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  • Give bg buddy some love???

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by webhond, Apr 13, 2013.

    1. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      How about you fix something that is broken for over a year allready and show the community
      you actually give a fck about how bg buddy is performing atm in bg's. Its retarded to say the least
      that a bot is spotted allready the second it leaves a flagroom / starting point. Since most of the bots
      path, esp the start is fixed / meshed i wonder why you dont fix the obvious mistakes this bot is making.

      For example,

      wsg starts, the bot stands still untill all are out, then moves out of the flagroom, back
      in, goes out again. Then decides, should i continue, or go back again and then exit trough the tunnel where
      obvious due to time taken on the above, horde is coming in to kick your ass.

      is retarded, bots all go green, every time, stand there till demo spwns and nukes it. Mostly they dont come
      off the beach again, even if they do, they run up to a gate and stand there untill someting comes close to attack.
      Bots rarely attack demos other then green starting point.

      Av, bot runs left into the mountain path right after exiting the cave and then join em again on the path. Bot stands
      JUST inside the room at drek / galv to attack.

      AB, bot keeps switching between stables and lm ( alliance ) if nothing comes in its path to attack, it will keep running up and
      down untill something does. Theres no logic at all in this and ur spotted in a heartbeat.

      Silvershard mines, When bot starts, runs off ramp, it runs back a bit, and then continues trough the tunnel? Why? Why not jump and
      keep on moving, that bit you run back and forth on click to move turn, shows it all .

      Eye of the storm
      , Bot runs to a base and stands there just on the stairs, facing a base untill the base is capped, then runs off.
      Keeps running between ( alliance ) mt and dr untill something comes close to attack.

      Isle of conquest is the worst of em all, bots dont leave the keep half of the time. They keep on running in and oout of the portals.
      Since theres a waiting timer on the portals before you can use em again, the time waiting and nothing around, they keep on running
      around like a duck on steroids untill they can move in again. If the bots allready leave the keep, and they go ( alliance ) docks, then
      they do the same there, duckwise moving up and down untill something close to attack. Everyone knows, someone defending a keep
      is a bot, same on docks, someone moving, as a group, is a bot. At the start, half use a prtal aswell even on a open keep door... are u
      kidding me?

      Twin peaks
      , right at the start, bot waits till all are gone, then runs out, back in, does a unstuck, back out ( all on right door for alliance ) and
      then decides to run back in and stand at the flag till horde comes in. If horde takes to long the bot runs out at the bridge door. Bot never ever
      leaves the middle and all know from te start, faulty movement at the start ( bot ) middle farming and no answer on wisper / bot.

      Temple of Kot, very painfull. Bots leave the room, run up and down a bit while just out of the room, then move 100 yrds further and keep
      moving up and down a bit there. Its like ants crwling tru eachother. No they dont need to pick up orbs, but they can move straight to the middle
      and nuke enemy orb carriers there. The times i saw people mention this in that bg, if i got 1 g for it, i would be in heaven.

      Im sure i missed something, theres way more, point made is, fix this damn bg bot cause it is a fckng joke. Its not blizzard who tracks something
      its the players who know what to look for now and report in a instant / with the whole bg aswell.

      You can say, dont bot in bg, im the one who said that many times before, esp on bg buddy, i only do it in av atm, since thats kinda safe, but
      the rest is a joke and it deserves some love. I prolly posted in the wrong section cant find the thread, im sure you can put it there.

      And please, dont point me to that plugin ultimate pvp suite, its crap, and i wont pay to get a configured version. This bot became big with HB and
      i think you should give this some love.
      Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
    2. aenonimos

      aenonimos New Member

      Dec 2, 2012
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      Over a year? Back in December I used the bots for most of the BG's without a single issue listed here. Of course since then there have been some drastic changes to it and from what I've observed in 1 AB for less than 5 minutes, it may not be working as it used to. But to say over a year...I don't think so. I took a break from WoW all together for about 2-3 months and have only recently came back but what I've noticed looking around the forums is that the cause of HB's lack of showmanship (compared to back in December and probably before then) is patch 5.2. I don't know what happened but I'm sure it really set the HB team back a few steps. Give them time and they will restore things to their former glory. They have many different things to work on and I'm sure that the BG bot can wait.
    3. Thepro27

      Thepro27 Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Sorry Aenonimos, Webhond is 100% correct. I've stopped using Bg buddy because everyone uses it, and we all do the same exact shit. You're easily asking yourself for a ban if you use it often. You run into the wrong player, you'll get reported.

