This has to be the worst log anyone has ever given....wait I take that did give a log, but you went through and edited it. Worthless log, gets worthless help.
actually let me make this better..... The start time of the bot is at [22:28:24.308 N] the stop time is at [22:28:29.537 D] Stop called! you let it run for a little over 5 seconds......most routines cannot even initialize in that time after hitting the start button.
FDK here, works for me but I also get that line ^^ Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 243 - [<If Condition="Me.Class == WoWClass.Shaman"> Also I feel like it never uses Horn of Winter as it should when no runes are up.
Just forward my opnion for Assassination Rogue CR: Use Shadow Blades when time left on Slide and Dice < 2s means it may just use Shadow Blades @ the beginning, since CR will always refresh it regardless the time left for this buff. For optimizing the usage (imo) i modified like this: Spell.Cast("Shadow Blades", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura(79140) && Me.HasAura(5171) && Me.HasAura(120032) && Me.IsWithinMeleeRange) 79140: Vendetta debuff on target 5171: Slide and Dice buff on me 120032: Dancing Steel buff on me. Hope it would help a little bit or getting some advanced advices for the conditions on using this cooldown.
Log ! a log can't be too long ... u can zip them, and upload the zipped ones ... this way u should be able to attach logs with a size of 100-300 mbyte
this is an errror u will get with every routine, cause it is not related to the combat routine, it is a problem with the questing profil and/or the hb installation (i have the problem aswell every now and than, but profiles are running so far)
Ive been using this routine religiously for pve, but Ive never got around to testing any of the pvp rotations. Which classes have an implemented pvp rotation? How exactly do I enable it? Or does it just switch automatically when entering a battleground?
well it will start acting for ya when u are in combat and u have a target, so your drood will fight for ya when u put moonfire or something else on the dummy u already tried disabling all wow addons on your dk, right? (sorry for asking, i'm still fishing in black water for the zoning issue)
by default the rotation switches by entering a BG / Arena / rBG some classes have a lil more advanced pvp rotation which can be enabled by class config and rotation key, but every class switches by default to pvp when entering bg/arena/rbg ... classes that have no explicit pvp logic will execute the pve logic
For Rogue Rupture, the PR Text says: Code: Rupture is used when - Combo Points = 5 AND - Aura Deep Inside is up AND - PveRupture is set as rotation in the Rogue Settings AND - Roation Key is pressed once (second press returns back to default rotation) The Aura is "Deep Insight" though...Although the Combat.cs references: Spell.Cast("Rupture", ret => Me.ComboPoints == 5 && Me.HasAura("Deep Insight")), Just trying to figure out why no matter what, I never see rupture get put up. I'll have a log shortly.
Rshaman: if u r in combat and the tanks go too far u keep spamming water shield and earth shield on urself again and again =)
I didnt try diabling my addons, i sort of gave up on tyring to find why my DK has issues after zoning. It works fine for my druid and my monk, but as for my DK I found a decent salution. I will be using one of PR sub-products to say lol. I'll be using Death Vader for my DK. I do alot more dps with that then I ever did with PR. So although Im not using PR persay, but I'm staying in the family as it were lol. But I do like to thank for all your help thus far on trying to resolve the issue. but it seems that im the only that has this issue.
Ya i know, When reading the post for Death Vader, basicly its whats going into the PR cc. Some reason it works better seperately for my dk then it does in PR. But at least it works.
View attachment 2388 2013-07-13 17.02.txt Destro starts to cast Chaos Bolt before it reaches 2 embers and since Dark Soul is set to be cast at 2 embers minimum, it almost never gets used. Also, Ember Tap is yoused every once in a while, but my toon easily dies with lots of embers up. Also, it is not in this log, but I often see the rotation pause when F&B is used and than toon runs out of embers. Pet summoning is annoying. I have to stop the bot in order to change pet. Auto re-summoning is ON but it does not summon the pet that just died, it summons Observer. If I am using Void to tank and void dies, it uses Flames to re-summon and when pet dies again it starts summoning Observer, which is useles. Combat ressing is very hard to do with any class. I target a player to ressurect and CR immediately re-targets enemy - big problem in raiding. No log, but all the time and only when using the CR for Blood DK I get lag spikes in game. This almost never happens with Frost or any other class. I havent tested in raid, but when playing single, BLOOD DK does not use Horn ever. Frost sometimes opens with Unholy Blight and not with Outbreak. UB is much better to be kept at the start. Often adds come out shortly after and there is its use. Which rotation is best for Frost DK? I am using the default one (PVP) and I dont see any difference with others. Also, I am not wrong UH FB rotation should use attack power procs to apply strong deseases. I don't see this happening. I tested on Horridon heroic and my desease dmg is far below SS dmg, even tho I am dpsing adds most of the time (info is before switching to Jelak fulltime). Also did some tests on dummy - same thing. I have JK hc trinket. Tests with DV UH CR on dummy also result in far less dps than Frost. UH kinda keeps up with Frost when there is AOE, but single target dps is far lower. This should not be the case. Over 525 ilvl UH should be doing better. Is pala healing getting fixed fixed? As I wrote before CR does not use any AOE healing spells. If a log is all it takes, I will kill Sha a couple of times and you will see there is no AOE healing. AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR THIS GREAT CR! TLDR: I really care mostly about DK DPS rotations, other stuff is just good to have for me.