I found a process with wow starts WowBrewserP,r,o,x,y, which are in Wow-Util folder. I believe this is a new detection for Blizzard and they start ban and suspend our accounts, We can see how many people are getting penalty by days. They are starting banwave! and remember not every Honorbuddy user come and write a tread I got 72 hours suspention too. But I just ignore filling form, because the big problem is Honorbuddy could be detected And by reading of the threads, they are mentioning about P.R.O.X.Y. (take a read the tread 'Banned 1 out of 3 7/17/2013 also appeal fail. And strange reply.' GM replys about that) But this program is now complecated I think. I could easily close the process, that could be a short solution
Dunno what the hell it is.. but the name annoys me enough, do what tech support says in this thread if you want it gone. (not sure if it actually gets rid of it, but it's worth a try) Browser ***** - Forums - World of Warcraft
yeah I found that "browser"as well,I was looking at all I could find bcos my HB and wow were acting a little strange to say the least.HB would stop completely and my toon would fly to the middle of the vally of 4 winds and hang in the air all the way from Townslong steppes.. And yes I did google it but Blizz aint gunna tell you what it really does or all the things it does.I mean what ingame browser are you all talking about I aint got no ingame browser,,lmao ingame browser are you mad? The only thing we can be sure of it is browsing but what is it looking for,strange it runs outside of wow if its an ingame browser no???? As for people saying its safe just bcos google tells them what blizz told google isn't really helpful now is it,I mean it says bisto on the side of buses but they don't sell it do they,so don't always believe what you read. So until someone who knows what they are doing does a reverse engineering job on this "browser"we won't really know what it is capable of doing now will we??
Guys Im not asking if it is a detection. I am saying that it is the detection they are using for this small banwave. Remember not everyone come here and write a tread when they got banned. Number of banned account is increasing anyway. It's up to you to either trust or not, I just highly recommend to aware of the Browser. Fortunatly, the Brewser can be deleted or closed.
Stop yourself. It isn't any new form of detection, you don't have any proof so stop spreading false rumors. I aren't banned, alot of other people aren't banned if what you were saying is true then that wouldn't be the case. It's most likely just a process to help connect the wow browser, not unlikely that the client itself doesn't have the functionality to do this and needs a secondary process to do it.
This process is the Browser that you now get ingame when clicking the big red question mark. It is a way of submitting tickets etc. I am sure this is not being used to detect HB. I would be more worried about the 3 agent.exes that you have!