SOLVED! - Char not moving SOLVED FOR ME!!! I've clicked in "Class Config", selected the "General" tab and changed the last option (Targeting) to "None". Working fine now.
Still is not turning in quests and there is a new bug, it will say checking for script updates and idle forever until you press stop and start again.
Please attach a log. Edit: Quest turnins are handled by the script and they all require the bot to be within close proximity of the quest turnin NPC ( around 75 meters or less). This could mean your bot needs to run the same instance at least twice and unless you're pretty unlucky or have RAF xp bonus you have a high chance of seeing same instance more than once before out-leveling it when running randoms.
looks like a new bug slipped in new HB release. A quick work-around is to load a HB profile that is valid for current character. I attached an empty profile that can be used
Gibt es nur bei mir Probleme mit DungeonBuddy er sagt mir immer wenn ich starte "Checking for Script Updates". Mein Englisch ist nicht so gut um da das in englisch zu schreiben. Habe die Probleme auch mit BETA-Version
Lade dir das Profil welches Highvoltz 2 posts weiter oben gepostet hat. Ist zwar nur ne Behelfsl?sung aber es geht
Edit: does not help, must be something else Just close HB in instance and start it again and it will hang at script updates. after pressing start/stop it works
Another issue: DB is not able anymore to get back into scholomance after dying. it turns right after entering the building instead of turning left and using the instance portal. normal as well as on heroic.
Next scholomance issue: tank does not complete fight with jandice barov. as soon as jandice starts to spin and mirrors, the tank targets the mobs in the next room, not fighting jandice anymore. rusulting in constant wipes. normal and heroic
Next one in scholomance: viewing room, the way, the mob-groups are pulled is ridicolous... wiping all the time: tank pulls and runs from mobs, healer heals and gets aggro - bam - dead. dps hitting the mobs, tank still running away. dps gets aggro - oh no heal anymore... bam dead. what the ?? i remember a few weeks ago scholomance was completly afk'able, but now it's an absolute No-Go. It makes me very sad when I see where HB and its formerly good additions go. Dire maul doesn't work since months - nobody cares for it.
Last week tanks would pull bosses in "scholololo" (heroic) before trash was killed. Days before that things ran fine. I feel your pain IIja, DB seems very susceptible to issues and consistentcy. It's a great side project that many of us wish got more attention. Over the last few months certain areas improve, while other new issues pop up. A few months ago I couldn't run any heroics. I'm geared nearly the same and many are possible for me now.