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  • [Warlock] Kanrethad Ebonlocke (Green Fire) ~ PureRotation Style

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Millz, Mar 18, 2013.

    1. rdw1127

      rdw1127 New Member

      Jun 24, 2013
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      How are you doing this at 480 ilvl?
      I'm 507 and the bot isnt doing enough dps...

      I'm not dpsing the bot is, im only helping out on imps...how is that me doing something wrong?
      All mechanics covered..im just hitting enrage timer.

      im using raid bot/pure rotation, is there a better bot?
    2. face21

      face21 Member

      Jan 14, 2011
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      use a purification potion
    3. face21

      face21 Member

      Jan 14, 2011
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      here is my strategy that I used I dont have that good of gear I posted it the other day but ill post again for you guys to see it

      "I used this routine for Kenrethad and it worked like a charm once I learned the fight myself and I didnt use the strategies available, the strategy I did was, first thing is get a "purification potion"(or however many you need), next thing is you need to know is that the spell "Cataclysm" can be out ran, so if you happened to lose your enslave on the pitlord, and Kenrethad starts casting cataclysm, run down the stairs located at the back of the room, also just a note that as soon as you lose the enslave it helps to just kite all the mobs around the pillar near the stairs, so Kenrethad cant chaos bolt you and the other reason is to out run possible Cataclysm's by running down the stairs near by. I lost control over my demon on both fel hunter phases and still beat him, the next thing is when to use the purification potion, I used mine at 1.5 mins left on the debuff, just make sure that no other curse/magic/disease is on you before you use the potion, I think it only takes away one of them."
    4. rdw1127

      rdw1127 New Member

      Jun 24, 2013
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      That increases dps?

      Edit:Ohhhh wait, that allows you to keep going past the timer?? When do I pop it, right before timer ends?
    5. face21

      face21 Member

      Jan 14, 2011
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      I do it at 1.5 mins but you can wait till last second if you want you may not be able to get it off though
    6. rdw1127

      rdw1127 New Member

      Jun 24, 2013
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      Potion worked like a charm, cleansed the enrage timer debuff completely at 1.5 min mark = Win

      Wooo Whoooo......I got my green fire! Thanks for the help!
    7. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The routine will auto use the purification potion, you just need to have it in your inventory. Again, all of this information is on the first post.
    8. face21

      face21 Member

      Jan 14, 2011
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      congrats and you are welcome
      I didnt realize you had it set up for the potion, I had it in my bag the first time I died to the debuff and it didnt use it
    9. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It'll only use it once you don't have the other debuffs on you, otherwise it can be wasted. No harm popping it manually though of course providing you dont have agony etc on you.
    10. CotySr

      CotySr New Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I just did this using your CC and it worked pretty well. Well enough that I got my green fire after about 20-30 wipes. The only reason it took so long is because there were a few things I did differently and some links are broken on the first page. For those that are having trouble, I will tell you some of the things that really helped me get it.

      1. Put your portals closer to your demonic circle.
      2. Know the routine that the adds are spawned and keep track. Imps -> Fel hunters -> Doom guard -> Imps -> Fel hunters -> Doom guard, etc, etc.
      3. Don't be afraid to get up on the boss. Standing nearly on top of the boss will allow you to make sure to get hit by the breath from the pit lord.
      4. DO NOT use burning rush. The bot keeps putting it on and caused me to die several times.
      5. Make sure to use the macro provided by the OP to re-enslave the pit lord before the second fel hunter phase.
      6. Stand close to the demonic portal that is furthest away from your demonic circle. The other end is the one right by your demonic circle (You should be able to use your demonic circle the second you get through your portal). As soon as he starts casting chaos bolt -> use the portal and the bot will automatically cast to teleport you to your circle.
      7. About 10 seconds before the fel hunter phase, make sure you are within sight of where you will click to make your pit lord move to your demonic circle to LoS the fel hutners. This is the most important part of the fight. Sit with your cursor over where you want him to go, and as soon as it appears for the "move to" icon, click it and then run to the right to draw the fel hunters away from the pit lord. If a fel hunter does not start immediately to you, be ready to manually cast something on him to bring him to you.
      8. Glyph of enslave demon is a huge plus.
      9. The CC does not AoE the imps very well. I would manually cast fire and brimstone and target the imps. I would also stand on top of the imps so the breath from the pit lord would get them as well.
      10. Make sure to send the pit lord to attack the boss. Most of the time he would stand by my side if I did not send him. May be a glitch I was experiencing, but the pit lord actually does a lot of damage to the boss and one time I hit the enrage because he was not attacking.