      I've been a long time supporter of Honorbuddy, don't get me wrong; I love the product. It just seems like you all are DGAF about BG buddy, these issues have been ongoing for a long time now. I myself always wanted to make a post about it too, but I've honestly seen people say something about it and nothing was ever done. I feel as if it would be a lost cause.

      Again, I love Honorbuddy, the product has made me lots of $$ and I thank you all for that! But like many others, I'd love to see a drastic change in Bg buddy. Maybe let users make their own paths so there would be countless ways for the bots to run? I dunno...
    4. crazyvato2005

      crazyvato2005 New Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      Hmmm I looked at this and decided to let my BG buddy get some runs in and after 100% monitoring I did not once see any of these issues you are all speaking of. When WSG starts he runs out immediately and heads down to the graveyard and out to the middle then either to the biggest battle or largest group of allies. The others i dont see these issues...maybe its just me? I did the BG's with a Fury warrior and had no issues so then tried it on my Prot Paly and again no issues. Maybe its your end?
    5. ty2610

      ty2610 Member

      Dec 5, 2010
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      I totally agree, Bg Buddy is unusable. Not only are the paths the same, they are dumb paths. they run in and out not going to any real important place. They never get into the area to do damage, let alone heal. They are useless and are getting voted to kick because of how uneffective they are in pvps. Im not saying they were effective before, but atleast it wasnt a red flag on top of my head saying, "ajsng;pwaengrejg im a bot," like it is now. In the good BG days the bot atleast went to important places and attacked people. Now it's just a invatation to get banned.
      Edit: Just read the post saying it might be on my end; that very well could be. I just know that my Shaman in pvp is unsupported by any rotation. Dont say kingwow or singular have good shaman rotations, because they dont. Im not saying they arnt putting in a lot of work, im just saying that some rotations need a little more help than others.
      Last edited: Apr 13, 2013
    6. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Its not on my end, i had em all on my other account... on this one i have 3 lvl 90's now. Priest / monk and druid. All do the same and all do exact as
      described in the OP. If you dont see it, you have to see some around you do it, since every bg has a bot. That post is 99% accurate, saying you dont
      have it makes me think you run something else ( plugin ) then we do cause its like this for over a year now. i have run nearly any cc on the forum now and all
      do exact the same, so it aint a cc error of some kind, its 200 % the bot itself.

      Not only that, like the above poster says, pathing is stupid. When going mines at Gilneas for example, the bot goes to mines, but runs around the cart that
      stands right of the flag? Even if it sees a enemy, it not directly attacks, but around the cart first, then attacks, same for going away, runs around the other
      cart, and moves away?

      Blue and red and moving to and away paths, why not use the black path? Yes graph is drwn by a 2 yr old, but you get my point!


      This happens the same on AV. When on top gy,Frostw Graveyard. If we have it,and spwn there, The bot HAS to run around and behind a tree that is way to far away for
      it to be a original path. Still it goes there before it goes trough the "gate" Not only when spwning from gy, but even when fighting around the flag, if done, the bot HAS to run
      behind the tree, and then tru the gate, theres no logic in this.

      Again a 2 yr old drawing, but i like it!


      Paths are complicated and its not needed to say the least. You see something, move there in a straight line, theres nothing in your path, why go run behond something.
      No one does that but bots. I dont see why you need to make a bot move 1 pixel away from a fence if theres a whole road next to it to walk on. Because of whatever
      changes blizz makes to this game, those just passed fences and trees, now become stuck spots, since you didnt allow the bot to pass it at 50 pixels, it had to be 1 pixel.
      Dev's said it many times before, blizz makes changes and something ( offsets ) or whatever change... cant even remember. thing is, dont let me pass a fence so i can smell
      the wood... let me run around it, so if something happens i dont get stuck!

