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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Stormchasing, Apr 16, 2013.

    1. Sin702

      Sin702 New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      That looks nice for a priest....lets see that with a druid lol ^5 for your awesome work
    2. Sin702

      Sin702 New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      Im having a problem while farming ore while using PR. I know that PR doesn't auto move and auto face target so I use http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...lazyraider-crs-afk-bot-bases.html#post1134014 and it does get me to face the target but doesn't attack the mobs, only spams fearie fire until I go OOM.

      View attachment 5724 2013-07-27 23.08.txt

      In this log you will see that faerie is only casted once sometimes twice. But I assure you it spamed until oom or I manualy went into bear form. and that's the attacks you will see after faerie fire. Im not sure if this is a PR error or a plugin error. Ive posted on the IWM thread as well. im coving both sides in hopes to figure it out. im tired of using Singular cc for farming ore. It doesn't go into bear form until there is only 1 mob left.
    3. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      thanks, patch added
      but could u please add the original patch file, created by svn, to the thread (as attachment)
      sometimes the phpBB software filters some characters and so, which breaks code :)
    4. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      we have no shapeshifting implemented, this is the main issue :)
      since we don't want to cast wrath or anything else (makes no sense while raiding), your toon will die all the time.
      You should use Singular for farming, it does well for that

      --- edit ---
      i'Ve seen that iwm has something like a pull behavior?
      well, try this
      Spell 1 for pulling: Bear Form
      Spell 2 for pulling: Faerie Fire

      this could fix your problem
    5. regecksqt

      regecksqt New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      View attachment Combat.cs.patch.txt
    6. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      when you cleaning all ToT whiout problem whit alters raids, you need extra motivation, and normally are rank in raid and worldoflogs, no kill boss whit 70% or mor? mana.

      But i understand your opini?n
    7. Sin702

      Sin702 New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      I have the skill bear hug which is castable in normal form that forces bear form and still doesn't work. So im guessing the problem is with IWM then. Thank you for looking at it though. If the creator of IWM cant come up with a way to fix it, looks like im stuck with Singular.

      im glad you at least understand my opinion, im just trying to make the point that top healer doesn't mean anything when 60% of his/her heals is over healing and wasting mana. Yes im excited for Oracle to come out myself. but that is in no means cause I need a better heal CC to make me better. Im almost willing to bet, that I can get PR to heal just as good as oracle (numbers wise). but my main excitement about oracle is a possibly a smarter cc. where it knows a little better on who to cast what spell based on current hp and also hopefuly to include priotities on healing. I realy like PR as a healing cc. but its hard to know who is getting what heal cause you cant see who your targeting, only what skill your casting (if it isn't instant).
    8. Stoyo

      Stoyo New Member

      Dec 23, 2012
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      Bro, if this is the most obvious thing I would be really puzzled about your guild. There are way more obvious things - like instant interrupt!! It is not human possible that you interrupt as soon as a mob starts casting a spell!!! On fights were there are a lot of interrupts and they are vital for raid survival, you will always be topping the interrupr count using a bot. And when other players are missing interrupts and you wipe everyone looks at the count. And than they try to interrupt and you always do it before them. And than come the questions.. Interrupting needs delay!!!

      I will be real mad if any changes are made to DnD placement
    9. gregt

      gregt New Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      Works beautifully. thanks.

      I've always interrupted manually or if I am being real lazy use one of the various interrupt plugins on the forums that has a % delay.

    10. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      the changes are already in there ;) but don't worry, they are disabled by default, so that no current rotation / placement is destroyed!

      the interrupting is also a good point, currently we do interrupt instant, but u are right this should also be delayed a bit, and i'm sure i can delay this stuff ... not that hard, the problem i see is the following
      in a raid environment there are mobs that cast an interruptable spell, which turns into uninterruptable after 25% of the casttime, so this is very hard to handle
      a common way for delaying is not that hard ... i can do an interrupt instant, at half of the spell, at the very end of the cast, but there is no way to see that the current spell will turn into an uninterruptable one
      and for the speed of the interrupt ... i've a rogue in my raidgroup which is interrupting very fast without a bot (nearly instant, his reactions are fast as hell)
    11. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      Any chance you can implement Expel Harm for WW Monks? Give an option to use Expel Harm at X health (where X can be configured by the user)
    12. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Added :)
    13. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      Awesome, thanks! One other request, perhaps an odd one.... and this pertains to the CR as a whole. Is there any way to prioritize key presses from the user over the actions taken by the routine?

