'll wait till cataclysm.... Anyone else get crappy offers like this for blackrock? Seems like every week it keeps plummeting more and more....
It's just going to go down again, every xpack gold has become worth less and less, and alot easer to get. Hell pre bc i sold 1k/75$
I think cata launch itll go up a bit but... not much and not for long. /sigh time to get into account/item and pleveling sales again.
by 1.3/k i mean $1.30 and by 1.8 I mean $1.80. Hope that clears it up. And 2-2.7 euros? isnt that over 3 usd? wow I haven't gotten that much in a while.
well wtf if you sold 650k for >1$ thats way more than ~1,000$ like you said. I must be very confused but isn't that like 650,000$? haha please don't mock me but it makes no sence
not going to mock you. I have gotten 1.9/k a week ago for 625k on blackrock. So I had gotten 1.9 x 625 which = $1187.50. Now gold is 1.3/k which means 1.3 x 625 (if i sold the same amount) = $812.50 which means if i sold the same amount I had lost $375 in a week. Hope that clears up what I mean.
What do you expect? One of the reasons is that when people see other people selling gold they automatically want to do it, I'm sure a few people who saw you make a grand US in your signature thought "sweet, I want some of that" You really don't help yourself you know lol, but gold selling continues to die a slow death, I miss the old days.
I'm selling to private buyers on my server for 2.2€/k So I'm happy, tough i only have 1 account and 1 farmer to run and I play by hand alot
The market is unstable atm. People arent spending money because the xpa is around the corner. No one wants to buy any new gear as the fuckin level 78 greens are about as good as LK epics. Once Cata is out and people see all that new stuff they can buy with gold the demand will go up a bit. But no doubt the market sucks. Even still if the chineese can make a buck they will.
Goddamn... I sold a lot last week too for 1.8$/k... now i get 1$ for 1k... that fucking suxx... i'm waiting for cata to hit, i hope it will go up a bit ( it was eu experience )