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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Anonuzer01, It does not appear that the BotBase or Quest Behavior is calling Singular to initiate combat. Each time after Ook-Ook is safely out of the way, there is an extended period of time where Singular is not being called, so it appears to be an issue with the Quest Behavior in effect. Here is one of several occurrences from your log:
      [12:32:35.692 D] Removing 'Ook-Ook' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore![12:32:38.819 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [12:32:38.819 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_29_33
      [12:32:38.982 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [12:32:54.752 D] Avoiding 'Ook-Ook'
      [12:32:55.544 D] 'Ook-Ook' is walking! Reavoiding!
      [12:33:00.329 D] Removing 'Ook-Ook' as a danger - not avoiding him anymore!
      [12:33:00.366 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [12:33:09.128 N] [Singular-DEBUG] warning: 30.7 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
      That pattern seems to repeat for the most part. For now I would suggest completing those quests by hand until it can be looked into. I'll forward a link to this post along, but it may be worth posting one in the HonorBuddy Support thread and just linking back to this one as its not a Singular issue and more likely to gather data from other users encountering problems in that same area with a thread there. Thanks for taking the time to post, -Bobby53
    2. Evansbee

      Evansbee New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      Feels like this still doesn't work since it's still running to melee distance, only now it's in front of the target (often) and breaks stealth. I suspect the issue is related to Helpers.Common.EnsureReadyToAttackFromMelee(), which isn't needed when cloak and dagger is being used, it only needs to be within 20 yds. Need another log?
    3. ESCA

      ESCA New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      2742 arms warrior review

      Hey bobby,

      I am glad you put some of my ideas into the last revision.

      I know radical is what you guy's don't like in singular. never change a running system.

      But here i go again ~

      i still had some bug's. 
      1.)skipping 50% of possible charges ... does Spell.BuffSelf(Common.SelectedShout) while pulling instead of charge.
      2.) Sweaping strikes only with 2 enemy's ... it's also awesome against 5 !!!
      3.) after i had fixed some pull buffs. i did some debug and logic of the pull helper.  Helpers.Common.EnsureReadyToAttackFromMelee()  is wrong if i charge! so i changed that.
      So i traced , debugged and rewrote!

      - Improved AE logic!
      - Improved Charge behavior and pull logic!
      - Side effect's you feel awesome watching it do the job!

      View attachment Common.cs

      View attachment Arms.cs

      so far the warrior.

      now for more serious stuff i found a mayor bug in the mountmanager when fighting neutral mobs with botbase questing the mountmanager is called on the pull while i am on the mount approaching. Singular calls StopMoving.Now(); and questing waits for the mob to be killed. -> endless loop.

      plz fix mountmanager with high priority

    4. RoloTomasi

      RoloTomasi New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Ok bobby.
      I up my char from 1 to 90 level. I use for it Kick's profiles. And all was good till released Honorbuddy 2.5.7407.644 version.
      After this release I've update the Kick's svn folder after rewrite\add Quest Behavior from Kick's folder to bot folder.
      It was 87 level. And hell has begun. Char begun kite in all situation - in the open areas, in door evrewere.
      Its work right only if we have one mob to kill. When there are more mobs - KiteDanceWithDieAtTheEnd has begun.
      Infinitely - "Found mob-free location ...." and die at all.

      I up the char to 90(87-90) by hand.

      ps: sorry for any emotional in my previous post ) i was angry a little)
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ESCA, Thanks for the post. Happy to look at the mount issue, but will need a bug post as described in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. Please be sure to set Debug Logging = true before creating the log. Not quite sure what you mean by radical as I don't consider a check for the Warbringer debuff and fixing a typo for Sweeping Strikes on >= 2 mobs to be crazy stuff. Happy to look at the code you post, but unless it fixes a problem that is obvious, I'm already familiar with, or is represented by a log provided the concepts it represents are unlikely to be incorporated. I'm not seeing it miss on opportunities for casting Charge. Will take a look at your thoughts on AoE. Thanks for the feedback, Bobby53

      Edit: just to follow up, missing 50% of possible Charges must have been a unique situation so would need a log file. Casting Shout shouldn't be removed from Pull, but the circumstances it is used should be refined so that will be in the next release. as for the rewrite of AoE, the only difference was the fix for Sweeping Strikes cast on 2+ mobs which was a needed fix, but rewrite implies a good bit more than that. Please advise if you thought you had attached a different version of the file. As for the call to StopMoving mentioned relative to the mount manager bug, it would likely be due to your change to using pull movement designed for casters (EnsureReadyToAttackFromMediumRange) which should stop at a range rather than melee. If not, would need a log file on that issue as mentioned earlier. Greatly appreciate your input on Singular Warrior. Please be sure though that any issues reported are based upon use of the unmodified version of the code as distributed and include a complete debug log as described above. I
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Again, if you are having a problem or a question carefully follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE].
    7. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is it singular that targets enemy npc like humanoids in k3 it needs to deliver a quest but there is a repair vendor humanoid and try to keep killing him or is it honorbuddy?
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    9. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Hi bobby53,

      another incomplete post here, cause i've got another small suggestion.
      I noticed, my healer (a lvl62 drood, yay!) would (Group/Healing -> Stay near tank) not move around obstacles. Means, staying in range, but behind a wall and not healing.

