I think it works for every botbase, you can use it for Questing but you more rarly see people when using GatherBuddy2 because you're on a mount in mid air. Try and report back .
Will try this out and report back thanks Edit: You should add in your First post, that .Net Framework 4.5 is needed
I'm missing the nsa on the list ;-) No only a joke. I like your idea of this panaroid plugin. Great idea
This is good I see what you mean. My friend told me to download this and try it out and I woke up with like 12 players on the list (yet I was questing) till I realized its just when they target you. Not very much helpful during questing since anyone can target you. This is good for GB2 because you should never be in the same spot for long. Here is an example: As you can see where I highlighted I was in the same spot. But it says I wasn't stuck. This is the kind of results you may get when questing because I forgot to set a mail recipent when I fell asleep so I was sitting at the vendor for a ever till I noticed. Doesn't mean I got reported but still is interesting information. Great Plugin
I would say very great plugin I'm using this for Questing bot right now and i would say it's very clear about the "IsMeStuck" "IsMeSwimming" etc. +rep
yea i agree with most this is an excellent plug-in it also can help you track if the profile has stuck issues.
you should add to your OP that this plugins does not detect players reporting you, just players targetting you. just for curiosity, there are lesser beings out there seeing something wrong in this plugin.
This might be a tad extreme, but do you think you could add the option to where if a player targets you force-exit or logout?
make it so if you are targeted multiple times in the same location it logs off! or restart the bot (usually fixes my common stucks with questbot and gb)
What your asking for sounds like a server side script. Targeting is a far as it will go. Its on the plugin. just set as a timmer.
Great little plugin and thank u very much works great. Almost dropped one when I opened it for the first time and saw all those names but many were from the opposite faction,and ismestuck was all false and all the positions were different. People see you and are curious to who you are its human nature,when I'm flying around I check people out that I see,we all do no biggy.But that it shows if you were stuck or in the same position is great.
1.3 - 23/09/2013 - Can't honestly remember what I changed but I changed the recording of your own name and some code as well as changing or removing some columns, works good Added a new picture to show what's changed.
Woah, new toon leveling about and and had 3 reports within a minute or two. Was watching and really had no issues. Kinda scary... not sure whats happening
Have a question about the plugin. For what the plugin is good? So what options in this plugin. Tell me PLEASE, CHEERS.