      Point being made is, regardless if you agree on OP problems mentioned, you let bg buddy die. You know about the problems, but nothing gets fixed. You went from click
      to move to pulse the map now, and it only made it worse. Yes, you dont see bot trains no more but its even easier to spot a bot now since all jump onto one enemy
      from all directions / you cant lose anyone no more since he keeps following you around the whole map, its a joke.
      Last edited: Apr 14, 2013
    7. Jiniix

      Jiniix Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      I agree. I generally monitor my bot (hardly bot if I'm not home) and I always fear getting reported, because it's so obvious who's botting.
      I would love if BGBuddy got some love. Even if it was as simple as making it run around randomly in the BG - at least you're not running in a line with 1-5 other people moving exactly the same.

      In Isle of Conquest, my bot almost never attacks the boss at the end. It always, like 9 out of 10 times, stands just down the stairs of his room and does absolutely nothing.
      If my pet is dead, it tries to revive the pet, but 25% through the cast time it jumps (actively cancels it) and tries to summon it as if it were alive. It just repeats until I force it up in his room. I don't know if this is a CC thing, but I have never seen it anywhere else than right at that spot.
      Note: the standing and doing nothing is not exclusive to my hunter. Happens on mage and rogue as well. Only 3 classes I PvP with.
      Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
    8. ridder654

      ridder654 New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Every single thing he says happens to me.
    9. zendenstyle

      zendenstyle New Member

      Dec 17, 2012
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      Oh my god i lolled at how true this is ,
      Please DEVS , fix BG Buddy!
    10. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      Also fix the zig zag when going to a node. When using gb2. Thank ya.
    11. westomopresto

      westomopresto New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      Absolutely true.

      The ONLY thing that helps me from getting banned is keeping a "jump" program up to have my character jump every 12 seconds to make me seem more human.
    12. drdominican

      drdominican New Member

      Feb 26, 2011
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      Yeah thats not going to happen, so once again we ask that the devs please look into this, If you look at the small amount of posts that I have everyone will see that I have been a member for a long time, i dont bitch about anything and generally do not post because the bot has been good to me, but i this i must agree with the OP. BG BUDDY is completely useless ATM and the description he posted is spot on
    13. westomopresto

      westomopresto New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      Why not?

      I'm sure they could do that.
    14. Freebz

      Freebz New Member

      Jan 29, 2013
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    15. kelvin

      kelvin New Member

      Apr 17, 2012
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      Hahahahahaaaaa. Good one, Phelon.
    16. dayloon

      dayloon Active Member

      Mar 5, 2010
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      A boost for a good cause. Isle of Conquest is a complete disaster
    17. woofie

      woofie Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      not a bad idea
    18. mastercheem

      mastercheem Member

      Apr 14, 2013
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      BGbuddy isn't safe at all, I truly believe I got my accounts banned because of it. Didn't get banned till I got curious and wanted to try it and only for 30 minutes both bots got banned at the same time.

      GB imo is wayyyyy safer than BG right now. Of course I could've just had bad luck but... everything was going smooth sailing until I tried BGbuddy for the first time.
    19. Kiroshan

      Kiroshan New Member

      Apr 19, 2012
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      I just leveled one of my toons this past week and decided to get some pvp gear so I could start farming with him easier. I set him to just run AV and EOS and he does not seem to get stuck. The standing outside the generals rooms in AV does happen but besides that it works fine for me...or maybe I have already been reported and just havnt been banned. We'll have to wait and see I suppose.
    20. tourguide

      tourguide New Member

      Feb 8, 2012
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      I'm not sure what all of this talk is about. I started using BGBuddy on my hunter, and it is really smart about joining the largest group of friendly players, or the largest fight. I haven't had the same pathing in a BG in a week.

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