      I suggest adding the line of sight check :) +move accordingly

      incomplete poster #52352

      e: a cool thing would also to adjust the followrange a bit :)
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Sorry, but it already does that. Movement is handled by both DungeonBuddy (mostly out of combat, but not always) and Singular (mostly in combat, but not always) and both deal with Line of Sight. If you had an issue that you would like me to look into, you'll want to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE].
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Following is primarily non-combat movement, so as described it is a BotBase responsibility. For whatever botbase you are using,try clicking Bot Config. If you are using DungeonBuddy it is called Following Distance. Otherwise you'll want to visit the author's thread for whatever botbase you are using. -Bobby53
    12. ESCA

      ESCA New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      hey bobby,

      thanks for your imput.
      I will explain the logic of my changes in future with outlined edits in the files.

      You can see EnsureReadyToAttackFromMediumRange is used only to ensure charge is not skipped by running to the mob.

      As soon as the Common.CreateChargeBehavior() is done it is calling
            // Move to Melee
      so the bot does not get stuck by my code!

      also that the mount bug thing happens with or without my changes to arms.cs

      my arms.cs works like a charm!

      i fixed the mount problem in the mountmanager:

                 // help HB out and stop immediately if we allow mount to proceed
                  if (e.Cancel == false && StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving && Mount.CanMount() && !StyxWoW.Me.Mounted)
                      Logger.WriteDebug( Color.White, "OnMountUp: stopping to help HB mount quicker (fewer failed mount attempts)");
      i donno why it is called if i am already on a mount but i added !StyxWoW.Me.Mounted and it works.

      keep up the good work,
    13. woofie

      woofie Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      Hi Bobby

      My Bot spams "[Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 25 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User" and then does nothing until I stop and start the bot again. Not sure if its a singular, honorbuddy or profile issue.

      View attachment 5436 2013-07-25 12.50.txt
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ESCA, A couple misconceptions worth clearing up. EnsureReadyToAttackFromMediumRange forces your character to stop when it detects you are moving and within 25 yds of the current target. EnsureReadyToAttackFromMelee forces your character to move if it is not within melee range current target. That will be a source of stop/start/stop/start behavior in the example provided if Charge / Heroic Leap is on cooldown. Since no details on the specific context of the issue were provided, I pointed that out to assist you rather than to challenge that the the 2 lines of code you changed were somehow imperfect. If the vaguely described mount bug occurs without your changes then it should be easy to provide a debug log for, at which point I'm happy to look into it further as it may be indicative a larger problem. At any rate, please feel free to modify the Singular files for your own purposes and share with other members as you see fit, but for changes to be incorporated back into Singular more detail than "my arms.cs works like a charm!" is needed regarding the issues attempting to be solved. Thanks for the post and good luck with your efforts, Bobby53
    15. ESCA

      ESCA New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      ESCA, A couple misconceptions worth clearing up.
      hey bobby,
      no misconceptions this time i am fast learning!
      i know you can't test every single piece of custom code but mine is worth testing.

      no if charge leap or heroic throw are not ready it instantly calls :

      no start stop!!

      but i don't wanna argue with you ... since you leave !Me.HasAura("Charge") in the createchargebehavior()
      a charge buff that does not exist since TBC patch 2.xxxx ect pp

      so what you are sayin is a car is a car and brings me from a to b.
      keep your porsche i don't need it.

      i am ok with that :)
    16. lolinger

      lolinger New Member

      Jun 3, 2010
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      Can u add more selfheal to the DK Frost battleground behavior ?
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Woofie, Thanks for the post with logfile! I'm not sure the logfile associated with that issue was attached though as the message only appears three times throughout the file and doesn't appear to be spammed:
      [10:53:52.779 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 45 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      [10:56:22.509 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 1 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User 
      [10:57:09.388 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 25 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User
      Let me know if I misunderstood the issue. If the identical message is being spammed as you described, it is most likely due to a bug in Singular throwing an exception and causing the message to be output again. However I haven't come across it for that portion of the code so would need a log file that shows the spam (since it should also contain the reason for the exception.) Thanks for your help, Bobby53
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ESCA, I am fully in support of members sharing their Singular mods. The proper way to do that is create your own thread in the Warrior sub-forum. There you can share you work with others that are interested in it and have a place to respond to them on questions about how to use it. As for future posts in the Singular thread, carefully follow the criteria described in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] and I will be happy to respond, otherwise your posts will need to be deleted for not meeting the critieria established by the OP. As for statement you made regarding my error in leaving the !Me.HasAura("Charge") buff check -- I didn't leave it, that is code I purposefully added. Your assessment of that code is one more example of why you should be politely asking questions about how things work rather than extolling the virtues of what you believe you have fixed. Best of luck in your efforts, Bobby53
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There are quite a few options already in place for user control of a Death Knights self-healing and defensive cooldowns. Click the Class Config button. On the General tab you will see options that are common to all Classes (like Potion at Health %, Trinket Usage, etc.) On the Class Specific tab you will see options specifically for Death Knights. If those do not appear to be working as you expect, please post following the steps described in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] and I will be happy to look into it for you. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
    20. Darknight1

      Darknight1 New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      hey having hunter problems keeps dismissing pet over and over installed the latest version for main page i no this was same a month 2 ago any ideas?.

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