Both these cards are comparable in price and performance and I have had just as many problems with a 9800GTX(GTS 250 before being re marketed) as I have 4850's. Its really an either or type scenario. The GTS 250 is newer, but the 4850 is tried and true. Personally (and this is just me cuz im a weirdo), I like to pair AMD products with ATI products something about it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Yeah, after looking they are pretty close in performance. They trade blows depending on the game. I had two 4870s and one 4870x2. All three had driver problems and heat issues. They where ref model cards around launch time though so i'm sure all that has been cleared up.
Example: I have an EVGA 9800GTX+ that likes to run hot and will over heat from time to time. Example: Last week I got an XFX 5850 that was DOA. Example: I have now had 2 8600GT's that would BSOD windows if any moving images came on the screen.(But they were made by Zotac so it was really my fault for buying them lol) These things are expected though since comp parts pretty much have a 20% failure rate right out of the factory. Its not really a big deal, if something does not work as advertised, you simply RMA it.
Ah cool also i'm just worried that the PSU won't fit in my case. Here's my model...HP Pavilion a6130n
Sorry to bring up a finished topic, but i need help finding another video card that is >200$ and will allow me to run WoW/Valve Games on top 2 settings as the is out of stock = (
thanks for the response, just for reference, what should i look for to determine if it is powerful enough to run the top 2 settings in WoW/Valve games? Also how can you tell if things are compatible?
experience or google, take your pick but it will just so you know Just do some research, but everything I have linked in this thread should work.
Any ideas if the PSU will fit? haha sorry for asking for so much just don't want it not to fit and have to send it back
Hmmm... I have the 5770 and I can multibox to wows on ultra The 260 is overpriced in my opinion and is only good if you hate ati/amd... And ew the 4850? I'd go with the 5770 and be ready for the future of directx 11... or even the 5750 will do fine if you don't have a huge monitor
Can you get some links of those video cards? Thanks! Also before i finally order anything, can anyone tell me what's making it hard to run wow on high settings, also i can't even run 2 wows because the lag makes me D/C on both. Is it just my video card?
No, you have several bottlenecks. Your RAM is unmatched, and slow. Ideally you'd be using at the very least two channel RAM 2x 2gb even if you're on a 32bit machine, atleast your RAM will be matched. Your CPU is poor, and WoW is very CPU dependent, not GPU. Personally I wouldn't invest much money into your current computer's setup. If you're interested in running multiple WoW's your best best is investing in a computer that is a little more up to date. (Stop buying AMD garbage)
Yeah well when we bought the comp it was for my dad and he didn't intend on gaming on it, but then he got a new computer and gave me this one so oh well wanted to see what i could do to help improve it. If i just wanted to run 1 WoW on ultra would my CPU be fine? Just need a new video card?