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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Liquid!!! Great to hear from you! Typically need a complete debug log (only a partial is provided so versions, settings, config, etc. aren't present.) This is a known issue with Questing however:
      [18:46:23.476 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 0 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User....
      [18:46:58.000 N] [Singular]  LOGMARK # 1 at 20:46:58.000 
      The quest behavior is using Pull Distance to determine range to close to in attacking mob. It isn't specific to Elementals and would happen with any ranged class. Thanks for the post and good luck with the Shaman, Bobby53
    2. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Bobby,

      I've been digging trough the profile for KW, but there's only 3 occurences where the pulldistance is set to 1 or 2 (and after the specific quest or travel is completed it's set back to 25).
      I don't have plugings active that influence these settings (checked those as well).
      Either way if it's a known thing there's no sense to really dig trough it all.
      Very well might be a custom behaviour class that is doing it for that matter (and since there's a plentitude of those).

      Ah yeah, I see the debug log settings now on the general tab.
      Would the Debugging tab not be a more logical place for those settings?

      Either way thanks for your eternal patience, Liquid.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      Change History for this release appears below. Complete Change History as always is included in the .ZIP

      See the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.

      Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.

      Don't forget to use the LOGMARK! button. It is located on the Class Config window and will place a mark in the log file making it easy for you to indicate when something happened that you have a question about or problem with. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin. Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.

      Ok, now that's out of the way:

      - Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread

      - .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version

      - HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts

      Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.

      As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Good point, I'll look at reorganizing the debug tab to include those. As for the Pull Distance, Singular watches for ANY changes to the Pull Distance and outputs a message when it changes. Even though Singular doesn't use or modify the Pull Distance, the components which invoke the Combat Routine (BotBase, Quest Behaviors, Plug-ins) are definitely affected by that value and give the appearance that Singular is doing something wrong. Having it log a message every time it changes is an important troubleshooting aid. At any rate, am not saying specifically which component set it to 0, only that it was 0 and affected another Quest Behavior in how it moved toward the target. The specific occurrence of the Elemental moving to melee isn't a Singular issue even though Singular is the component logging the Pull Distance. Thanks for the post and good luck with the Shaman, Bobby53

      Edit: Pull Distance is set directly by some Quest Behaviors without specification in the Quest profile. For example take a look at InteractWith.cs
    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Oh, no, it's not a problem. It's just a minor inconvenience, that's all. It's fixed and working, so no harm done. I just thought it was something else, and not on my end, but I forgot that when updating some routines the developers need you to empty the settings for that routine. I never thought to do that since I had never had to before. All is well now, and thank you for trying to help. :)
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You shouldn't have had to empty the settings on account of Singular. There haven't been any settings changes in Singular that would necessitate it, Bobby53
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Phelon, Thanks for the marked up debug log -- the markups look great and a huge boost to knowing specifically which point your issue occurred, thanks! I would recommend though either leaving the Class Config window open, or if you prefer to close it after a logmark then clicking the Close Window box in upper right. Clicking Save will rebuild the behavior trees, which will obscure things a bit if it is in the timeframe something you are reporting occurred.

      LogMark #1 - I see the stuck prior to this logmark, but that appears to be in response to DungeonBuddy movement. All Singular movement results in a log entry, similar to:
      [22:57:44.912 N] [Singular-DEBUG] MoveToMelee(Moved): towards Suen.007D @ 45.7 yds
      and there are none prior to the stuck. You mentioned the Stuck Handler in Singular in a previous post as a possible point to research for this. That stuck handler is a no-op/do nothing stuck handler that is only active when using the Singular Hotkeys for pausing movement. Since the Hotkeys weren't setup, that handler wasn't used. However if it was used, it would cause any stuck condition to be ignored.

      I'll see what I can do regarding movement on Lei Shin specifically. I wouldn't think that is was a boss that represented a movement problem.

      Not much to go on here. My guess is that Spirit Shield was active so it cast those to apply the shield. I'll take a look at that and revise as it shouldn't be doing that if specifically configured not to. Other than that, you'll need to be more specific than simply ignoring all healing standards.

