Well, I'm sad to report my main (and only) account has been banned. I was in the middle of a dungeon at 3:20 AM (only using HB for the combat routine) when I was disconnected without warning or notice. When I attempted to log back in, I received the 202 error message, stating that my account has been closed. This ban could either be from gold I purchased or HB - no details yet as I have not received an e-mail from Blizzard. This really hurt. Ah well. . . maybe it's a sign that I should be more productive with my vacation time off from work. I'm going to copy a template of someone's ban report on here: 1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? I have been using both (not to an extreme). At the moment I was banned, I was simply using HB for the CR. 2) If so, when was the last time? Last time using GB2 was about 15 hours prior to the ban. HB was used during the moment I was banned. 3)What profile were you using? I was using Tyrael's bot and a blank profile. Again, it was just for the CR. 4)What combat class were you using? TuanHA's Hunter CC 5)What plugins are you using? I was not using any plugins. 6)How many hours per day did you bot for? At most, I used GB2 about 2 hours at a time, twice a day. 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? I monitor my botting about 70% of the time. 7)How many auctions per day did you have? On average, I had about 40-100 auctions per day. 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Nope. HB is the only third-party program I use. 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? I purchased gold for the account. I made two transactions, today, of 30,000g each. 10)EU or US realm? US 11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid 12) Additional Info: As I mentioned before, I am thinking the ban is due to purchasing gold from a gold-selling website. I was on a different character than the one that I purchased the gold for. It just so happens that I was online when one of my guildmates noticed the blatant auctions (1 runecloth for 10,600g) from my bank alt. They began discussing that it was a gold seller and to report it; the one who found it said he was too lazy to do so. I will keep this thread updated as I receive e-mails and possibly attempt to dispute the ban.
Hahahahaa, you made my day!!! There is a tell on my place: You need to learn reading before starting to write! On the question: You have banned from the goldbuying, indeed. The US GMs are very strict on that. I guess you could recover your account, and maybe its better idea, next time to buy gold from private seller, someone you know, not from the chinese, simply because Blizzard have implemented some kind of flagging, if you transfer large gold transactions to/from accounts, related to the chinese. I have no real idea how, maybe they monitor some chinese IP addresses, or simply flag some known-to-them chinese sellers accounts or IP ranges etc.
Still no e-mail from Blizzard about the ban. I would have figured they would have e-mailed by now. . . so I can't make a ban appeal yet, since I don't know the exact reason behind the ban. Hoping to get one soon. UPDATE: Cool! About 5 minutes after posting this, I received the e-mail from Blizzard: So it wasn't from buying gold. . . I'm thinking it was the fact that I left GB2 unattended for about 2 hours. Time to think up a story for the appeal! Wish me luck!
if you buy/sell/mail/gbank deposit gold, do not exceed 20k per transaction or you draw attention. i think its pretty well-known fact.
i just got the same exact email. it also took me most of the day to even get the email. once i got the email today i appealed it and said my account didnt even have a warning. i think got this in return. Greetings, Thank you for contacting us concerning the recent action taken against your World of Warcraft account. After reviewing the closure of the account, we have determined that you are responsible for all exploitative activities found. However, the decision has been made to downgrade the closure of the account. The account has been reopened and the penalty changed to a 72 hour suspension, with a final warning. As part of its final warning status, any further exploitative activity found will result in the permanent closure of the account. Please take a few moments to look over the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:World of Warcraft Terms of Use), which all players agree to upon initially logging into the game. The Terms of Use state that you will not "...modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Game Client or the Service in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard" or "...use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, mods or any other unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the World of Warcraft experience..." Additionally, the Battle.net Terms of Use (Blizzard Entertainment:Battle.net Terms of Use) state that "You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Login Information, and you will be responsible for all uses of the Login Information, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you." Please review our in-game penalties policy (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?locale=en_US&articleId=20221) which states that "we must also factor in the severity of the infraction and how often the player has violated our policies in the past. Based on these factors, the penalty may be moved up the Penalty Volcano, up to and including Account Closure." Thank you for your continued correspondence in regards to your account and for respecting our position. Regards, Account Admin Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft So, after all that said, good luck on getting your account back. if it had no prior problems you should have it. It seems GB2 is just a ban waiting to happen lately.
Thanks! It does seem that way for GB2 which I will no longer be using if the ban is lightened or removed. I'm hoping to get the same email as you, regarding the ban lightening.
Well, I received a response to my ban appeal and it remains a permanent ban. Here's the response: I'm guessing the GM that investigated me was just having a rough day and took it out on me. I have had no previous incidents on the account and was banned for the very same reason many of other people have been banned (and yet, their ban was changed to a 72 hour). I'm going to attempt another appeal and keep this thread updated.
Thanks. I saw that your appeal went smoothly. . . congrats; I just wish mine had gone the same way. If this second appeal results in the same response and the permanent ban, I will call customer service and attempt to appeal over the phone. I'm really hoping it doesn't have to come to that though. I just don't understand why I received a permanent ban when I haven't botted anywhere near as heavily as others who have only received a temporary ban. I have common sense and I have always been greatly cautious when using the bot; I haven't gone overboard with it and have only used it in small amounts. What really sucks is that I've spent most of my summer break (I'm a teacher assistant) playing WoW, when I could have been productive and spent time with friends and family. All of that time will have gone to waste if it remains a permanent ban. I go back to work in a couple of weeks. Time to make the most of it.
Yeah I dont understand why some go ok and others not. I had really only botted one day but it was overnight-dumb. Have you tried an unbanning service? Might be worth it at this point. Having said that, I got tons done today and I realize I just spend way too much time on WoW. Go enjoy your summer before its gone and you didnt notice it!
It's unfair they're doing that. . . still waiting on a response to my second appeal. I'm really hoping I get a different GM to work on this case.
Thanks! I'm only going to be using HB for combat rotation from now on. Sent from my HTC One X using TheBuddyForum mobile app