Enough is enough. Blizzard extended the maintenance GG, NO RE, I QUIT THE GAME. I lose 10 euros every Wednesday with that BS imma call them right now and complain about my botting experience
I am seriously fed up. BLIZZARD HIRE PEOPLE TO FIX THE DAMN SERVERS. Setting up my skype's ***** to throw a call offering 40k gold to prioritise my servers.Seriously even if they accept that, i will be making profit.
you know there is nothing you can about when the servers are gonna be up on maintenance, the only thing you CAN do is just don't conduct business on that one day or you can just schedule sometime in the late afternoon only on that day and save yourself the trouble.
Make a GM ticket on something obscure, and when they talk to you try to right click them and report them. That will teach them.
talk nonsense during your conversation, then leave them a bad review under 'did not understand my issue'
How would cross your mind the idea that i would give a positive review to someone in Blizzard anyway? This kid may be my end
Thats a good idea. I might also inform them that i got cancer and get free 2.000.000 gold. I can go to Thailand with that amount of money and have some lady boys
You have no reason to bitch because you're using hb, if you were a legitimate player you could bitch all you want because you actually worked for ur cash