      In general, the movement of running a healer to melee is DungeonBuddy. Since DungeonBuddy has to implement movement to deal with the mechanics and strategy of an encounter, we can't have the Combat Routine stomping on all movement that occurs simply because the toon is within ranged distance of the target. So Singular as a general rule will stop movement that it initiates. Additionally it will stop movement any movement (regardless of who requested it) in the Pull behavior. I follow up with Highvoltz on it.

      Thanks for the post, Bobby53
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, I referenced that in earlier reply
    9. Kabooms31

      Kabooms31 New Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      My arcance mage whenever its not close enough to cast arcane explosion, it keeps trying to walk forward cast arcane blast then walk forward again until it finally reaches the target to cast arcane explosion.
    10. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I am wondering if you are planning to add using Power infusion with mind flay insanity and also to be able to turn of mind flay in multi mob situations for shadow priests?

      P.S. also forgot to ask if you can set it to stop clipping mind flay insanity with dots or anything else bar Mind Blast
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lol... I'm usually more of the too little sleep, too much coffee side of things...
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Kabooms31, Welcome to HonorBuddy! If you experience an issue with Singular, be sure to follow the steps provided in the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post. Thanks and good luck with your Mage, Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      dilbog, I appear to have missed Insanity so priority changed to add a Mind Flay at higher priority if have that talent and Devouring Plague on target. Fixed in next release. The other two items happen automatically already. If they aren't for you will want to follow the steps provided in the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Priest, Bobby53
    14. Evansbee

      Evansbee New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Rogue Sub
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal/Questing
      What level are you?: 74
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: Nope
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? The issue is observable on every pull, but I threw an offending example between logmark 1 and 2.
      What happened (be specific)? Cloak and Dagger seems to not work -- I have the talent but the BOT won't ambush from range, it runs around to get behind the target.
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) 3rd option. Yes

      View attachment 8064 2013-07-20 14.19.txt

      Pretty straightforward, or at least it should be. Cloak and Dagger doesn't work, and I'm not sure how it could given the behavior implementation, the movetomelee and movetobehind behaviors precede the check for cloak and dagger when deciding to hit ambush.

      Everything's attached, let me know if you need more help.
    15. thugluvin

      thugluvin Member

      Mar 21, 2013
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      toon is targeting and trying to attack horde toons as alliance when not in pvp just out questing
    16. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      Level 88 Blood DK running Kick's Profile.

      On any quest that needs to kill yellow mobs the bot will just run from hot spot to hot spot never stopping to kill anything. If aggro'd by a red mob, bot will never stop to kill but will just keep circling hot spots with the mob chasing it until the bot dies.

      Not sure if this is a Singular issue, HB issue, or profile issue. I was running Cava's profile and don't remember having these issues but I outleveled the horde profile and swapped to Kick's at about the same time the new HB releases started coming out and can't pinpoint whether the issue started when I changed profiles or when I did an HB update.

      Log attached.

      What Class+Spec are you?: Blood DK
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
      What level are you?: 88
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? Starting at about [12:27:22.690 D] to end of log.
      What happened (be specific)? See above
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) Yes :)

      Attached Files:

    17. RoloTomasi

      RoloTomasi New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      How can i disable this fu..ng kite????
      My frost mage collects all mobs this way and then die.
      i try disable kite by setting "Kite allowed" value to false not work it kite again.
      Set "Kite at mobe count" to 9999 "Kite below healt" 0% and these not work again. My char kite and kite and kite again.
      I can record this fu..ng funny video and put in on net, but this kite really stuiped behavior.

      And so when it's pet dies bot(cc) waiting infinetly, why i don't undestant.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      To begin with, you will need to post in the future without overly dramatic speech and profanity. Profanity, referring to behavior as stupid, etc. does not provide any useful information to help research the issue. Typically these posts are just deleted and no response provided, but every so often its good to leave one around as an example of what members should not do.

      The post is missing a debug log (a copy paste of the log window is not sufficient.) If the Kite Allowed = false setting is not working, read and carefully follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. When posting the issue focus on the details of the problem that occurred and I will do my best to research and respond to you.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Evansbee, Upgrade to the latest Singular, which is Click Class Config and on the Class Specific tab change Move Behind to false. Cloak and Dagger should work as expected then. -Bobby53
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      thugluvin, Welcome to HonorBuddy! When posting a question or bug, you'll want to follow the steps in the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] . Thanks for the post and good luck with your toon, Bobby53

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