      This was still a bitch of a fight even with the help of this cc. I hope this helps everyone that is having trouble.
    11. Opiium

      Opiium New Member

      May 3, 2013
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      Done with 499 ilvl mixed tyranical and raid finder-gear, couldnt make it with full tyranical.
      Did a few own moves that i heard about on youtube. Tyvm. Most usefull pointless CC ever :D
    12. sharpndagger

      sharpndagger New Member

      Sep 17, 2011
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      Just got my green fire, I spent 5k in repairs trying it on my own. Got it on my 4th try :) thanks man
    13. TheKrazed

      TheKrazed New Member

      Nov 7, 2012
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      Just got this with my 525 lock. Gotta say, it was tight... Was 2 seconds off the timer cause I got doom straight off the bat (usually teleport to escape it). Worked well once I fully understood what needed to happen. 5 attempts total.
    14. hayno

      hayno Member

      Jul 30, 2012
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      done it 463 ilvl in 3 days flask,purification potion, food and of course with this routine and i must say it did help me alot but still ther is some problems with move to los ,cc keep spawming the spell wish was hard to keep the (move to)key of the pet ,what i did i add to deselect every time my targets ,anyway thanks for the creators of this combat routine ,and i wish gl to the ones u are tryng to get it
    15. cryogenicrooster

      cryogenicrooster New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      Thank you Millz for spending the time effort and gold to create this routine, it work just awesome. It is wonderful that you were prepared to share your work with the community -- much respect.

      Once you know the mechanics of the fight and how the bot handles things everything works really well. Thanks to all the others in the recent pages on their advice also. I was ilevel490.

      On the 7 attempt got it to 13% but hit the enrage and didn't have any purification potions :| however, after a few more attempts once I got to the 2min mark I used the potion with other debuffs worn off and it gave me the extra time I needed. Fantastic.

      Only other thing I can add from my experience is reiterating what others have said.

      - Once you enslave the pit lord for the first time use your control+1 to send the pet attack to the boss;
      - The dps increase is awesome from the pitlord. Just before the pit lord spawns untarget the boss manually a few seconds before otherwise you will still be casting and the pit lord will charge and stun you;
      - make sure you have good line of sight just before the first wave of fel hunters spawn and move your mouse the the location just behind the portal and hover there the bot will cast the pet move;
      - manually do some rain of fire on imps and the flame breath of the pit lord helps too;
      - it is imperative to dismiss your pit lord during the 10seconds before the summoning of the doom guards. If you can't somehow manage to hit your macro that Millz provided, right click it dismiss.. leave it targeted and the routine will enslave again;
      - I positioned my portal behind the wall and the gateway from the wall at the back to the middle section where you fight the boss, the same as I found in video called "green fire quest last boss in pvp gear" by Shootkey on youtube (was very helpful).

      Good luck to everyone else and thank you again Millz.
    16. markorply

      markorply New Member

      Aug 17, 2013
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      This does not work for me, bot doesn't kill imps and I get killed at fel hunter stage as bot doesn't self heal either and pretty much prevents me from self healing too
    17. Simoz1337

      Simoz1337 Member

      Apr 4, 2012
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      Why does the pitlord attack the boss when i move it? causes me to wipe
    18. gj.bot

      gj.bot New Member

      Jun 3, 2013
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      same here. I move the pitload to LoS position and it just comes back and attacks again -.-
    19. cryogenicrooster

      cryogenicrooster New Member

      Nov 3, 2010
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      Not sure whether this would help you or not. I found this out in a video:

      "Pit Lord will randomly lose Enslave Demon unless your spell hit is at least 9%. This is not a glitch. Enslave Demon has a 5 min duration and, if not capped, every minute the game will "roll" to see if Enslave Demon breaks or not. PvP gear will run into this problem. Just reforge until 9%"
    20. gj.bot

      gj.bot New Member

      Jun 3, 2013
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      i have the full hitcap :p
      thanks though
      I think I know why: I hadnt aggro on all 3 fel hunters so 1 "ate" the enslave from the pitlord. As far as i found out, you dont have to move the pit lord to the LoS position you can simply move him to the right or left and you stand in front of the gate to get aggro on all fel hunters, burst them down and move on :)

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