      For example, I'm spamming expel harm/chi wave/fortifying brew/touch of karma because I'm about to die or i need to use a cooldown at a very specific time, but the routine is performing actions so fast that it will not register my OWN action from the button I'm spamming.... can anything be done about this? I realize you can pause the CR to press your own keys, but that's not ideal if something needs to be pressed at a moments notice, like a touch of karma right when a boss is using a big hitting ability.

      lots of times i end up taking damage from horridon's double swipe because i get in the path and spam touch of karma but the CR won't let me push it, and my raid is like wtf :)
    14. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      Expel Harm option not working - log attached (i have it set to True, and 75% health)

      Attached Files:

    15. Mirabis

      Mirabis Community Developer

      Jun 14, 2010
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      Well even though it is possible to scan for user keys... making it halt might have some unwanted issues tied too it.
      e.g. a Teamspeak hotkey... u still want to dps but now the routine halts because it thinks ur doing something.

      I suggest too use one of the pause keys provided by the botbases.
    16. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      Did you have selfhealing enabled?
    17. Stoyo

      Stoyo New Member

      Dec 23, 2012
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      I dont know which spells turn to uninterruptable. In ToT interrupts are important on Horridon and the mobs before Dark Animus. I haven't seen any spell there that cant be interrupted at any time. I don't pretend to be right.
      Some delay of the interrupt time (like at half-time) would be great imo.

      @all PR developers
      Something off-topic. I have 2 huge issues with HB and most of the CRs:
      1. Most CRs cause my game to freeze. It is to a different extend depending on which CR and which spec I use. Examples: Fury Unleashed is frezing me for 1 sec on like every 20 sec. Singular is unplayable - my game is frozen for like 2 sec on every 5. Superbad is just beautiful - my game never freezes and I have never had the second issue with it (below). Death Vader does not freeze as Frost it Freezes as UH. PR freezes as Frost and does not work at all as UH (issue below).
      I have posted this issue on HB release thread but none cares. I have discussed it with some CR developers and I have been asked to check on which spell is that happening - it is not happening on any specific spell.
      I am pretty sure this has to do with Processor being overloaded. It was happening before when I was using some poorly written CRs. This issues has become a real PAIN with latest HB releases. On most fights if you freeze for 1 sec every 10 sec you will die and in many cases will cause a wipe! Than how am I supposed to use HB?! I maybe have a worse Processor than most of you guys and I can feel this shit a lot better, but I am 100% sure my hardware is fully able to handle this poor game and 1 session bot. I was running 6 of both some time ago on the very same PC without any problems!
      2. Many CRs are working just fine after fresh install or on dummy and are bugging when I enter a raid or heroic scenario. Biggest issue with this is with Death Vader UH spec. It works like a charm on the dummy, than I go on tho raid with it and it is just keeping deseases on target or sometimes not even that. I am about to cry when I am doing 150k on the dummy and 5 min later in raid I am just watching my toon sitting there with all runes up and full RP. I had the same issue with Demonic a few times.
      Again, Fury Unleashed never had this problem; Superbad never had it. PR had it at a point and I think you Storm managed to fix it. I remember the case. It must be something with HB regional settings, as these CRs are working fine with some people and do nothing for others.

      I really need help on that stuff!
    18. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      What if it was just 1 specific key that we assign, and when this key is pressed, it overrides everything else in the CR. This would be very useful if you're in a kick rotation on a certain boss, and need to ensure the kick goes off.
    19. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      Yes I do
    20. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      Ok for the people following oracle...... and wanting some updates. This an LFR log, first boss of ToT....I know it is a somewhat skewed fight because of the buff but this will give you an idea.

      I twoboxed this fight, I healed on two characters Disc Priest with Oracle(no cooldowns whatsoever) Mistweaver Monk with Pure(no cooldowns other than life cocoon) Handled movement myself.

      Healing done, Disc priest top heals, monk second heals.

      Overhealing, monk number 2 disc priest number 4. Just to give you guys an update hope you like.

      Attached Files:

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